Can someone lend some insight into people like this?

I don't understand why he obsessively focuses on the unfairness of the world. Like he's stacking up reason after reason to justify what he's doing is right or that he is a great moral person. What causes a person to get trapped into this mindset? He chooses to be miserable to foster his own ego. Taxi driver and underground man are other examples of this. Someone here must know right?

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Have you read/listened to his entire manifesto? If not I would highly recommend it. It's pretty clear that besides having some autistic tendencies, he was extremely coddled as a child and never learned to take responsibility for his own actions. He recounts multiple occasions on which he threw a full on screaming tantrum because he didn't get his way, all the way from early childhood to literal adulthood, and his parents ALWAYS gave in. Elliot was never told "no" while he was developing, and so he never learned how to lose. It's really not that far off from how most kids are raised nowadays honestly.

He had a "nice guy" view of how to get women:

do this, have that => entitled to gf

This is perpetuated in movies and lies that mothers tell their sons. But that isn't how the world works and he couldn't handle that fact so he chimped the fuck out.

He was an extreme narcissist to such an extent that he was incapable of self-reflection

So that brings the point of can you really blame him for what he has done? He was a victim of the system.

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Narcissism, I guess.

yes you can blame him because what made humans top of the foodchain? the ability to adapt. he was too autistic to adapt so he's been pruned

That is where you are wrong user. I don't believe everyone has the ability to adapt. However that is no reason to cause violence and yes part of the blame lies with him, but the bigger part lies within the system. Elliot was just a mere pawn in this predicament. Until the system is fixed there will be more elliots.

more narcissists are going to kill themselves but most of them will have a 0:1 K/D ratio

The point is that the system has had artificial flaws introduced.
Why should fish be expected to adapt to mercury in the water.

ER recognized his treatment as unfair and refused to play what he saw to be a losing game, and wanted to actively ruin the game for others. And he played a lot of games he thought he couldn't lose. He was obsessed with scratch tickets and lotteries.

he didnt believe that, problem was he did all the effort and grind, he did all the struggle to get a girlfriend and at the end of the day he got nothing.

I know some people who are like that, spoiled brats, but guess what? they all got girlfriends and some of them even got married.

Sure they still struggle with job oportunities or waste their money, but the problem you describe didnt affect them when they wanted to find a partner.

>problem was he did all the effort and grind, he did all the struggle to get a girlfriend
>driving his dad's BMW and shitposting on bodybuilding forums getting btfo every day
holy shit

I legit dont know what is so unatractive about him, I'm not a woman so I dont really understand what triggers their brains to think elliot was not man enough, but oh boy, you can see on his videos that he tried, he dressed well, he had a car, he wasn't ugly, yeah he was a manlet but that doesnt seem to affect other men (for example tekashi)

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yes he did believe that. did you not watch his video where he says, "am i not fabulous?" did you not read his manifesto? he did not "do all the struggle". where's the part where he works out 5 days a week? he didn't give it 100% effort

he was fucking retarded dude that was why

Then they weren't like Elliot. This was a man who learned that everything should be GIVEN to him. You said the people you know weren't affected by their issues when they wanted to find a partner? Elliot never TRIED to find a partner. He simply put himself in areas where females were and assumed that women would approach him and offer him sex. Not one single time was he ever actually rejected by a woman, because he never even approached one. If he had tried even a little bit, he probably could have gotten a woman, but he didn't. This problem was compounded by the fact that Elliot would never settle for anything less than the best--he wanted a 10/10 blonde bombshell girlfriend and to him any less didn't actually count as getting a girlfriend. Instead of being realistic and attempting to go after women that were in his league, Elliot pathologically believed that he deserved to be given ANYTHING he wanted by the universe merely by virtue of him existing.

>Not one single time was he ever actually rejected by a woman

didnt he got his ass kicked twice for hitting on women on different campus parties?

you don't have to be a woman to spot how deeply unattractive Elliot's personality was. He looked normal on the outside, but once he opened his mouth it would quickly become clear that he was a delusional raging autist.

Agreed. He was a narcissist. He was miserable because he couldnt always get his way. I see a lot of myself in that guy. I dont want caulidation from women, though.

I think it was mostly not being loved or cared for. If you've read his manifesto, it seemed clear his parents neglected him and tried to replace their parental responsibilities with material goods. He never properly bonded with his parents and missing out on something that vital can affect someone his whole life. His parents also split and his stepmom was kind of a cunt (if we're to believe what he said), so he never really had a stable household either. It's no surprise he developed an inferiority complex since he never really had any emotional support, encouragement, or anyone to rely on. And so to further cope with that, he developed a god complex and compensatory narcissism, again because he felt he was the only one he could rely on and there was no one to turn to. That's what led to how he turned out and what he would eventually do, at least in my opinion.

