Is paying for sex moral, immoral, amoral?

Is paying for sex moral, immoral, amoral?
Tell me faggots.

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its expensive and risky is what that is

I do not think so, but I won't do it anyway.
It is just not good enough for me, when she needs enticement to take my dick.

Immoral. Originlely.

Depends if the service provided is being exploited. It's best to find an independent escort, although they might be exploiting you with some of those fuckin' prices.

Amoral but perhaps you could be met with consequences

morality is a spook.
just dont tell any potential gfs that you've done it before. women are disgusted by it for some reason.

Pfft not for me, legal and safe. Max people consider you a loser.

So you want a virgin wife? I hope you don't masturbate, cut your hair, shave, wear clothes of mixed fabric and above all don't take a dumb in the vicinity of your home.

It only inflates and empowers women more, it wastes your time. It's extremely risky... Those women are guaranteed to have at least herpes and hpv. And it defeats the whole purpose of sex.

It's literally wrong in every conceivable fashion that something could be wrong in. I'd have an easier time justifying murder.

You own your body and you're pleased to do what ever you want with it. I believe in the free market.

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I don't see anything wrong with it unless there's coercion. if you cant get sex without paying for it then means you have poor sexual desirability (loser)

Here they just pay rent per day for a room in a shitty apartment or a small hostel in a /comfy/ area. They never see the pimp, they don't sell drugs. Once they aren't making money just get thrown out and replaced.

morality and stds aside,
if shes not at least a 7/10 White woman,
youre getting ripped off.

Only get escorts from actual pimps, women are too fucking stupid to manage their holes properly.

Legal here, had sex without a condom with them too. Eastern Europe that's not Russia has no STD crisis. Like 6 HIV cases per 1 million people.

Almost everyone does it here and cheats on taxes too. It's guys that are more annoying and judgmental. After a few beers everyone has a large penis and 4 times the laycount they do.

It technically deflates prices on sex and laws for rape as well as marriage are different here.
>you can repudiate your children
>you can't be forced to take paternity test
>she has to sue for child support
>given consent cannot be taken away
>saying NO yet still undressing is silent consent
>3 months to report rape with clear evidence too
>relationship crap never gets investigated
That leaves you with rape being
>follow a girl you don't know at all, beat her, force sex with her
But implies
>stupid drunken girl getting spitroasted after a night out with a stranger because she was stupid is generally not rape
My oh my. This place is as bad as Jow Forums now.

Well of course if there is no possibility of STD then I suppose it would be perfectly fine. So long as the agreement is not made out of desperation by either party and there is an agreement on what constitutes a fair transaction

Herpes and HPV. Technically HPV is a form of herpes, genital herpes is the most rare. Cold sores, shingles, hpv that attacks the trigerminal nerve causing Bell's palsy are the most common.
There's 300 types of herpes, 2 have been found in cervical tumors. Most of those tumors were benign. Those viruses are most common in Iran and sub-equatorial Africa. They don't exist in Europe.
Again fucked hookers raw and eat them out too. Still nothing, you generally get those genital bumps in a month. Last hooker I had for raw was in March this year, sadly been busy.

>too paranoid to do it illegally
>too poor to afford it legally
such is life

Very based and redpilled, go preach the gospel to Jow Forums pls.

Yes women are notorious to refuse sex if there isn't a proper value exchange.
>you are physically hot
>you look average but have popularity
Sad and true.

On Jow Forums this a 3/10.

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Baaaah they are mostly independent here. It's easier, matter of fact they find the work via ads on hooker sites or get brought in by a girl who already works.

i cant even see her face so shes an instant 0/10.

Typical scenario like 80% of the cases
Mid 20s average looking nothing special she's just skinny enough for sex. She's narcissistic a bit, full of shit, has debt. Recently moved from countryside and can't pay rent because she's unqualified for other work. Doesn't have anyone to rat on her doing sex work and she likes the easy cash along having power over men.
Their schedule is random. They will get more guys in the spring and summer then in cold weather like now except last 3 weeks of the year. There are more guys between Thursday and Saturday evening. So I generally schedule Monday noon so her hole will be clean and unstressed for sure.
Late 30s middleclass skinnyfat boring dudes with decent job but a shitty marriage.
Ethnics, rob you, sell drugs, pimped, do raw anal with anyone. That's where you get the AIDS and syphilis. Price is like 2/3 of the clean girls.

So just fuck girls from ads not at the side of the road.

