so whats it like when two clueless virgins have sex?
So whats it like when two clueless virgins have sex?
1. The girl is in pain the whole time
2. It's pretty alright for the guy
thats how i imagine it too
i lost my virginity on suboxone and fucked for 3 hours while the girl texted the whole time. didn't cum
Take off your pants and lets find out B)
Awkward and not very fun the first few times, eventually they both get an idea of what to do and it gets much better.
lost my virginity with a girl and she seemed to enjoy it desu, although it took like an hour for us to get it in properly because it was dark and we had no lube
not the best sex ever but it was very /comfy/
drink my balls I haven't even hugged a female I wasn't related to in over 4 years
damn dude thats fucking tragic. she was probably talking shit about you to her friends..
why do you try so hard to fit in the losers when you obviously aren't one?
I have no idea what sex is
why do you, user?
i'm talking about you, not me.
everyone knows that if you are not a virgin you are not a robot, if at any point in your life someone was willing to have sex with you voluntarily then you are a normal person and not beyond repair.
Why don't you go to a different board where you are with your kind?
Try /soc/.
Hahahaha tihs fukcing niger
Feels bad for you man. Originalol
She was so tight it hurt my penis and she couldn't walk after. Very weird
The girl is in a lot of pain, and very nervous. The guy is really nervous too.
They're both very disappointed by the experience, since it's very awkward and not romantic and painful.
Probably they have subpar sex all along, because no one really taught them how to do it well. So horrible that she never has an orgasm and she thinks she's incapable of feeling sexual pleasure. Then they break up, she finds a guy who can fuck her, and she realises her ex was just really bad at sex.
I wish I knew. Any fembots would like to partake in this study for scientific investigation?
It's the purest thing you will even encounter.
Assuming that both are considerate and loving.
Lost my virginity fourteen years ago (or so). Couldn't really get it in and we were literally googling what could be going wrong (we needed lube). It really good really quick though and now we are married
Like doves crying
I doubt anyone in this day and age is clueless.
Everyone saw amateur porn and saw how foreplay works, you must have living without any form of internet your entire life so your first time isn't even "decent".
Fun until you devote all of your feelings to her and she leaves you and you go back to Jow Forums.