Insomniabots, what do you do to help yourself sleep? I've tried having a regular sleep schedule, I've tried melatonin...

Insomniabots, what do you do to help yourself sleep? I've tried having a regular sleep schedule, I've tried melatonin, nothing seems to work.

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its your bed. sleep on the couch

I'd rather sleep in a puddle of AIDS

stop using fluoride toothpaste
stop buying fluoride foods
stop showering in fluoride, use well

Just sleep on the floor

Foolproof cure for insomnia right here.

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Do sungazing.
Stare into the sun, but don't force it.
Going blind from the sun is a meme, it's not true.

Also earthing.

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How does this work at night though when the sun goes down? Will a powerful enough lightbulb work as well?

Are you seriously sleeping entirely through the daytime all the time?
It would depend on the type of light bulb. UV lamps are a thing.
I suggest you just get sun when you are awake, that seems far easier to me.

Oh so you do it during the day and it helps you sleep at night? I guess I just dont go outside that often and I boarded up the windows in my room because I can't sleep at night with the light coming in from the windows. Ill look into it though thanks

Make sure you get enough exercise during the day, and that you eat a good diet. Then make sure to give yourself at least 30 minutes or an hour before bed without a screen in front of your face, listening to music or reading a book or something like that.

I don't sleep, I just stay up all night and go to bed the next night.

>Make sure you get enough exercise during the day
>and that you eat a good diet
>Then make sure to give yourself at least 30 minutes or an hour before bed without a screen in front of your face
>listening to music or reading a book or something Iike that

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What Melatonin mg dose were you on?
Have you tried Isha Kriya meditation?
Your mind is jacking your ass worse than a Big nog if you truly cannot fall asleep. I have actually had zero/1-2hrs sleep and had to attend Sixth Form back in 2014. It is rough.

Get some help.

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T. Nig bog that cannot function in the winter (human) climate.
>Where dat hoe azz Sun at Nigguh?

It actually works and it's good advice.
I have severe insomnia, while it doesn't fix it (I take 3 different sleeping aids when it gets bad or I can stay up for days) it helps and it works well.

smoke some weed it puts u right out

about 8 pints @ 6.5%

I'm not entirely sure how well this will work for you, but on the very few nights where I did have insomnia, I found that if you change the voice in your head that states your thoughts into a different voice, it can help you sleep surprisingly.

Just talk in the voice of some cartoon character or someone you know, in your head. Kind of a weird thing to do, but it's worked for me on the few occasions I've had insomnia.

One trick I've found useful is don't even go thinking things that worry you, like just think about videogames or stuff like that

Google how to stimulate natural melatonin production. For starters you probably dont want to be looking at any light an hour before sleep and dont want to drink coffee within 6 hours of wanting to sleep.