He was quite severely mentally ill. If you've read his manifesto that much is obvious. He never stood a chance really. His brain didn't function like that of a 'normal' person.

I can kind of relate to his struggles detailed in the early parts of his manifesto. Severe anxiousness, feelings of inadequacy, trouble fitting in...etc. But man he really goes off into the deep end as it goes on. Talking about wanting to skin people alive and stuff.

I'm not sure I agree he was a narcissist. Not a true narcissist anyway. I feel like his narcissism was a persona he developed, kind of a psychological defense mechanism to avoid dealing with the severe feelings of inadequacy he experienced.

What would a true narcissist be like in contrast?

>I'm not sure I agree he was a narcissist. Not a true narcissist anyway. I feel like his narcissism was a persona he developed, kind of a psychological defense mechanism to avoid dealing with the severe feelings of inadequacy he experienced.
That's called compensatory narcissism. It's just a different form of it.

No that's not what happened, he tried to push girls off a ledge.

He didn't hit on women. One of those times he saw an attractive woman talking to what he considered an ugly Asian man, and decided to charge into the Asian guy in an effort to knock him down out of sheer rage. The other time he walked up to a group of men and women talking to each other and, offended that the women weren't talking to him after he stood silently nearby for a minute or two, he started shouting insults at everyone else present and tried to push them off a balcony when they insulted him back.

Jesus christ. How are people on this board treating this fag like some kind of martyr years later without knowing this shit?

No matter how much you try it normie, I' not gonna start hating Elliot, not now nog ever.

Because it's fucking funny you uninspired redditor.

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Because it's so horribly insulting to his family and happened four fucking years ago? Don't beat a dead horse.

this nigga don't know shit about St. Elliot

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He was too Supreme a gentleman to last on this roastie ridden earth.
Goodnight sweet prince.

His problem was not that he had to work to get sex, the problem was that other people don't have to.

he was the most textbook case of narcissism imaginable

the DSM-5 criteria for NPD (taken from Wikipedia, lol):

>Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
>Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
>Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
>Needing continual admiration from others
>Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
>Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
>Unwilling to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
>Intensely envious of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
>Pompous and arrogant demeanor

he checked all of the boxes.

his problem was that he had no idea what it takes to be appealing and likable to normal people. he fixated on a bunch of stupid shallow shit while remaining completely oblivious to the fact that his atrocious personality and attitude made him utterly hatable and unfuckable

Everyone is the victim of the system, free will isn't real, but for society to function we have to pretend it is, so yes , you can blame him

>he's been pruned
Yeah but he also took other 6 people with him, did those innocents also deserve to get pruned? Did they fail to adapt? No, they simply had bad luck

he was awesome...

Attached: Im Awesome.webm (640x480, 892K)

They should've been able to adapt to being hit by bullets.

being a narcissistic soiled brat isn't what stopped him from being able to get girls, but it is what caused him to go insane.

Elliot Rodger is the supreme gentleman. The TRUE chad, the TRUE alpha male. HE was the one women should have gone after. He was truly magnificent, it's a shame women are so blinded by their lust for wealth and body features of men that they couldn't see the true beauty of the supreme gentleman.

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nah,dont get carried away faggot, he is just alpha incel, thats all, but that is enough...

>being a narcissistic soiled brat isn't what stopped him from being able to get girls
It most certainly was. Or, to be more specific, the way his narcissistic tendencies manifested in his shitty autistic personality made him completely repugnant.

If you're an awkward autist, but you're also self-aware and gently self-deprecating, you can potentially get people to view you in a sympathetic light and ultimately win them over.

If you're a narcissist, but you also have swagger and you're generally socially competent, you'll probably convince people you're cool and you might be stuck with shallow, broken relationships, but you won't be alone.

If you a raging aspie AND a conceited dickhead nobody is going to want to be around you.

this this 100000x this

They should have grown kevlar skin obviously

ITT: Elliot was a dipshit, this means that the world is 100% just

Who the hell said that? Just because it's ok to make fun of elliot and people like him doesn't mean it's ok to make fun of everyone.

I've lead a pretty hard life, a life without family or money, and I can't say that at times I didn't feel like taking it out on innocent people so I'm puzzled as to why a rich kid with money and family was so hung on getting a gf. I think its just narcissistic personality disorder coupled with some form of autism, the narcissism makes him believe himself to be a god but the autism makes him clueless as to why that pushes people away or why he seems off to people.

ever read Cain and Abel user?

You really do have to be a woman.

If elliot was a female:

> is a virgin
> wouldn't cheat
> would fuck on the first date
> reasonably attractive

The problem is nobody really knows what women are attracted to. One thing they're not attracted to is any display of desperation whatsoever. Dealing with them is inherently difficult.

He did actually end up lifting and gaining some muscles

I don't think anybody in this thread has said that there was justice in what happened to Elliot. He had a broken brain, and that's a tragedy.

