ITT: We post pictures of and laugh at failed trannies




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I wish I had a pic but they're too gross to keep on my computer.

Oh no no no...

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This actually looks attractive. Looks like an average girl.
I wish I could look as good as her

>This actually looks attractive.
You have fucked up standards
>Looks like an average girl.
An average meth addict maybe

Post moar! I need to see the suffering of others in order to cheer me up.

Here you go, laugh away!


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>Gets surgery
>Vanishes for months
>Reports that he's ALREADY regretting it
>Apparently the odour leaking from his wound he refuses to let heal is ungodly


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your picrelated passes but she fucked up her makeup, those mad eyeliner skillz, lol. btw passes despite applying dark lipstick, i am jelly

you simply don't know where to look at

Where am I supposed to look? The emaciated face? The miserable, pained smile? The stringy, flat hair? The flat chest?

the trap and anti trap shilling has gotten quite out of hand on this board. except its just frequent enough to be funny and not annoying. keep it that way.

rather small brow bossing, rounded jaw with a pointy chin, no visible adam's apple

can't take selfies for shit, it's a pretty bad angle and also definitely need more makeup skills

oh and big lips too

if you want to see male lips look at , with lips like that you better paint your eyes only

You absolute retard

wish she contoured her forehead and used some heavier foundation for it too

sorry senpai none of that stops the fact that this beast looks ugly as fuck

you're a tranny, aren't you?? lmao

i need to catch up with the news


wtf is that?!?!?!? is that thing a girl?! it's fucking Balding

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You guys are in for a treat!

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Another failed waste of space.

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This is why tranny faggots always wear those retarded trap masks. Really, who are they trying to fool? Themselves?

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Life of your typical tranny.

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This is why. you can never stop time from going forward.

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Also, daily reminder this is how you are forever.

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Please post source of the odor. I am interested

Emotion API says it all when it comes to his horror story.

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This is how it starts with people like him.

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This is how it can easily end for little kids being forced by their gay, bitter "mothers".

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If not, shit like this will be rampant.

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And these people wonder why everyone hates them for their faggotry.

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is that the android from that I feel fantastic video

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I wish. I would actually fuck the android from that video. I think that tranny might just be infatuated with this character tho. Most of the "trannies" you find on the chans are just suffering from autogynephilia.

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What do you think their parents think?

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this one doesnt look that bad

Go get your eyes checked son.

wait, is Aero that Foxworth dude? I've seen pictures of him for years but I feel really dumb for never connecting the dots if that is him

desu you make me disgusted with your kind. you constantly whine for sympathy while you are not willing to give it yourself. i always was nice to socially awkward guys guess i rather should be more mean, laugh at them and post about creepy incels on twitter, not like you deserve anything better

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not many scientists take ray blanchard and his apprentice anne lawrence seriously nowadays, blanchard afaik literally shitposts on twitter, his authority is already completely ruined so he can do whatever. even /lgbt/ despite it likes to meme about agp and hsts gave those words completely different meme meanings

also read this, it's a letter to anne lawrence, the author of that article that you posted, it's pretty interesting

The very same. For some reason he seems ashamed of the content he used to create.
Feelings are not an argument against facts. Try again tranny.

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Here's some first lady failed trannies.
Mamie Eisenhower.

Attached: Mamie_Eisenhower_color_photo_portrait,_White_House,_May_1954.jpg (2703x3576, 943K)

Eleanor Roosevelt

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Michelle Obama
Lots of people noticed that one.

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Post your face not the dog tranny

Is that yourstruly? The one eggman kissed?

h.. f.....
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

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god I want to suck on bailey's fingers

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You can't fool me, drag eminem

That's drag tho. Like they're all faggots but they're not trannies at least

That one in op is rather fuckable. I don't see them failz.

Looks ugly, also fuck off tranny apologist, true robots are straight and are attracted to REAL CIS women

I wanna kms, it is over for me.

