I'm trans, or "post the little things"

I'm mtf transgender who looks and sounds like a non-transgender woman.
Unfortunately, I have to live with my unaccepting family because I can't afford a car and an apartment yet. I have two jobs but they're not enough yet.
My legal documents all have my male name and a big "M" on them so everyone at my job knows I'm transgender. It's pretty obvious when you see me that I'm not a guy, or at least not a straight guy. People are mean to me about it.
My family is mean too. They get mad at me for this "choice", and they refuse to call me by anything other than a guy.
I'm also slowly doing developing schizophrenia or something...
I hallucinate a few times a week. Sometimes twice a day.
The only times I can be happy are when strange old men are nice to me in public, sometimes even calling me pretty. They don't know what I am, they just see me as a girl. It's nice to know that something I did was successful.

Ignore the blogpost. Post the little things that make you happy.

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It would make me happy if you posted your dick.

it's cut and pretty small so it's not really worth looking at

it would make me happy if you fucked off to tbqhwy

I'd offer to come stay on my shitty couch for free but you're probably crazy. good luck user.

also this.

dude have you been there? it's a bunch of weird guys asking if they pass and TERFS

They're just calling you what you are. A guy. You'll live with regret user. I don't care if you think you're a girl. Biologically you're male and no one cares about what you think you are. You either live with it or you'll end up killing yourself.

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You carpet bomb your own communities and then try to refugee into others SHIT.

then how come strangers refer to me as female and call me "miss" when I'm wearing men's clothing?
literally retarded argument

this 200%. don't fucking come here because you shit up your own space. you haven't earned the right.

if you're not gonna post it then get the fuck out degenerate

Hey what's that sound? It's the sound of nobody caring.

Trannies get the rope

Its the sea of degenerates you belong in.

Because they're liberal cucks who majored in cuck studies. I'm not trying to get you triggered cucky but you're making it too easy.

I might be able to help with the name change stuff. I had it done around 2012, and it was a pain in the ass. Cost around $300 all said and done. Lemme know if you need any tips - I kept all of the original forms I needed. I'm in PA, USA though so it might be different for your location.

post your boypussy or delete this thread, whore

>pretty small
That's the ideal transdick desu.

Please be my gf
This is an original and unironic post

Traps are supposed to have small dicks

Is that man in pic related grabbing his little flat chest nipple

unfortunately it's gonna be hard to completely escape the ridicule. You gotta find yourself a community of people who are trans-positive. Music/Art communities are usually pretty good. I have a lot of close trans friends who are generally accepted at events n stuff

Bro theyre just being nice. You know that; I know that. Most people arent gonna go out of their way to misgender you or whatever, but that doesnt mean they dont know lmao

May is this you

>I'm also slowly doing developing schizophrenia or something...

Color me surprised

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When I remember to brush my teeth twice a day I feel like I had a successful day

We got another one bois, HAHAHAH!

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Thank you for reminding me to brush my teeth tonight user

>I'm mtf transgender who looks
>and sounds
ugh, now i have some doubts, how long have you done your voice training?

also wearing male clothes while looking as a girl as long as you hide breasts you will be treated as a guy not as a tranny pretty much anywhere...

bzz, lgbt is much better than r9k

Smokin big juice
Smokin big juice
Smokin big juice
Smokin big
Humanity will never cease to amaze me. [/spoiper]

just boymode you fucking retard

Smokin' big juice, boy
Pull up with some booze, boy
You may be a flexer, but to me you're old news, boy
Lookin' at my jewels, boy
Lookin' at my shoes, boy
I'm a fuckin' winner, nigga, it's okay to lose, boy