>ITT: Forearm discussion
Forearms are indisputably the most aesthetic AND important muscle group to train.
Prove me wrong
>ITT: Forearm discussion
Forearms are indisputably the most aesthetic AND important muscle group to train.
Prove me wrong
>implying its not his neck that makes him look good
how do I train my forearms and neck?
u utter retarded subhuman
>muscle group
retard they're on two separate limbs, ohw can they be a "muscle group" lmfao
Tried doing Jeff's 6-munite forearm workouts on pull days. Got tendonitis. Thanks, Jeff.
Forearms are the least aesthetical muscle there is and big forearms only make the attractive muscle - biceps - appear smaller.
i have girl wrists but im really vascular. how vascular do i have to be to balance out for my shit genetics?
100% disagree, small forearms look bad sure, but if they are too big compared to your arms and shoulders it looks off too
Like for example a trained chest makes your shoulders look smaller?
cope harder, retard
Forearms need to overpower biceps and triceps, and you need to train forearms until you look like you’ll bleed out from a paper cut without a pump
Indisputably means that is cannot be disputed.
Undisputed means that it has not been disputed yet.
OP used the right word in the right context, you fucking mong.
What's a good forearm exercise for aesthetics? So far I've only been doing farmer walks because I'm scared of tendonitis.
Dead hangs. And that thing where you twist the empty barbell.
How do I repair this?
Doing pushups didn't change anything.
Ayyy lmao
Pretty much anything to a degree. Bench, deadlift, OHP, they're going to build forearm strength. If you want more explicit forearm loading lifts then do farmers walks. Farmers walks build solid wife choking hands and huge forearms.
Neck curls.
Both my mother and my sister have thicker arms (my mother even has bigger wrists and hands than me).
It's not my fault I got these genes.
You need to eat more to become a real boy, mr skelly.
All thin people under eat. There is no such thing as being naturally thin. Just eat more and lift heavy. You probably need to be taking in 2500 calories daily.
No, fuck you.
You think fat would be distributed to all parts of the body equally?
Your logic
he's talking about eating + lifting you fucking retard.
bent over rows, upright rows and powercleans, deadlifts (if you do them), (weighted) pullups and chinups are more than enough
Isn't worth it.
My starting level is too low. I would start with a 5 kg dumb bells.
>literal starving skeleton wants to sit here and make excuses for both not eating and not lifting
Until you change your dipshit stick in the mud attitude you're never going to make any progress.
Start eating 2500~ calories a day.
Lift those fucking 5kg dumbbells.
Start doing the big compound lifts even if you can only squat the goddamn bar.
No excuse is valid.
Nothing is stopping you but yourself.
Implying it is worth the effort, when the end results are clearly not favorable for me.
this motherfucker has the same mindset that a 300lb whale, never gonna make it bro.
>I'm going to stay frail, sickly, and morbidly ugly my entire life and theres nothing you can do to stop me
I literally don't care if you dropped dead five minutes from now, user. You're not spiting me by refusing to help yourself. Either improve, take the steps necessary to better yourself, and join the ranks of everyone else here putting in the hard work required, or don't.
No one cares about losers.
A 300lb whale would better stay a wale, after all that loss of weight and the wale would need several plastic surgeries to fix her loose skin.
why browse a fitness board when you don't even possess the strength to try and better yourself you pathetic cunt
Why did you even ask for advice you literal anorexic female? You've been told what you need to do. Eat more and stop being faggot.
This shit gets a nice burn going
i agree
>Eat more
Waste of money and effort
If I were normal, I would have normal looking arms, and wouldn't care at all about all this fitness autism.
Not if they fast rather then went on a disasterous diet and did nothing.
To a fat person who just eat less of the nutrient rich health ruining food, the body is just temporarily dropping fat but keeping the fatcells and skin around because it knows you're going to get fat again and it's not getting the go ahead to get rid of that skin.
fucktons of loose skin after a major loss of fat is just your body saying YOURE JUST GONNA GET FAT AGAIN SO IM GOING TO KEEP THIS LOOSE SKIN AND EXTRA FAT CELLS AROUND OKAY?
Fasting being more active consistently eating less, less often, and better, and telling your body that this is your new set point and activity level is how you do it.
You're not normal explicitly because you don't eat enough, retard.
No user here is going to be phased by anything you have to say. You're not going to own anyone here in an argument and suddenly have droves of people telling you that your sick fucking disgusting physique is normal and good.
You're building roadblocks for yourself. No one here believes your bullshit, dude. This is all mental gymnastics you're using as a coping mechanism for refusing to change. Everyone here has seen this shit a million times before, you're not even special in that regard.
This thread will die, people will tab out, and in a day no one will remember this but you. Change for yourself or don't. Nobody here is going to ever give a single fuck if you continue to be a loser. That reality is one you yourself have to deal with every waking minute of every day for the rest of your existence.
I am not phased by anything you bunch have to say either.
