or I will continue to mooch off the system and never attempt to get a job. I don't care if it kills me. Civilization is a contract between a man and society whereby a man trades his labor for the right to reproduce, and since society won't hold up its end of the deal then neither will I.
Give me a girlfriend
Other urls found in this thread:
You can still strive to be rich. The house, the car, the fame, the respect can all be yours. Then whatever ho tries to leech off of you can be rightfully treated as a scumny whore. Win-Win.
>rich. The house, the car, the fame, the respect
lol they got you good senpai lmao
>You can still strive to be rich.
Dont forget to work harder so your boss can gain more money and give you more tasks so he dosent need to hire more people
How is society preventing you from getting a gf? Is it society's fault you chose to shut yourself in the basement and never talk to girls?
public service announcement
do not reply to this everybody
Just get a sex doll you fucking autist
>for the right to reproduce
Artificial wombs will make biocunts obsolete for reproduction.
Sex dolls can't play vidya with me and genuinely enjoy having me around.
BLS definition of millionaire
>a person or household with investible wealth of $1,000,000 or more (not including their primary residence)
BLS definition of self-made millionaire or billionaire
>an individual or household that inherited less than 50% of their real goods
Between October 2017 and October 2018 the US gained 700,000 new self-made millionaires.
The world needs ditch diggers, too
i can only repeat myself, they got you good
You broke the contract with civilization so civilization owes you nothing.
This desu. Not my fault nor society's but your own.
>get me laid I will continue to mooch off the system and never attempt to get a job
I unironically support this, It's kind of like a lazy protest of today's highly unequal sexual market.
a similar style protest wokred for gaundi, maybe it can work for you incels.
>he thinks that a girlfriend would genuinely want him around, play vidya with him, and wouldn't just be using him for beta bux
How, exactly?
I can look around and see with my own eyes that some people thrive and others do not.
Sure, sometimes a decent, hard working person has bad luck or a bad encounter, but they bounce back.
Sure, sometimes the slacking loser wins a scratch off, but he turns that into weed and smokes it pretty quick.
So who should I believe - statistics & my own eyes, or some dork on Jow Forums?
too expensive nigger
you dumb fucks have no idea whats happening do you? you drop out, no one cares but out of the goodness of our heart still feed you but make no mistake, you will not procreate and your kind become extinct from the planet. The End
keep on making money while your boss's boss's boss gets 23 trillion dollars and poisons your children with shitty stuff because he is a literal god in this capitalist world. seriously keep on if being a slave makes you happy, thats what its all about in the end. and no you arent slaving away, but in the grand scheme you are one.
Wasted effort
Look at
MGTOW are the *real* male feminists because they accept the core concepts of feminism
>struggle between the genders; relationships are transactional; marriages are primarily or exclusively a financial & power contract; selflessness, empathy, and nurturing of the opposite sex is harmful or evil; etc.
And like Feminists they proudly proclaim they are failing evolution & re proud of it
hahhaha while this is true the jokes actually on you, because you guys are literally working on killing this planet, how lucky that youll have descendants that can inhabit post natural resources earth, oh wait they will all die in the great famine that will inevitably ensue because you just cant stop multiplying and consuming and destroying everything you see. the joke is on fucking you because all you are working for will be but a distant memory and a ruin behind which the sun sets on a dusty hot day in the wastes and the mutated fracture of your dna that might still be there will wonder what all that weird stuff is that makes the little food they have taste bad after she gets pounded by her equally mutaded malnourished brother called oooga
>I have no grasp of how any human society works
Translated your gibberish for the observers.
You strike me as the sort that as a teen had a big Christmas list but resented doing chores.
This is sour grapes taken to a whole new level.
it is but you cant deny that hes uncomfortably right
nope, let me be more pithy. The world continues to spin whether you are here or not. I know thats a difficult concept for your western white male noggin to contemplate. In fact, in many shitholes someone may toil all day and still starve and no one cares so if you think stomping your foot because mommie didn't buy you hotpockets will bring humanity to its knees you are mistaken.
He is ridiculously WRONG!
>existing food production could allow the world population to eat an average American diet in calories & variety using only American farmland; this includes meat
>the entire populations fresh water needs could be met by the American Colorado River
>TFR for Europe, Asia, and North Africa has been below replacement for 25+ years and for the enature Western Hemisphere for 20 meaning an inevitable global population decline *will* occur. As a matter of fact, human population has almost certainly peaked *already*
The year 2100 the global population could be as low as 1.8 billion.
Read a fucking book
Testing to see if I'm banned original comment
He was agreeing with you
>implying girlfriends are any cheaper
They won't do shit; your primary role in the economy is to be a consumer and women are better constituents of the system when they aren't forced to do things against their will
i dont have money either way
T. Blind retard
Read what you're replying to next time
>muh MGTOW is feminism for men maymay
i dont have an quarrel with you guys but... identifying and labeling yourself doesnt sound like a man going their own way, just saying...