
i haven't seen one in a while, how about a creative thread?

post your
>anything you've made yourself

what are you working on? what would you like to make in the future? share your work, get feedback, discuss, etc

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Other urls found in this thread:


Haven't really made any music lately, though I will start something soon, so I don't think I should post here. But I'll post anyway to get this thread back to page 1
Youtube where I read things:

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Started planing the nsa comic thing.Not sure If I'm ggoing the right way.

NSA-chan physical features:

Boss charges nsa chan to spy on you
She complains boss just says you are suspect of some stuff
NSA chan spies on your for months
She makes fun of you for your fetishes and other behaviour
on the first week you start crying on the cam feed
You're on r9k posting about your insecurities and failures
She looks ate you with a bit of pity.
She starts laughing at your reaction to ylyl and ygyl threads
She starts warming up to your quirky behaviour.
You go on a random chat only
She decides to contact you
You both talk.
She gets a bit put off by your advances but ignores it
No more contact with her for 3 months
She still watches you
One night filing a report
she starts messing with your mouse making it move on its own
You get suspicious.
The mouse opens notepad
"You're being watched"
Get paranoid
It stops after 3 days
She had a laugh with the folks at the office with your reaction
3 months later
You finally decide to end your missery.
You know someone has been spying on you.
You assume it's the nsa.
"dont cry for me NSA-chan
we all gotta go sometime
you knew as well as i did that this would happen"
She starts banging the monitor.
Screaming your name.
You blow your brains with a shotty.

Situation at the office 1[Thanks to the user that came up with this.]
>girls, anons online and hes replying to a bait thread right now!!!
>move Stacy I cant see. Is he typing it live?
>Not anymore, he just finished and hes looking for an reaction image.
>Use that smug anime girl or pepe user!!!!
>No, use the cropped porn image!!!!!

I edit videos from time to time.
Latest edit: youtube.com/watch?v=WGC3w-ucfSQ
Most popular edit: youtube.com/watch?v=T24sApxpIAY

bumping w/ contribution that i don't feel like coloring

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like your guitar stuff user, what made you shift from the kind of music you were making?

you know, the point of the thread is for people to interact with each other and their works.
let's not let this become like /mu/'s threads where people literally just post hoping for hits on their stuff.

I was a d/ic/k but i was piss poor and my family was getting pissed at me for not having "a real source of income"
Now i have a job both stressful and boring as shit. daytrader

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/ic/ has always seemed to be completely useless imo. I don't draw but cursory catalog browsing gives me the impression that the value of thier ((("insight"))) ends at the sticky

I'm someone who quickly loses interest in things. I get this manic energy for a short while and then it just fizzles out over time. It's a bit of a problem as you can probably understand. And so I just haven't really been that interested in playing guitar for some time. Makes me feel quite bad but that's just how it is for some reason.

but muh validation

From a much earlier thread.

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Why should we pry compliments off each other?
Save that for Secret Santa threads.

I make proggy shoegaze songs

Here are two modest mouse songs I covered for a tribute album

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I remember your stuff from forever ago. solid

my finest tux paint art

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das pretty good nigga you got a DA

thanks man I just got out of the air force so I'll finally have time to focus on music. hoping to have an album finished in maybe 6ish months. might look into burning some CD's

I'd cop a $5 one. Its good ambience

Dang, that bad huh? I wanted to become a day trader. It was what I was going to do right after I play some PoE this league. You make good returns?

Pic is what I want to be doing though, along with reading certain esoteric texts and perhaps many more fictional ones too so that I'd know what I'm doing, but I need money before I do all that -.-. I posted this here before btw. Just my dabbling in dialogue. I came up with one quite good line actually, but I don't want to post it here. I realized that what I want to make is even punchier than this stuff. Like that line in Berserk, where Griffith quips about his dream. "Only you. Only you could make me forget my dream." Heavy shit. I want to write THAT. And that leaves me wondering what exactly made that line so great. But I won't bore you with my half-assed ideas. Maybe you'll enlighten me.

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Made this months ago. Started working on a new piece but can't find the right motivation to finish it.

I think you ought to lit yourself a little and your quality might improve.

Yeah, I know. I want to, and probably will soon. My stuff is pretty stiff, I can see that. I don't try hard enough to write naturally I think.

>you make good returns?
Sometimes i will do incredibly well and not worry about shit for weeks, maybe months.
Other times i will shit my pants at how insanely poor i am and the idea of living with my parents until they kick my ass out.

sounds rough. best of luck to you.

fuck off people don't need to follow your rules

im such a piece of shit but this is prob my magnum opus

I make beats and write raps when I'm bored here's some shit, can't really mix and master yet still learning but I write all lyrics and make the beats.
Listen to Clownin by Hey now, hey now, I'm all around you #np on #SoundCloud
Listen to Snstr666 by Hey now, hey now, I'm all around you #np on #SoundCloud
Listen to Dusted666 by Hey now, hey now, I'm all around you #np on #SoundCloud
Listen to poopoocaca by peepeebuttman #np on #SoundCloud
Listen to PowerViolence by peepeebuttman #np on #SoundCloud
Last two are me and my brother together that was like almost 3 years ago. Still tryna work on the vocal perfection part of all of this they're all very raw recordings.