"Suicide is a positive act"
- Emil Cioran


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>don't take a dumb in the vicinity of your home.
You parents failed from the start then?

there is no good and bad in this world, morality is human construct and its wrong

just do what you wanna do and screw other people opinions

>he believes in objective mortality

>using Jewish shit that was thrown out long ago to delegitimize modern Christian beliefs
Not today rabbi

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>If you have standards for a sexual partner it means you must follow every rule in the Bible for some reason
I'm an atheist and I prefer virgins. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with me being unable to respect thots.

It's from the Old Testament. Book of Leviticius, the one that says death to the gays, hookers, adulterers. They had poopholes and it had to be outside the house because unlike the Romans the Middle Easterners were too dumb to build a sewage system.
But conveniently the same section of the Bible says age of consent is 12 for girls an 14 for guys and they should be married asap so like be 18 all were forced into having sex and kids at that time.
Not all marriages are perfect but it beats having incels gunning you down with an AR-15 while high on pharma made meth.

Is cannibalism good then?

I would say that it is immoral as sex is something sacred that only two adults who love each other should partake in. Paying for sex destroys its sanctity as you, as a man, do not feel the same joy from paid sex as you do from real sex with a loving woman no matter how good the girl is at pretending. On the other hand, the woman hates the act of selling her body to you and she hates you for using her body but in all cases she just needs the money. Later in life, that woman will have troubles in her relationships because selling one's body for sex instills a certain mentality of uselessness and negativism. A prostitute can never be a loving mother later in life.
By partaking in paid sex, you are perpetuating a terrible process of the mental destruction of another human being just to get your willy wet which is, at the very least, psychotic. It is immoral, anons.

>Jow Forums ain't for shitpostering and mental masturbation

I'm not even Christian, but even i know that Leviticus no longer applies to Christians as Jesus died in order for humanity to be cleansed of its original sin. lrn2bible

I lived in two Eastern Euro countries in my life. Romania and Hungary. Both are or were somewhat trad and Soros NGO's are legally kicked out. Muslims are persona non-grata unless some very rich guy that builds a factory or something like that.
Yet in both places girls fuck at 13 with guys several years their senior, have tattoos, pink hair, instathot on their iPhones, all get abortions, take birth control regularly, etc.
There are no virgins anymore here unless she has downies or treacher-collins.

Wasted satanic quads on autism.
Sex is a pure physical need and it's unhygienic. You'll see it virginboi. Also emotional intimacy without sexual desire only exists in anime made for your kind.
Also I had single mom hookers too. Youngest with kid was like 23 and oldest was 30. Otherwise youngest hooker 19 and oldest 37, she was fit milf catering to that niche.

it's immoral and degrading as well as expensive. It's immoral because you're having sex with a person who isn't your wife, which is wrong on an interpersonal level and selfish. It's degrading because you're paying to have sex with a person who will literally have sex with anyone and offers only artificial affection, which is kinda like paying a person to be your friend, or paying for a girl to be your girl friend. But even more pathetic than that. This is not only bad for your self esteem, but bad for your image, because anyone who finds out will immediately think much less of you. They're usually pretty pricey as well and it's not uncommon for them to be carriers of STI's.

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No. Nothing wrong with it. You're just having consensual sex, what's so wrong about that?

You sound like a loser. I'm pretty sure calling someone a virgin would still be a better fate than a pathetic uggo that has to pay for sex, and with multiple women.

I think it's ultimately immoral because it puts finance in place of intimacy. In a utopia, people would be able to choose their partners based on a physical-emotional connection. Women wouldn't need to make a time based value decision based on what she can earn from her youth and vagina. "I like him, but he doesn't have a job" or "He's got money, but he's a repugnant person" wouldn't be big choices anymore. Getting from here to a utopia reasonably wouldn't involve paying for sex.

The black market sex industry is rife with exploitation, violence, mental health issues, and drug addiction. It is probably in bad taste to feed into such a system. Even seemingly innocuous interfaces with such a market could have unforeseen consequences. Maybe the girl you think is just in it for herself actually has a pimp who she pays 10% to in exchange for advertising on illicit sites and her pimp beats other women. You would be funding that immoral person without realizing it.

Paying for sex = foreseeable harmful to your mental health. Seeing sex as some sort of commodity that is hid behind emotional and unreasonable women can easily be a font of anger and negative dispositions, regardless of how "the reality of the situation" actually is. A sheltered, innocent woman could meet a violent outcome because her thinking doesn't line up with a jaded man's ideology. You may also become emotionally attached to a prostitute - and then what? You'd repress that emotion and it might manifest in ways that leave you with a pit in your stomach. A common criticism of being sexually loose is feeling heart ache from missed emotional connections. This could probably be related the same way towards prostitution.