The point is that there is very little mystery in why he never got what he wanted. Lots of dumbasses go "ELLIOT WAS GOOD LOOKING AND RICH, WHY COULDN'T HE GET LAID?"

If you aren't tying yourself in knots trying to view the whole thing through a lens of hatred for women, it becomes pretty obvious that nobody wanted to fuck (or even be friends with) Elliot because he was a grotesque caricature. In his entire manifesto he barely even approaches being normal or likable.

All of Elliot's problems were inside his head. That's not to trivialize what was wrong with him--in fact, it's the opposite: his problems were completely insurmountable because his personality was fatally flawed. If he was merely ugly and poor or whatever, he might've had a chance.

Was Elliot just mentally ill? or he just fell into the Incel persona?

This hypothetical female Elliot might not have been a virgin, but there's no way she would've had any sort of stable, healthy relationships.

If you think your greentext list of attributes are all it takes to make someone a good romantic partner, you're incredibly naive.

Both. It was a perfect storm of both.

I have no idea how you figure someone like Elliot wouldn't cheat. The guy felt justified in murdering a bunch of people, but you think he had a moral compass that would prevent him from fucking around given the opportunity? Get real.

Christ I don't think he would have been able to stop himself within the first month.

women are attracted to height and facial aesthetics. this "women are so complex lolol" meme is perpetuated by coping virgins.

keep telling yourself that, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary that you'd see everywhere around you if you ever mingled with normies

The point is that if Elliott was a female she wouldn't have been outcast by society.

If Elliott was a girl she could have found someone who thinks "Gee I know she has flaws but I'm not a fucking cakewalk either."

I find it to be unfair to judge how Elliott would have been as a partner in a relationship if he had gotten a GF with his incel attitude.

This is if female Elliot had grown up and remained a virgin until she became bitter about it

I happen to be a 6ft 6in KHV who has made numerous serious attempts. It is all about personality. And this even worse than if it were some superficial thing that you can understand.


>why he obsessively focuses on the unfairness of the world.
Because he realized how the sexual liberation has ruined women since the 1960s. Wait, I scratch that. It has been happening since the French revolution. Elliot was angry not because he didn't have a gf, but because he saw how cruel and superficial women are. His dreams of getting a trophy blonde gf was a means of saying "fuck you" to society. Elliot is a prime example of what happens when you're the result of a rape fetish aka hapas, but you can't get any because you lack identity and thus fail to really get along with the races you supposedly are. Elliot was doomed to isolation from the start. A robot who has read his manifesto can relate somewhat to him and the truth of the matter, Elliot was the one to speak up about the cruelty of robots in 2014. How normalniggers are hypocrites in their own words. Really a shame how normalniggers still have a wrong perception of him in 2018. So much for "be urself"

high iq post, prepare for normie anecdotes and non-arguments.

ER was figuratively speaking a catalyst into the start of alpha/beta, virgin/autist slang memetics, a modern "nerd" etiquette of some sorts, arguably more expressed in American young culture. Even so, this case is of worldwide interest because Elliot expressed common -negative if you will- elements of personality in the modern male, or at least a significant part of it.

ER had exacerbated and obsessed about women more than the regular similar thinking perspective guy though. Combined with his narcissism and with a wrecked personality of the candyass archetype, Elliot was definitely set for disaster. This online exposure and building a persona, another two critical steps in his formation as the Supreme, it all fed ER's already massive ego but it also had given the mommy's boy in dad's BMW a sense of pride, authority and fatalism. A shot to be an ideological superstar, with hundreds of people agreeing with his motives he built with so much care on why he can't get a romantic partner.

The roar of the approving crowd tendering his desperation and lack of self-awareness was in Elliot's head, making him conclude his project.

It brought into light a niche mindset in society, be it online or offline that will sadly be left in the niche area due to lack of interest of studying in-depth the cause behind sociological phenomena like ER.

>His dreams of getting a trophy blonde gf was a means of saying "fuck you" to society.
lol, sure, keep telling yourself that

>be rich, spoiled, but also neglected and have a shitty father
>be sheltered instead of properly socialized
>feel betrayed when people less fortunate than yourself are thriving more than you

honestly if he lifted and wasn't a prick he would've been fine but the poor thing received no love or discipline


So you think if elliot had an arranged marriage he'd have his blond arm candy waifu?

his manifesto tells you everything you need to know about him
he's obviously autistic, bullied/ostracised when young plus coddled by parents so he was clueless about how the world worked especially relationships and social things.
throw in a bit or narcissistic grandiosity (which is borne from insecurity, which in his case being virgin + autistic) and sense of entitlement and you have him
he was dumb, lacked awareness but that's what autism does i guess

no but he would be happy none the less. if we all had arranged marriages, this board wouldnt exist

Yeah it would because arranged marriages are never forced, they are just backup plans for money, if the girls don't like you at all which would definitely be the case for him he would probably stay incel until someone was willing to fuck him over or somehow kill him for the money.