I'm fucking hating myself again. I haven't made any new practice short material in a couple months. I have a couple ideas but they always fade away in time, lost to the aether. Gonna try and shoot something the next time I smoke with the bois but who knows if that's actually gonna pan out.

Recently though, I'd had this idea that's been nagging at me. I was listening to Tyler, The Creator's "Who Dat Boy", got stuck in my head, and like I usually do I tried to come up with some visuals that click with it.

I ended up thinking about a serial killer who's infringing on the turf of other notable serial killers, each of them being a sort of riff on classic horror tropes. The idea was to sort of turn it into almost a gang war type thing, like Freddy Vs. Jason on a macro level. I thought it'd be fun to treat the tropes of horror as a set dressing for a crime drama.

This one's kinda cute, the ending's sad but it works given the average robot.

That's really fucking good dude

Guilty of this, gonna try and better myself

I like to draw looking for my old hard drive that has all my pictures on it posting. Hopefully post them soon.

Hey there. Ive been attempting to make some beats recently, but so far it has been a total failure. I'm also trying to write less depressing shit. Here's my recent stuff:


Can't comment on much since I've got to be up in 3 hours but if the thread is still alive in the morning I'll return


hope you enjoy my sounds

Marco back on the scene with that real robot music.


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I tried to revisit the novel i had given up on awhile ago. Basically had to start over, but I've got 5k words and I'm making progress

some recent stuff, nothing particularly good


I made a huge shit a few days ago... That's it.

Applied for an "adult content" creative writing position earlier. Kek.

Last week, they workshopped my piece in fiction class. It was gay fantasy shit inspired by shonen(think nanatsu no taizai) and everyone seemed to like it.

hey frens I just finished this off it's an instrumental piece soundcloud.com/kadzu/former-glories have a great day!

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if you listen to my daniel johnston cover i will be your cute, buttboy fuckbuddy forever


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honestly not even going to listen to it. people like you are annoying enough irl.

That's pretty cool stuff you're making there...chilling

it's a simple little joke you fuckin goose

Ive started a YouTube channel. Been just posting vids of random things going on with my car. Trying to just have a comfy small channel. Tips for how to be comfy? youtube.com/channel/UCAYlna7DL-0GkBEA66sMMag

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I like to do amateur photography as a hobby. Pic is not my best, but small enough to post.

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i like to draw occultist-type art. i would like to start a horror webcomic at some point in the future !! uwu

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wow !!!! this is stunning! i adore this

I dig it. Would be a cool figure

that's my name ":< !! don't be such a dick ,,

>don't be such a dick
you're the one who crawled out of aero's discord

Pretty spooky! Do you have a gallery anywhere I can follow?

I'm learning the guitar. Any self-teaching tips?

idk wym by "aero's discord," but i'm guessing it's probably a cesspool filled with rude, judgmental degenerates like you ~ !!!

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hm ok well have fun "drawing" or whatever you call that

thank you !! i haven't started an art account yet because i'm a sped so all of my art is uploaded to @emitepes on twitter as of right now i really appreciate it! if you have anything, ill happily look into it too !!

interesting how you're probably a sweaty asshole who amounts to nothing irl so you resort to bullying me simply for my name, it's not even constructive criticism so gtfo

look up tabs for a pentatonic scale and practice playing it for an hour every day

youtube has a lot of rlly useful videos you could try !! as long as you learn how to read tabs, you can do great! good luck!!

just look up tabs for your favorite songs and learn them as best you can. look into scales and practice them up and down. learn chords and make sure you build up the finger strength and muscle memory to transition smoothly between them

stop sperging out at me lmao

look up tabs for a pentatonic scale and practice playing it for an hour every day. keep your pinky, ring and middle fingers on your picking hand on the body of the guitar when playing and keep the palm of your fretting hand on the back of the fret (even I have trouble with this one especially when playing something fast)

Don't forget to stop using tabs as soon as you can or no real musician will ever take you seriously. We kicked out a guitarist from my band once because he could only play tabs and had no real musical understanding

you don't need to have "real musical understanding" or whatever to be in a band unless you play jazz or something that requires learning from sheet music. what are you talking about dude

I make a cyberpunk zine that I print out and put into the take a book, leave a book boxes around my city. I've never put any of them online but I do check the boxes and people take them. I'm up to issue 8 now but I haven't put a way to contact me in them so I never get feedback. I was thinking of putting an email address in the next issue but I don't know if I can handle what I'll hear.

i have a fragile ego and i can get away w sperging on Jow Forums, sue me

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you don't need to read sheet music. any good musician can learn songs by hearing them or watching them be played.

musical notation is just a way to rationalize an abstract and aren't necessary to compose great music.

