Borderline Personality Disorder Club

I wonder if I will ever have a friendship that I don't destroy with my paranoia, self-hatred, and boiling rage.
Who am I kidding, I won't.

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my gf has bpd. we been seeing eachother for nearly 2 years.
It's not impossible

Haha I am 25 and haven't had any of that yet. Only more despair in my life. It only gets worse

psych nurse here. bpd is medical jargon for shitty person.

this desu, to this day I think BPD is a made up diagnosis to give women an excuse for having shit behaviour and not wanting to take responsibility for it

Ah, and here we have the "le bee pee dee is just in theyre minds!" brainlets. Whats good niggers?

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I am more than just a bad person. I am in insanity in its purest form. I am the face of madness. I am a poison that corrupts everything it touches, that turns all to dust. Nobody, not even the kindest saints I have ever known, have been willing to stay by my side. Nor can I blame them.

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How many times has she admitted to cheating on you?

If it's not a fake disease then tell me why almost all classical BPD symptoms go away over time as a person gets older, and the ones that are left, things like depression and self-isolation, are symptoms of other mental disorders?

akane == shit
rikka == shit

Look at the symptoms of BPD and tell me that's not just someone being a selfish irrational asshole. There's a reason the diagnosis is like 8 times more common in women.

>implying she has
she has not

I hope you're having fun being cheated on. Those girls will cuck you at the drop of a hat.

OP here. I admit to having cheated on everyone I've dated.

Not while I'm in my right mind. But whenever I'm in a dissociated trance, I can be very nihilistic and not care about anyone else.

I'm a bad person who has done many bad things and hurt many good people. I'm hated for a reason.

haha i think i know you

HAHA BPD! BPD! BORDERLINE PERSONALITY POO POO! Good job on your award. I am so proud. I am rule 34 incredible hulk with complimentary shit rolls. Nothing exists except for my fists. I locked pink panther bob in my room and began chasing his bitch ass around. I hooted and hollered like a madman and made gurgling sounds so loud and hard that saliva was churning onto my walls and pounded my fists into the ground and pretended to be a passing away orangutan.

Every time that pink fuck felt safe and relaxed after a previous bout of madness I began throwing a surprise birthday party fit for my birthday pink panther whore and pounded the walls like an ape making the most disgusting and extreme sounds possible to try and terrify the shit out of this prey. I cornered the pink shit and its eyes were so gouged wide open I could feel the despair seeping into its hopelessness and I dropped to the floor and rolled around back and forth back and forth back and forth around talked the pink boy into complete submission crying on the floor for disbehavior and chaotic antics whilst I admired the textures of the furniture my great, great aunt had installed during my time in hell.

The wood had so many textures it was beautiful I stared at it absent mindedly and just kissed the wood. So much texture. The pattern is amazing. I love it. You know, I felt an urge to grab pink panther prey strangle and wrangle it around like some kind of bestial stress toy but I realized that I didn't want that to happen to me so I abstained from such an act. I will not hurt living organisms. I am a good human. I am a good human. I am a good human. I will not wrangle and mangle the pink panther god in the sky that shits out money nuggets for all of the villagers to beget good tidings. Winter will not kill the general population off until we starve from neglect. YAY!

Cats are nice. I will not hurt them. I chase it around and shout and holler and petrify it but it's all in good humor. I just want the

Avoid bpd girls like the plague. That shit is bad news on so many levels.

eesh, who hurt you.

BPD are people who need an exceptional amount of love and caring from someone to help them get over their childhood trauma. They also need to be set boundaries and not be allowed to use guilt and other tactics to manipulate the people caring for them. In time someone with BPD can recover but don't even bother trying to be their friend or partner unless you are in it for the long run. This can not be healed quickly.

OP here...
So, the way to help me get better is... put me through incredible amounts of pain. Hmm. Sounds legit. Maybe we should help starving people in Africa by taking away the little food they have.

Yes, since people with BPD are really just assholes who've had their shit behaviour indulged for their whole life, having people actually treat you like you aren't special will cure you eventually no matter how "painful" you think that sounds.

Here's a better question: if millions of psychiatrists are just phonies and BPD isn't real, why can BPD literally be seen in brain scans when compared to a non-BPD brain?

I fucked this girl with BPD and she had no issues with cheating on her boyfriend.

It might change some of our behavior, but it won't cure us. We'll just repress ourselves more.

>not be allowed to use guild and manipulation
As some one with a bpd GF this is a really challenging aspect of the relationship as i feel i must always be on my toes.

>Psychologists (not psychiatrists) are never wrong
>Psychology and neurology is the same thing
>BPD is 100% understood and so is the brain, look at my MRI scans that means BPD is part of your brain teehee

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you clearly weren't good enough

Learn to act like a fucking human and stop pretending you're special.