I still think Eliot Rodger was actually gay, and that's why he was so sexualy frustrated and extremely homofobic

>Yeah it would because arranged marriages are never forced, they are just backup plans for money, if the girls don't like you at all which would definitely be the case for him he would probably stay incel until someone was willing to fuck him over or somehow kill him for the money.

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You already said it, his ego and duning-kruger effect is my guess he assumed he was correct when he blamed factors outside of his control for his lack of success and lacked the ability to challenge these beliefs.

>What causes a person to get trapped into this mindset?
He was entitled, spoiled, coddled, deluded, narcissistic, and a sociopath. His idea to get girls was "They should come to me" but in reality it doesn't work that way. You have to approach them. He was a shy person put to the point of literally being afraid of scared of talking to people/person let alone talking to a girl. My final thought is why couldn't he deal with it? Why was he so set on losing his virginity at a young age or having "His Blonde sexy goddess"?

>crippling mental illness
>shitty neglectful parenting based on guilt and materialism
>lived in RichFagLand CA
>intentionally went on bodybuilding forums full of people who made him feel inferior, to never talk about bodybuilding, just to shitpost
What didn't go wrong?

A lot of haters talking bad about the Supreme Gentleman ITT

>Then they weren't like Elliot. This was a man who learned that everything should be GIVEN to him
So exactly the same as 99.9% of rich kids, why is this a factor again?

>I don't understand why he obsessively focuses on the unfairness of the world.
Because this world is shit and insanely unfair.

He was rich in a town full of other rich people. His parents' beta bux didn't mean shit to anybody around him.

>He was rich in a town full of other rich people.
And they all had great rich people lives despite being the same as him, so obviously that's not the cause. Why can't people just understand that not everyone reacts the same to the same circumstances?

They weren't the same as him. That's exactly why he responded the way he did. He was 100% batshit crazy.

>What didn't go wrong?
He couldn't cope being a loser even though he was equal to the rich people around him so something in his mind snapped. He wanted to be a winner like his parents. He wanted power, he saw women and money as things.

Do you think if he was born and raised in the UK it would have been a different story or would he still face the same problems in Uk?

WEEEEE! IT'S AN ELLIOT THREAD! Let me read it first.

I don't know man. At least with me, it helps a lot if I can fantasize and plan about killing all the fuckheads on the planet, such as child, animal and gang rapists, animal abusers and worst of bullies. I often times come to rage about them here. I have to do that all, to be able to go on living on this shithole of a planet. When I was younger, I sometimes just started crying, thinking that I will kill myself as I do not want to live in this shithole of a planet. But doing so would be the same as allowing the fuckheads do what they do. You need to fight against them, and THEN kill yourself, if you will be unable to live. It's not life, after all, to live in prison, being raped or abused by other convicts. I don't think he was deliberately piling up any reasons to kill, those reasons came up to him, whether you think they are justified or not. In the end he had to do what he did, as it was a better choice, in his opinion, than just kill himself. He needed to fight against the wrong first.

There was something deeply wrong within his psyche that affected his behaviour. Reading his manifesto makes that pretty obvious, since not only does he talk like a comic book villain but he also makes constant comments about how women refused to hit on him no matter what he did. Completely detached from reality

Well yeah, my point exactly. I don't think it's productive to analyze how his (ultraprivileged compared to 99% of people) "sad" life led to anything.

He was sane, the rest of you are insane

>Because he realized how the sexual liberation has ruined women since the 1960s. Wait, I scratch that. It has been happening since the French revolution.

I agree, Elliot left visionary works of realism and the truth about the rigged society seep through his manifesto. We can argue his entire history is at almost art levels.

Probably something government organized again. They noticed I started posting again after a wile. :)

I was there when he went a shooting AMA

Fools, his manifesto stems far more than girls. He lost friends, friends mistreated him like crap, he had no one to turn to and his only friend whom he considered his best friend abandoned him when it became clear he was becoming unhinged. His virginity was the least of his issues.

Do you lads think there will be a "Beta uprising" or will it be like saying "The South rises again"?

>thinks others are the brainlets
>pic related: you

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Prove it. Or fuck off. Your choice.

as a school shooting survivor I believe there will definitely be a "beta uprising".
additionally I would argue that the "south has risen". thank you trump. fuck Obamacare. illegal aliens.

why did you not get shot

you sound like you watch a lot of Mumkey Jones videos

because I survived......faggot

What school shooting you were in user?

pic related
I only ever encountered ER once on campus. it was at some orientation, where normies sit in a circle and kumbaiya. This was a year before the shooting. He was dead silent, didn't say a word to me or anyone else. I think he definitely could've gotten laid, saw this one chick checking him out....

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