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It looks like a 65 year old man who is in a fucking goth phase

Okay how about this one? 20yo trap.

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Big respect for your taste. I wouldnt go near that thing. Imagine it being at the other side of the road looking at you

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That's literally just a skinny dude in a skirt and crop top.


oh look.. could it be.. an user in denial?
embrace it

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A guy in a dress is a guy in a dress. Nice try faggot.

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He looks like a redditor

I am not in denial fag, I have been attached to women ever since I hit puberty

I jack it to bailey Jay very frequently but he isn't going to look that good forever. Already fat and weve never seen him womithout makeup

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Okay I am a gay, big gheii. Dgaf.

Preaching to the choir, check previous post of mine

It's far better than the pro-trap shilling. That was a dark time

Jow Forums always had the trappy porn ever since the golden age of /b/
It's a common sexual fetish that's still an enigma, gay or not if the tranny looks decent and is somewhat mentally sane I don't see the problem even paying for a hooker like that.
The pro-trap thing here was just an organized raid, that was also common here on Jow Forums, tumblrfags did that for years; now it's resetera and reddit folk who organize it via random discord servers. But the site's userbase has devolved significantly it's a bunch of anxiety ridden kids under 21 being sjw. Either lefty sjw or pseudotrad/pol/drumpf sjw. Same triggers, different propaganda.

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you are not very bright, are you? it's just an illustration how blanchard's theory doesn't work in practice and how that "scientist" turns a blind eye to that, that's what blanchard was criticised for too, he went as far as claiming that people lied to him when their reports didn't fit his theory

This your typical Jow Forums tranny when not photoshopping or using angles.

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No one actually cares about you or Dr.Shecklestein's stupid opinion when all of you faggot are pushing pills & there's thousands of years of human history & evolution to know you don't play god.

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Eeehh these are like underage kids on ssri probably. Nah thanks I am a okay with what pornhub and chaturbate and possibly grindr provides.

Yeah, they provide much better quality...

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As a tranny I approve of this thread. Whenever i feel bad about not looking like a pornstar I can just see these pictures and realise it could be much worse.

>thousands of years

Citation needed, user. Not that I think "playing god" is some kind of great idea but you've got to source sweeping claims like that.

Also I'm bored and need reading material desu

You need source material when you try to brainwash people into chemically castrating themselves. People who are not total idiots have common sense.

Only tumblrette's are obsessed over being "a real woman". Anyone with a shred of common sense realises that you can't change chromosomes but you can present and be seen as female if you put in enough work and don't get fucked over with genetics

>I just don't believe hrt alone is cass's problem.
lol, back to pill pushing pedophile.

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>is that thing a girl?! it's fucking Balding
t. nonwhite. Most white men start balding in their 20s, that's normal. He should try finasteride or use a wig, though.

>Most white men start balding in their 20s
no they don't, and that guy literally has a hairline on the top of his head.

You should take your pills
The anti-psychotic kind

>no they don't
Yeah, they do, if not in their late teens. Like I said you are not fucking white

What the fuck is wrong with these kind of people. Like holy fuck are they retarded?

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It's a discord that tried to pretend its some le boogeyman and retards bought it and gave them free advertising. Are you really suprised.

I'm not even , but I am white, and let me tell you no one my age is fucking balding. You sound like you're desperately trying to cope with your own shitty hair genetics by blaming it on your race.

Spotted the trannies coming in for damage control!

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>35 posters
>keeps responding to the same imaginary boogeyman.
Take your pills brah

>more than one waifu
Truly the most despicable part

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What scares me most is how close these abominations get to the real thing, imagine what ugly girls can do, make up should be abolished.

That is just Leafy.

I honestly dont think I could respect these things when they would talk to me

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You do realize it says he is 99+% happy right?

god I wish he was mine

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ok I'm not against traps / hrt and I don't think they should be judged based on a couple fags who have supposedly "forced" (???) people to go on hrt via Jow Forums (??????)
but i think this picture is based, kino and belongs in a high art gallery.

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