Male horniness is stored in the testicles

Male horniness is stored in the testicles.
Where is female horniness stored?

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In the AA batteries in their favourite vibrator.

Females don't get horny.

id like to store my male horniess her in puppy

in the vagina i guess

>Where is female horniness stored?
In the wallet

Men's wallets

in the feet

That's a guy in your pic.

ovaries, they're just testicles for women

good answer, anons

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>Where is female horniness stored?
In her ego
>true story

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The man's wallet.

They get sexually aroused but it's nowhere near similar to the involuntary, physically stimulating horniness that men get

ln your wallet.

im pretty sure it's also stored in my testicles

Women dont get horny

The boobs, that's why girls with big boobs are sluts and sexual interest doesn't start until puberty when the boobs grow.

The ovaries. The ovaries produce testosterone in women. Testosterone to estradiol ratio is responsible for female sexual arousal and libido.

Extremely cringe post

lol xDDD traps! xD
Die kid.

In the ovaries, duh.


You're so fucking dumb.
No it's not stored, it's not 'produced', if you're alluding to testosterone production then all that does is increase the reception of dopamine in the brain, in other words - if someone is horny, increased testosterone will make them prioritize sexual behaviors. Even castrated bovine bulls will still try to mate with females since the behavior is embedded in them.
Pro tip: testosterone isn't associated with aggression either, it just makes the rewards of risk (because of opening up more dopamine receptors) seem greater, which makes aggressive behavior feel better.

Girls with small boobs are actually the horniest, I suspect it's because they have higher testosterone levels.

In her brain, which makes it very hard to find.