Or else you would look DYEL as fuck
A pretty face and hair is necessary for ottermode to work
Bro otter mode is retarded. Anyone who says otherwise is a basement boy who is Asocial who doesn’t go out much. Otter mode won’t “get u pussy” it’s about having a good face but a good face on an athletically built body is better than ottermode anyway, where u look small in t shirts
I've never worked out in my life and girls look at me. I guess I'm just better than you OP.
u must be a skinny fuck, post face if your that much of a prettyboy
lol tru
Worrying about aesthetics is gay. Sculpting your body for a sport is where it's at. Sometimes it's bearmode, sometimes ottermode, sometimes bloatmax, and sometimes Auschwitz mode.
when being gay gets more girls than being a bloated fatfuck
You just need one girl in life champ, all other girls are just thought fodder.
Too bad bro, you won't become a slayer
Okay, honest question time. Who used the terms "bear", "otter", and "twink" first? I never knew these were all faggot terms until recently.
Anyone else get mad because they will never have a face like that?
SF gay community. Of course, they originated in a much slimmer time so "bear" was much smaller than currently and a "twink" was what we would now dub "holocaust survivor mode". Otter has remained largely the same at Brad Pitt in Fight Club
Bro I turn girls away because they don't meet my requirments. I'm not even tall, it's all about your personality.
Really, it took you that long to find out? Top kek, imagine telling a friend
>bro you look like a twink
Brad Pitt isn't an otter, breeder
can you guys stop sucking each other off and explain wtf is wrong with this dude's pecs? why are his nips hanging off the bottom?
too faggot looking. give me a real man!
Basically athletic build makes you look otter in clothes.
It works if you’re young. Anybody with a body like this over the age of 21 looks pretty dumb.
I thought "otter" was a reference to swimmers usually having this body type, not a gay community term like the other two?
Do you think I could pull it off?
Get off Jow Forums dad