I know that all you Jow Forumsizens live in your own bubble, talking about lifting numbers, looksmax and whatever you can come up with.
Meanwhile most of your destiny is influenced by your genes and your environment.
> genes
listen here you absolute brainlet. Having big arms has NOTHING to do with genetics. a year ago I had the same arms as you, maybe even worse. I trained hard and now I look like a normal human being.
You just have to go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week, lift for an hour each time, and you will look fine within a year.
Stop making excuses you absolute retard, start eating and lifting or die being a disgusting skelly.
Both my mother and sister have bigger arms than I do.
Holy shit, you actually sound like a pathetic beta fuck.
And both of them don't lift and aren't fit and it's not fat.
are you even using your brain right now?
A muscle is supposed to be trained. If you dont, it stays small. If you train, it gets big.
You can't get through to him. He'll be frail and pathetic forever.
Its the same for obesity and skellymode faggots alike; the first thing that has to change is attitude. The god awful attitude crutch holds all these delusional clots back.
They're not going to change unless they really want to, and this living calcium deposit doesn't want to change.
And both my mother and sister haven't trained their muscles.
actually blows my mind mate. Imagine being this delusional, hopefully this is just a bait
Yea, not like women store fat way easier than men.
Could you please stop being such a stubborn child and maybe ask your doctor how a human body works?
I've got 6.5 inch wrists at 6'2" and 168. I look like an undead from Dark Souls.
Skelanon, why are you here if you wont accept any advice on a question YOU asked?
You're either b8ing or delusional. Maybe both. This forum is not for you.
I keep getting tendonitis on my outer forearm whenever I get back to training back and bis. I've never trained forearms directly.Right now I'm just resting and stretching.
What should I do once recovered? Are there certain forearm excercises that could bolster them against future flare ups?
bulk or cut
Bulk, dear bait poster. Bulk and lift heavy.
i lift for girls though
The only delusional ones are you Jow Forumsizens, thinking they could somehow compensate their tiny frame with muscles.
Some of you even think they can train their bones and induce growth even as an adult.
The only deluded ones are you.
Girls aren't going to soak their panties over a dyel frame unless you have Justin Bieber's face, fame, and money.
Bulk. Lift heavy.
The COPE is eternal with you.
can't meme on solid advice
wait, what, is your hand supported from the ceiling ?
how is it standing like that, how come it does not collapse ?
start lifting weights my man.....
mine grew just by dead lifting double overhand no hook grip, can do 396 lbs/180 kg without straps
>eating 2500 cals is too much effort
I could literally eat that in a single meal easily if I wanted to
how would you advise to do farmers user, how much time/distance walked x reps ?
I've seen that shit on the floor before. Do you wind up the roap while holding the pvc tube?
Any hanging exercise, or bar hanging exercise. So, DL, RDL, Bent over rows, pull-ups, chin-ups, leg raises, farmer walks, etc.
I think it is useless... forearms are insanely strong muscle group for their size, they should be loaded heavily. I think doing rack pulls would be better than that gay shit
also grip heavily on every exercise, it makes you stronger in general and all other muscles benefit from it.
why are his shoulders so small
is this klinefelters syndrome?
Mine are smaller and I don't have klinefelters syndrome.
you have klinefelters
post hips
Manlet detected
My hips are almost as broad as my shoulders, but I don't have man tits or anything the like.
I dont know if that is supposed to be compliment or what?
like when someone says you use steroids just because they can not believe or dont want to how built you are?
>6'4'' aka 194 cm
have an old photo of me
Finger vascularity, good or bad?
Starting to see signs of it coming in, but ehh full case of it kinda looks ayylmao to my eye. Don't really want to back off the climbing tho.
Same shit for me
Fucking kek
it's similar to a wrist curl mechanically speaking, which is not useless by any means.
there are many, many muscles in the forearm and they aren't all trained the same.
I get what are you saying but even with wrist curls i have to load at least 130 lbs / 60 kg to get work done.
My point was not that it is mechanically flawed but that it is hard to load properly
Speaking of odd hand control muscles, there any point to giving the interosseis a workout?
Are farmer walks or wrist curls better for mass? I've tried the former for a while but they just wear out my grip and traps, whereas the latter gives a crazy pump.
wtf is that tattoo dude holy shit hahaha
did you get a refund
Interesting question.
Basically think it's farmers walks, as it works all the muscle groups, of the forearm. All the flexors, that is.
Wrist curls are essentially just the palm flexor, and while it's the largest you kinda want a contibution from all for mass.
Perhaps a variant walkwould work. Lower weight but hit the forearms more over traps; grab raw plates and walk with those, no bar.
yeah fuck the heart
My wrist is a slight bigger than 6 inch. And it ironically makes my forearm look bigger.
Still getting forearm mogged by pics of myself 10 years ago but finally trying to eat above basic replenishment so maybe I'll get there.
I don't know about strictly aesthetics but try doing pull-ups with a thumbless grip, I always get a great forearm burn from doing that and no tendinitis or other problems