>no real musician will ever take you seriously
if you care about being taken seriously you're a cuck. Just play for fun or you'll turn bitter and resentful of other people who do.

this is so interesting !!! you should definitely put your email, maybe people enjoy them! what if someone contacts you for a deal or to take a step further in your career as an artist ?? i have faith in you, user !!!!

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He didn't even understand how the cappo he constantly used affected which chord he was playing. He once unironically said that he liked songs "in the blues scale, but the rock scale is good too"
No instrument attracts low-effort posers like the guitar

Also if your band wants to write original music your members need to understand what they're working with.

so what? he isn't hurting you, let him be retarded if it makes him happy

I don't want retards in my band. If the rest of the band is getting sick of you being retarded, it's time to go solo

that guy sounds like an idiot, not just some amateur who didn't know advanced theory or whatever you console yourself with as you and your fellow bandmates take 2 weeks to agree on a progression and 2 more to agree on who gets the first solo. i mean really man, you sound kind of pompous

t-thank you so much. I really needed to hear some encouragement tonight!

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you should try making it into a webcomic too !! youre gna do gr8 okay

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Ok? Don't let them in your band then? No reason to be bitter and aggressive towards people who just want to have fun.


Its cringy but whatever

I just wanted people's input since it felt this was more a community made thing but ok I'll try to resolve the story on my own.

I forgot.What should user's appearance should be?

>He didn't even understand how the cappo he constantly used affected which chord he was playing

sounds like you just picked up a guy off the street and gave him a guitar

My only experience with playing from sheet music for guitar is when I wanted to learn the Mii theme so I just used the sheet music from a piano arrangement, and that was a very lengthy process to figure out what would work best.

Granted, if it were arranged for guitar, it may have been easier, but from this single instance, I'd say that sheet music for guitar is a lot harder than for other instruments, since it's less intuitive how you should finger it.

With piano, there's one key for each note, so you know exactly which key to press for which note, and so you know exactly how the composer expects you to play, but on a guitar, you can have up to 6 ways to play a particular note; it's not an objective function.

With that said, from your other comments, your friend sounds like a retard.

I was meant to say injective function but I'm a retard phoneposter who doesn't double check.

are you sure you didn't mean... bijective function... ?

That would also be correct, but injective is more apt to me in this case since it can play all notes on its register. I guess I should've specified the domain but in my head I took it for granted that a guitar wouldn't be expected to play outside of its range. I guess it's surjective in the sense that it can play all the notes it can play. I have some justification in my head as to why I chose injective over bijective and I'm gonna stick with that. I just thought Id clarify because objective function makes no sense.

That's really good desu. Unrelated question but are you from europe?

fuck lads, just played some american football sounding shit on guitar and it made me fucking cry it was amazing
i should have recorded, it was so good, i can still remember how to play it but when i do its like the feeling is gone and without the feeling its nothing
what do lads

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chill channel user nice watch while smoking

is this what robots in california look like?

Art fag here
became pretty popular/hated on ddlc general on /vg/
now working on this super autistic commission but whatever money is money

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hey frens, i finished another piece it's just piano soundcloud.com/kadzu/celestial-downfall hope you're all having a great day!

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You've inspired me to make another midi user. Thank you for your kind wishes.

Go for it fren! I'd love to hear it when it's done

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>He's been keeping his awesome channel from us for all this time

I don't understand the words in that first one. What is he saying? What's the overall message?

Really fucking good. Are you studying art in college it something?

Would you mind if I used some of your music in my videos? Also you all have very great music btw. Keep working at it.

Maybe try to do things for your viewers to interact with? That's what I'm trying to do with mine.

Interesting..but what is it?

Looks pretty great. Do you plan on making this in full color?

Did you make all the things yourself?

Looks great too. Hope more non-autists will start commissioning you.

>Would you mind if I used some of your music in my videos?
what kind of videos do you make, user? as long as its not something i wouldnt want to be associated with i'd say sure!
and thank you for the compliment
im btw

Here's some of my work:

Currently my proudest video. It's a summary of MadThad0890, an innocent black weeb turned pedophile.

My most recent video. A quick update on my channel.

Motivation for No Nut November. It's not really relevant now, but whatever.

I try to explain why NPCs hate the NPC meme so much

most of it is just porn/lewd stuff like this
but this one guy pays me 3x's my normal price and always gives me these autistic commissions but it's good money and he says he'll never request porn so thank god

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haha these arent so bad, i was feeling a little reluctant but fuck it, yeah you can use my music if you wanna, as long as theres no racist/homophobic/transphobic kinda shit, not saying i expect it from what ive seen but you know, we're Jow Forums users and theres the typical shit one would associate with a lot of people here, just wanna keep my image clean and be sure i dont get bit in the ass down the line or something, you know how it is

anatomy is pretty off. almost to the point of uncanny valley.

fuck of faggot nigger tranny

epic! truly.

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this is the only problem i can find with it

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One day I'll have enough midis to release this in an album of just bad midis. These take too long to make for what they are.