Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here.
This is for Shuaiby.
Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here.
This is for Shuaiby.
rip the anime fag
I commited suicide once
how did it go anyon
Help me bros, how do I an hero without pussying out?
Listen to 4th of July by Soundgarden and don't even think. Just do.
i like chicken wings dude.
do you like chicken to?
chicken wings friend!
I have a friend that's trying to become a suicide girl
Even if you don't like life are you still happy to have been born in this time period? If you were born before the Internet would your choice of method be different?
>Do cardio exercises
>Lift weights
>Stop eating sugar
>Take Omega-3, Daily multivitamin, and Vitamin D supplements
>Drink half a gallon of water everyday
There you go.
The anti-suicide.
Nice BS advice...
>not pussying out
t.has never attempted suicide
Suicide takes an incredible amount of willpower and for those who have done it I have nothing but respect for them. You're literally overpowering life itself and the desire to live. It is so hardcoded into us our survival instincts that surmounting them is almost impossible without the help of drugs or something else like a mental illness.
Stare down a highway or down a very high up bridge then try to jump. Or try to hang yourself and watch your life slowly fade away, your vision darken, your memories all screaming at you not to do it and feel an existential dread like no other. Only then will you understand that suicide takes some fucking guts. It is those who survive like me who are the biggest pussies of all.
>Do everything there
>You'll stop being depressed to the point of desiring death
I don't see how it's BS.
Can you pull out your scientific evidence that it's wrong?
I want to die and I don't want to tell anybody besides strangers on the internet nor tell them why
This bitch is went to hs with attempted suicide now she's mega rich. I attempted suicide now I'm mega retarded. Tfw women even have the upper hand with suicide
It never gets any better does it?
>mega retarded
literally or figuratively?
This works but is 99% placebo also good sleep can help aswell
>mfw i do 3 of these 5 things and i'm still suicidal
I know the feeling. People end up putting you in a psych ward for saying something meant to be between you and them. Not only that they'd be overemotional about your disclosure.
Death is everything that you knew before you were born. I'm ready to return to it.
sorry meant can't telling them but wanting
I already have a problem with not saying anything when I want to say something
a psych ward may be better, maybe than people will be aware of my existence
so I screwed up my last suicide attempt and I think my organs are gradually shutting down, my question is should I confess what I did, humiliate my family even further, and get treatment/committed to a psych ward, or should I just end everything already? I know if I do I'll be drowning in debt for the rest of my life
>It is those who survive like me who are the biggest pussies of all.
based and redpilled
if your organs are shutting down then you hit the lottery. Sure it might be painful death but it will eventually kill you. NEVER under any circumstances tell anybody close to you about your attempt. I made that mistake once and have zero outs at my disposal. Go for a second attempt but before you do, read. Read like crazy. This is the most important thing you will ever do in your life and depending on the method fucking it up has sever consequences. I'm sure you already know that though. But read autopsy's, police reports, medical journals. Anything and everything you can find on the method you've chosen before you do. Hope this helps user. I'll be joining you soon if I can get access to a certain chemical in my country. Sorry for the longpost but from one attemptee to another, soldier on. Don't fall for the normalcattle blue pills trying to pull you back and make you suffer with them.
my neurodegenerative disease is progressing more and more each month and i am on the cusp of having to abandon my 'normal' daily life because it's getting too hard and I can't keep it up. today was one of my worst episodes yet. i lost about 30 minutes of memory while shopping and lost one of my personal items during the noise. i couldn't even retrace my steps to find it because I didn't know where I had been.
I want to die, but I don't think I can bring myself to suicide.
How did she try to do it anyways? Just out of curiosity.
if you don't mind me asking, what sort of neurodegenerative disease is it user? sorry to hear you're going through such an ordeal
Definitely don't think about how you'll probably end up paralyzed, and you're mother will push you around in a wheelchair for the rest of your extremely long miserable life, the ultimate ironic punishment for your final act of incompetence
Always think positive,
i think about ending it from time to time because everyday is just pain but then it's still possible for me to get a future and im too pussy
you're gonna die eventually anyway, what's the point in rushing, if you have really nothing to lose then go somewhere else and see what you can find
>tfw other than dreaming about suicide all the time I have fantasies where I fake my own death, change my name and move somewhere else and get a blue collar job where no one bothers me
It's a childish fantasy of mine but maybe I can escape my past this way. About as fresh of a start you can get right. I don't know anymore. Life seems so bleak from down here. Endless pain with brief periods of joy in between but that joy is like a candle. Getting more and more dim by the second. Now I need to drink everyday just to keep that candle burning for just a little longer.
Diagnosed when I was 17. First sign was a near-overnight loss in my speech clarity. Parents initially thought I had a stroke or something. Disease lied dormant for years without any further progression, which was odd because teenage detection of this disease usually results in fast decline and death by mid 20s, and I am in late 20s. But in last 3 years things have suddenly kicked into overdrive and I am losing my mind and body each and every day. It's true cruelty to waste away and have your gifts taken from you one after the other.
the world is a pretty big fuckin place user, there's always something else going on over the next hill if you can make the effort to walk there