>I said its not real all those educated people are wrong I just don't think it's real haha

What part of having someone who is loving, patient and understanding of your condition sounds painful?

Completely agree. You've chosen a very hard relationship but in the end she will get better thanks to your patience. You really have to be "the adult" in the relationship and I agree it is not easy.

Those same educated people agree that classic BPD symptoms go away over time. It's almost universal. You won't find 40+ year old cutters and lovebombers.

are stpd allowed in here? if not i understand

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What's STPD?
But yes, all mentally ill anons are welcome ^^

that short for "stupid"? If so you'll fit right in, yeah

At what, exactly?

But those same people acknowledge that BPD exists, unlike you. The symptoms also don't disappear overtime for everyone.

Fuck I've been waiting for this thread
I'm drunk and want to McFucking kill myself ama

My 74 year old aunt is still pretty wild and constantly stirring drama.

Take your meds.

I've been living fine with BPD for a decade. Also be mindful. Even on meds, you're going to get black/white thinking. When you start feeling that shit...relax...calm down and don't say anything stupid.

>tfw found out ex who had BPD killed herself a couple weeks ago

Still broken up over it. When I found out I just drank all night and cried. She was such a sweet girl, she had the softest voice that I still hear in my dreams sometimes.

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>Tfw bpd gf and we've talked since April.
She's crazy but only like 10% of the time. She just wants attention that's her only trigger. That and not being cheated on. Some of you may have it worse but I hardly notice her diagnosis most days. She blocks me and tells me she hates me every few weeks but she always comes back so that's nice. I got her into healthy dieting and she's been losing weight and that's also great.

to put it succinctly it's having an atypical perception of reality and instinctively thinking everyone else is strange for thinking more normally. there's a pretty high comorbidity rate with bpd i've been told
yeah that's an even more succinct way to put it

>then tell me why almost all classical BPD symptoms go away over time as a person gets older
>There's a reason the diagnosis is like 8 times more common in women.
Couldn't possibly be a dysfunctional neurological response developed by foids in infancy and reactive to their cyclically changing pre-wall hormonal profiles.

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Tell me why I'm a dude that's diagnosed with BPD

Because your mother fed you onions in vitro.

I'm sorry to hear that, user. I live in a moderate but genuine fear of one day hearing the news that my ex has killed herself. I'm sure it's terrible. I hope you find the strength to carry on.

Actually, he quite literally said it.

The answer is no
Fucking kill tiurself. All you fucking things do is ruin other's lives in some of the worst ways possible and then can't even grasp how fucked up you are and continue your path of destruction. You're as bad as a fucking pedophile.

You WILL regret it.
Trust me. A day will come when you'll vaguely remember when Jow Forums told you but it will be too late.

Hmm... I suppose.
But on the bright side, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Pain is just weakness leaving the body, as they say. If that's true, I've made a whole lot of people much, much stronger.

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>trust any cunt from this board
imagine being THIS retarded

You're here too retard, you don't have any compunctions with trusting your own pathetic codependent ass.

Imagine not realizing BPD can be effectively treated with STEPPS and DBT and thinking that it's an incurable disorder

>you're here too retard.
Sick baseless assumption, shitsneeze. You need to come to terms with the fact that people can visit this place and still not get hooked in.

Still takes fucking years, like almost a decade of consistent therapy and effort.
>"Baseless assumption"
Most psychologists consider merely dating a borderline for any extended period of time as a huge, glaring, almost undeniable indicator of low self esteem and emotional codependence.

Maybe it's related to neuroplasticity? Epigenetics? Lack of an explanation isn't a substitute for an explanation you handsome brainlet.

>Most psychologists consider merely dating a borderline for any extended period of time as a huge, glaring, almost undeniable indicator of low self esteem and emotional codependence.
Source? Otherwise you're backing your baseless assumption with a baseless assumption.

>Sick baseless assumption, shitsneeze. You need to come to terms with the fact that people
can visit this place and still not get hooked in.

Struck a nerve now, have we?

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>tfw had the chance to fuck a borderline milf but missed it
I hate being a moral and pussy retard, now i'm going to die virgin

I had a Borderline mother that fucked me up as a child, it's why I became a Robot

>Have BPD
>I don't become a psychotic or rude person, just very paranoid of being hated or a burden and emotionally sad or detached.
>then become super animated and full of energy depending if my BPD want's to give me a bone or not.
>don't even know if my therapist fucked up their analysis of me, considering I keep hearing these horror stories of people having BPD and being completely nuts and Khorne berserker incarnate.

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