Tfw we eventually have to accept the fact that we are ugly. We are genetic trash and we will always be alone...

tfw we eventually have to accept the fact that we are ugly. We are genetic trash and we will always be alone. Jfl if you are an average male in 2018. You have to be at least a 7+/10 Chad to even get a landwhales these days
t. incel

Attached: Rkioe6q.jpg (2448x3264, 259K)

>have to be a 7/10

literally doesn't even work anymore.
i don't how the fuck people's standards got so screwed up, i'm a 8/10 and i can't even get a fucking text back from some of these girls.
literally have seen literal near-landwhale type girls act like this towards handsome guys.

Ugly women generally accept their ugliness and don't see themselves as some bronze age conquistador or princess like 90% of the incel movement does.
Why are incels such whiney little cunts? Everyone has shortcomings you guys just focus on yours to the point that it interfers with your social life as well as mental health. Put half that effort into bettering yourself instead of complaining and try for more attainable women.

You aren't even bad looking, but I can tell from your facial expression and posture that you are bitter and full of a lot of self loathing. Work more on your personality because your features are above average, they just need a bit of oomph behind them. Incel/MGTOW shit is repellent to women and they can smell it on you...

> Incel/MGTOW shit is repellent to women and they can smell it on you...

Tell that to my 20 plus lays this year faggot. Women can't smell anything but confience and a big dick. Looks and attitude are everything. I can literally tell women how much I fucking hate women and they'll only love me more.
>he hates women so I know he won't cheat.

Lmao, you had to be meming when you said that.

That guy is average-looking though
I'd date him if I knew him and liked his personality

over exposed upper eyelids
shit tier eyebrows
negative canthal tilt
no cheekbones
no jaw
shit hairline
non white

Lmao no he's either 12 or a legitimate 3/10.

>he hates women so i know he won't cheat

Where did I say that? Shut up you mad roastie I'm actually trying to help him. Troll for screenshots elsewhere

If he actually had some confidence and better posture and some light behind his eyes it would do a lot for his features. Stop being a cunt you lolcow

Stop virtual signaling you roastie trolls.
He's brakes the cardinal three:
Bad eye area
Weak chin
Not white.
He's pretty much fucked but he gets bonus points for not knowing how to take a remotely decent selfie. That alone will do you in on nigger tinder.

He literally looks like a normal guy if you crop out his big ass forehead and small jaw.

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I think you might be retarded, it's okay. Try reading that comment again or maybe ask someone with a little reading comprehension to explain it to you.

Im a 5 out of 10 at most and ive been dating the same 7/10 chick for 5 years. Literally just try to get chicks to focus on other parts of you. And be confident it may be a meme since some are honestly too ugly but if you can be masculine in otber ways she might turn a blind to your face

I think his eye area is cute. I bet his eyes look so sexy when he is looking at someone he loves. Handsome conquistador eyes/10

You're the one who is only here to make him feel worse and insult people. What a life you have there schlomo

Lmao, if only you could do that irl.

I literally did not say that anywhere or imply it

Fucking dumbass roast

I'm not virtue signaling, just telling the truth
He has cute eyes and good eyebrows. His face is very symmetrical, and he has good skin. Sure, he has more feminine features, but you're delusional if you genuinely think he's hopelessly ugly.

Now he looks like a pretty little 12 year old. Pedo roasties would fuck.

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he could start growing out his hair instead of having that shitty ass haircut he got going on there.
he could also try growing a beard

people commenting mean shit on this are all the same looking short white dudes with male pattern baldness who wonder why asian women like me refuse to date them

I love that advice, look at his face. He cannot grow a beard. He'll likely end up like me and my genetics.
>head full of hair.
Choose one.
I could stop the dht blockers and inject it and grow a nice beard, I have the genetics. But I'd be bald within a few years. I'm on dht blockers now.

He has feminine features because he used to be a tranny who was on estrogen for up to a year. Hes now detransitioned because hes a dumbass. Nonetheless hes not ugly like all the bitter incels here claim him to be.

No one cares about your hormone shit tranny. Stop being rude to people just because they aren't as miserable as you

finally, the prototypical cheeklet

I'm a half 6ft half nig with crazy hair and a bulk muscular body so I don't think it's possible for me to be further from your shitty little generalization, chink.

you sound sexy as hell but alright nignog

Haha, I know the game nigger, and I know genetics. I'm not a foggot robot incel like you. That boy is fucked.

Why are you claiming to be incel and then saying "at least i'm not a faggy incel like you" what a miserable retard you are

not her but I have a thing for mulattoes. You guys are sexy.
t. asian fembot

Idk man, a 3 foot tall mulatto might get with some circus chicks but I don't think regular chicks will give him much play

>Tfw have to be a 10/10 Chad to sleep with a cadaver.

Even I had sex, and Iam ugly, probably 5/10 at best. But hey I'm no manlet, relatively fit and have 7.8" dick

bros unless you're 3/10 or lower on a good day, if you hone your social skills you have a chance. it's just that most of us have horrible personalities and zero confidence. watch those videos on youtube where they show you how to read body language and talk to women, and learn to carry a conversation. it takes lots of practice though and it's really hard to work up the balls to approach girls but you can improve where you're lacking instead of feeling sorry for yourself. even if you still end up loveless, at least now you will be less averse to socialization.

It doesn't even matter how you look, if you are socially retarded for whatever reason (mine was homeschooling) you're fucked tbqh. People at my college talk to me like I'm mentally retarded just because I don't know how to talk to people. I'm 7/10 yet no girl has ever been able to see past my crippling autism and I'll die a goddamn KHV because of it

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