Is it moral? Probably not. Is it ethical for a society? That's more complicated. Probably, but vulnerable groups need to be protected. Are towns required to allow people to build brothels? Can women who have exhausted all options besides prostitution get unemployment?

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oh I guess we should all just go off of our own biases for ethics..I'm sure that'll go well.

Who gives a fuck. If you live in a place that it is legal and safe, you have the money, and you want to do it, then do it. It's an experience, and isn't that all life is in the end. I've had sex before, and I still think if I actually wrote a bucket list, fucking a whore would be on that list anyway. I think it would be a different experience, one probably worth having. We only get one life, so I want to try things like that.

Funny thing I am Roman-Catholic and was forced to go to church like twice a week in childhood because it was like 300m's away and my parents were stiff virtue signalers. Yes as a pleb only get to buy the New Testament in the specific stores but when preaching the Pastor will literally quote Old Testament too. Applies to Protestants as well. Here they are Kalvinist, Lutheran, Unitarian, Baptist (Eu version of it). All quote the Old Testament too.
Mea culpa, mea culpa mea maxima culpa. Salva Deo, deliverate mea culpa. Cor Christi perfugio sanctum.

Is an invitation for either aids or herpes to say the least.

You tell me if that is worth it, regardless of the norality behind it, that's definitely a no from me dawg

>Jow Forums
Life fucks as all and if you are here you took it in the butt too.

>rawing and eating out a hooker
>putting your mouth and dick in places where 2-20 other dicks have been that day

Well exactly. Only virgin Americucks shitpost against it. This site's quality would raise exponentially if no USA based person could access it.

Somewhat true, I did it out of loneliness mostly and can't really look at women in the same light again. But I had shitty relationships and was a virgin even in college.

>Jow Forums is one person
>my life is trash therefore your life must be trash too
alright buddy, whatever lets you sleep at night

Very enlightening post. Upvoted!

>Sex is a pure physical need and it's unhygienic
Sex in its most primal form is a pure physical need that can be satisfied by anyone and anything. In this day and age, however, I believe we are something more than monkeys. I find "pure" sex without the romantic intimacy of a loving woman to be very lacking
>Also emotional intimacy without sexual desire only exists in anime made for your kind
If you claim that, then you have never had sex. Either that or you've only had sex with hookers. Either way, I hope that you experience the joy of loving sex
>Also I had single mom hookers too. Youngest with kid was like 23 and oldest was 30. Otherwise youngest hooker 19 and oldest 37, she was fit milf catering to that niche
These are not happy mothers, autismo

You skipped my posts talking of local std rates but no problem. You probably just like talking to yourself in your own room alone.

They have almost no customers on Monday and the average girl in a 250k-300k population town has 6 guys per day max. Some days even zero.
The 20+ per day is the streetwalking ethnics that don't even check themselves.

>If you claim that, then you have never had sex
The irony when your posts sounds like something only a 19 year old naive zoomer would say

>pathetic uggo that has to pay for sex, and with multiple women
At least that "pathetic uggo" had sex with 8/10* women and went on with his day vs the former who would probably marry a 4/10 landwhale

If you believe it is, sure. Same thing with murder.

If you lived in a place without law, yeah, that's exactly what would happen.

>and the average girl in a 250k-300k population town has 6 guys per day max
>6 guys per day max besides monday
>I put my weewee and mouth in a place where an average of 1-6 random guys have stuck their penises in daily.
Kek nice cope

I bay money, I but benis is bagina skin flap

>of 1-6 random guys have stuck their penises in daily.
How is that different from you who came out a vagina that had a similar dick count (or more)

No cool person with a life would ever post here. Literally impossible, normies go Instagram. Literally the INTP, INTJ, INFP that make up less than 4% of the total population but are 20 times overrepresented here. Also any females that show up based on Google's algorithms are generally homosexual men.
The INTP, INTJ, INFP have the least amount of income, sex, friends based on research. While ENTJ, ESTJ, ESTP men got the most along mental stability.
Some guy did a survery on Jow Forums for this. Normie men are the diammetrical opposite of these half-baked personality types. Inb4 MBTI not valid, then why do you fuckers keep posting it here?

>having sex with a 8/10 prostitute is an accomplishment
I feel like if you're paying 100+ dollars for a service you could get for free, she should at least be a 9/10 imo. Still pretty pathetic tho considering it's not real sex with real consent. Sure she's agreeing to the act, but she's only doing it because you're paying her. If she wasn't being paid she would never even as much look at you, but if thats what compels you so be it I guess. Weird flex but ok.

I had girlfriends too. I don't go back to hookers who are mentally ill and provide shit sex.
Autismo? No u!

tl;dr I'm a cuck who lives on women's validations
sucks to be you

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>If you lived in a place without law, yeah, that's exactly what would happen.
Yah and it obviously doesn't work well which is why we have society in the first place.

