Girl starts sucking my dick

>girl starts sucking my dick
>dick gets hard as fuck
>insert dick in pussy
>dick goes flaccid

why? what can I do to keep an erection?
any excercices? any food I should eat or avoid?

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probably just all mental mane, don't overthink shit, just put it in and go to town

stop watching porn

I stopped watching porn and fapping months ago.

Porn jew claimed another one...

Stop nofap it kills test. Noporn is good but ejaculating at least once a week is good.. Whether you do that through sex or fapping doesn't matter.

Completley in your head. If you can get hard masturbating, there is no physical erectile disfunction.

Don't stress when this happens.

It often happens to me with a new girl I like. First couple of times I panicked and had to go fuck a fat slut the next day to check I still worked. No problems being rock hard for an hour with the fatty I had no respect for.

So now, if it happens, I straight say to them 'performance anxiety, we will just work around it for now'. Then go down on them, or something, give a massage, just kiss for a bit.

Often ill then just get hard 10 minutes later and it's fine. So just take you time and don't stress.

Or grab some cilais. Then you can just pound her pussy till it's black and blue.

You’re scared of vaginal sex because you’re insecure in your sex skill and ability to satisfy a woman.
The solution, as always, is to be gay instead.

You're probably not into her.

what should I think during sex?

>ooga booga

Performance anxiety.

Stop thinking about whether or not you're going to do a good job, and start thinking about how awesome you are. Dominate.

relax your death grip when choking the monkey

Dont think, just feel it brah
Sounds like something a hippie would say but it works

sounds like anime stuff

>procreation is the sole purpose in any sexual relation between a man and a woman in wedlock
>procreation is the sole purpose in any sexual relation between a man and a woman in wedlock
>procreation is the sole purpose in any sexual relation between a man and a woman in wedlock
>procreation is the sole purpose in any sexual relation between a man and a woman in wedlock

unironically based. best solution

Its called performance anxiety, its normal, try to relax

what mental exercise will help me?

just relax and be yourself lol

Dubs and this is what user will think during sex

If she gets too wet it may cause less friction.
Maybe she is too loose or maybe your dick is not big enough for her.

that was my first thought, but my dick is 7,8 inches and thats an ok size right?

my dick is too curved downwards
I can't barelly fuck dogstyle

Ur an idiot its obviously mental

U know thats pretty fucking big and ur just here for bragging that or ur underage/retarded prob both

I'm admittedly kinda inexperienced but yeah I feel like not wet enough doesn't feel like but I've gotten my girl so wet that I'm slipping around. Is the middle ground the best?

can either pop a pill or just stop overthinking. One of the easiest way to lose your boner is worrying about staying hard.

Or you can use a fluffer, that's a girl that sucks your dick and gets you ready to fuck another girl.

nah man I have no right to brag about anything
my dicc is ugly and too curved downwards

I would love to have a smaller and straight penis

Too dry and you can't fuck, too wet and you both don't feel shit.
Not really sure how to fix it as I am having the same issues.
When you change position try to dry it with a towel idk

how do dicks end up curved.

OP you always fucking in the same position? Switch it up, find one that works best for you.

Or hire a sex coach, they can really help find out what you like and need but they rarely treat singles.

Too much Asian poon.

how to save the white race

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>hire a sex coach
different from a hooker?


this but unironically

Try deloading and changing your reps and sets