Be honest
>tfw cyborg
Robot Test
I'd say it's accurate
>Slightly strange
I picked up most of my points on the social. My careful study of how to behave around people as a child has allowed me to blend in pretty well. Maybe I've gone too far down the rabbit hole though.
hey normiescum
Are you me?
Physical: 13
Mental: 18
Social: 31
Accomplishment: 13
Bonus Round: 7
Total: 82
>Slightly Strange
120 holy shit I'm just a regular dude lmao and yall actually believe this shit...? I thought this was a meme autism board, I can see...
Chad/stacey? Wow what an absolute faggot. Leave.
I sent this to my younger brother and sister.
Brother got 122, sister got 143.
I got 76
is your sister cute?
how big are her boobs?
34: Wizard Apprentice
there is no worse fate than being a cyborg
the fact you did this should be like a -30 you fucking autist
physical 18
mental 20
social 14
accomplishment 18
bonus 25
75 - cyborg
would be higher but I've never had a bf or sex
>bonus round
the cutoffs should probably all be pushed lower tbqh
ALL women would naturally start off at "slightly strange" minimum
Scored an 89...
I'll see myself out now.
Normalfags please kys
sorry guys, I'll leave; most of my points only came from Physical/Social. Mentally I'm a hot mess. Looking good and having friends is a big meme it doesn't get any better guys o/
cyborg femanon
High end of the robot category.
Worst part is I used to be a cyborg but then things went downhill I guess.
I'm female as well, would love to see what the average fembot score is.
I am almost to normiedom.. If only I was going forward rather than backwards.
Wait what?
Gone from slightly strange to 132 "successful" in the past 2 years. I think almost everyone can make it.
Plot twist! Holy...
>tfw 0 social points
Any tips
>Have 0 points in accomplishments
would be 39 if not for having a job/'friends'
me orgy
>tfw mental score of 2
ITT: insecure faggots deliberately score themselves lower than they really are to fit into their category of choice
Cyborg but only because I have a job and some friends, still a kissless virgin
This can't be real
looks like i'm outta this place
I went from Normalfag to Wizard apprentice in 3 years
I thought I was fine after getting high results on the Mental and Physical scores but Christ the last three butchered me.
On Social, In short I have a lot of childhood issues so I really don't like it when people want sex out of me or even a relationship, I enjoy flirting but the second I notice people actually like me I really just want to get out of the situation as I'm overcome by this overpanic and I can only think of my mum whoring about, the doctor is there as I'm essentially recovering from a TBI that was found out about far too late to really do anything about, accomplishments I'm young and can fix, bonus round, I'm shocked it wasn't lower, mental, I'm mostly good with the exception of a chronic pain in the right side of my brain.
PhD student
Rage in
chad/ stacy category but all my points are from physical and social. mental category is bleak. doesn't feel like that category fits at all honestly
Scored 13. Taste my fireballs, you double niggers.
It's kinda nice seeing my score go up a little every year. Tbf once a person gets one girlfriend and has sex their score increases by at least 20 or 30.
80: Cyborg
Basically the purgatory of identities
43. Fuck, I'm getting worse
Get the fuck off my board, normalscum
Got a solid 90
people who get over 50 should unironically be banned
finally did one of these honestly
spot on
well into the middlefags i go i guess
Im slightly strange at a 88
Physical: 29
Mental: 22
Social: 6
Accomplishment: 8
Bonus Round: 7
I'm a cyborg, feels good to be living in the future huh?
And that was thanks to the fact that I had an ex
years ago...
I did one for who I am now, and who I SHOULD be by at least Febuary/March once I'm in the Air Force.
I'll go from a 103 to a 135
I'll be your FWB Sexting partner if you want.
I try to limit my exposure to Jow Forums when possible, i've worked hard to get where I am today
22 in total.
Bonus round
If you pick female or that you've had a relationship/sex you should start of with 59 points as your base score.
United States Air Force. Join the military if you want your life to improve. Seriously. I use to be like an uppe 90 before this.
Upper 80*
Wizard apprentice.
I'm actually kind of surprised I scored so low; I have a good relationship with my family and no addictions.
Yeah, it was always weird for me that it isn't a rule like that already in the image.
>female robots
>tfw 54 female
>tfw will never ever find love or someone to be with
>female robot
lmao sure
post tits at least
On the bright side you could date from 0 to ~82 no problem.
31 get. I've been around this number for about a year now. I guess I'm done for.
i still remember the day I graduated to cyborg. one of these days ill make it to normalfag
61 so cyborg I dont identify as a robot but I don't feel like a cyborg either because I'm too autistic and hikki for the normies I guess it works though
I'm a goddamn normalfag. how?
Everyday I wish for the sweet embrace of death
I just scored 14 and I really fucking hate all these normalfags who scored more than 30, please leave this board you don't belon here
scored 42/43 give or take 1
there is still hope
This desu, normalscum don't belong here
how the fuck do you retards get any less than 60 jesus
>slightly strange, what I thought
> Physical
> Mental
> Social
> Accomplishment
> Bonus
> Total
74: Cyborg
66 total, cyborg
i hate being this way
>scored 15
Someone please kill me