My life experience vs your ""kek"".
Tell me about meditation, cold showers, nofap, ketogenic diet and other such inane shit.

>My mom has had 1-6 different penises daily shoved into her from completely random strangers for money.
Yeah.. no. Nice cope tho

Another counterintuitive thing. Hookers in apartments clean themselves and check for std. Most refuse to fuck ethnic poor men.
Roasties at the bar will be full and dripping with cum while drunk and sitting at the table trolling and teasing you for another drink.
Have fun kissing them when they've recently vomited and smoke too.

There are no 9/10 girls silly.

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I don't do any of those things, but nice coping technique. I can really see how you're clouding the cognitive dissonance with reassurance from those that are relatively less pathetic than you are.

Do you own a house and do your personal savings exceed the amount of GDP per capita in your country?
Inb4 YES just because you can type out you are a male model astronaut Chad military veteran too. Like nobody knows you are a dog on the internet, literally no one.

>Nice cope tho

>again with the le Jow Forums is 1 person meme
You do know celebrities have been caught lurking here b4 right? I'm not saying that most autists here aren't uncool autists, but to say the thousands of people that come here 24/7 are of the same breed and from a Jow Forums pol is just inaccurate. There are more normies on this site than ever b4 in the history of Jow Forums. Hell half the population here are total normies now.

Jow Forums copypasta at its finest. Go troll the bluecollar Mexican boomers there with it.

>Roasties at the bar will be full and dripping with cum while drunk and sitting at the table trolling and teasing you for another drink.
GROSS but sad reality. Just fucking lol@Self improvement (nofap, lifting, """positivemasculinity""",pua) just to pick up these kinds of chicks

>i'm a dumb frogposter that buys prostitutes cuz i'm pathetic
>paying for sex isn't validating women and giving them money for doing nothing but being a vapid whore.
very nice cope

>You do know celebrities have been caught lurking here b4 right
inb4 taylor swift on /b/

Hannah Hays? Yes that was funny and pathetic at the same time. But she's a hooker and your erection is what's making her a celeb.
Lauren Southern, Varg, Styxx aren't celebs but literal low income narcissistic attention whores begging for clicks.
Taytay's cat was a troll. Someone photoshopped the posts claiming it to be true.
JLaw didn't really want to see her nudes here.
What else buddy?

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why don't you google it you dumb faggot

>validating women and giving them money for doing nothing but being a vapid whore
>marrying a 4/10 who will age like shit in 10 years isn't validating women and giving them money for doing nothing but being a vapid whore
I know it sucks being ethnic and poor, but least you have porn

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You made the claim
You back it up with proof


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>having morals is Jow Forums
Nice cope

I dropped that shit a long time ago but know a guy who's a very tall masculine bodyguard. He's a former mid-tier MMA. He still does this picking up roasties while on the job thing but they are fat, unhygienic, high, hysterical, the guy told me shit on email and Skype that put me off from the roastening forever. Literally he fucks hookers too that look better than what he gets for free.

using escorts is perhaps less-than-ideal compared to having a good girlfriend.

but it beats everything else when that escort is White and hot.

You really want me to sit here and literally spoon feed you information that you could in 2 seconds open up a new tab and search for instantly. I'm not gonna do that, if you really wanna know who, why don't you just google search it.
>inb4 hurr durr I knew you couldn't posttt proooff
I'm not wasting my time on dumb faggots that can't use google. If you really wanna know just google it.

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Not morals but posting the exact same thing as the Hispanic taxi drivers do on their 200usd cellphone larping as trad wh*Te high income pillar of the community sort of dude. It's too transparent by now, annoying af as well.

Imagine being this much of a mouthbreather

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A hurr, a durr, a shmurr.
K buddy, whatever you say.

>paying for sex from a random vapid whore is the same as sharing a life with a girl that loves you.
Whatever lets you sleep at night.

>sharing a life with a girl that loves you
Not happening to you since you're browsing this board. Thanks for the mighty keks

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>it's a Jow Forumstard didn't take his pills again post
Go back

>i'm too stupid to google search things for myself
would you like me to sit here and teach you how to count to 10 too?

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Nooooo U!!!!!!!
You have to go back.

who /ethnic and poor/ here?

at least i have my gg diablo itims

Yes but in a hexadecimal system pls.

>everyone on Jow Forums is 1 person
>i'm not single because i'm autistic lel XDXDXDX i'm single by choice Imma MGTOW and redpilled brother
>hurr durr I don need no women Imma strong independent man boy
Whatever helps you cope.

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