/MBTI thread

MBTI thread!! Come one, come all.
Who here ESTP?? Can't let all the INTP and INTJ take the spotlight

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ENFP -T here, thoughts?

Well, I'm an ENTP and my girlfriend is an INTJ and i'm the dominant one in the relationship, why would you guy rule anyway?

your friendly reminder that INFPs and INFJs shall inherit the earth

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i rarely see other ISTJs on here, i wonder why

hello, as a teenager i scored as an infp, but as an adult i score as an intp. how do i know which one is my "true" type? and what does this mean for my personality type?

ESTP Chad here AMA bitches

Please more of these.

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them and ESFJ seemed to fall off the earth on here


I think I'm ISFJ only because I'm shy. Shy as in I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and want to be liked by everyone.
People like me yes but people forget that I even exist.
I usually get asked did you come to class today?

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send help istj senpai

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I'm an INFP!



1930s shit-tier pseudoscience.

Fuck you all.

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literally the NPCs of this website

ENTP masterrace
The ability to fill any social container for the low, low price of wondering if you actually have a soul and a functional drinking problem

well said king we are the masterrace

You're overreacting to things people regard as unimportant and you won't shut up until you're told to, aren't you?

>tfw INTJ
>tfw dated ENTP
>tfw dumped him and hated him after a few years

why are you so cringeworthy

Any NT that shows their actual emotions is cringeworthy

I did this test the other day, it's pretty interesting and the results are kind of different from the ones I got from MBTI.

why no istp here?

Studied the thing for two years, it's fucking shockingly revolutionary. It's changed every single interaction I have with people, we all fall into each of these pathways at any time. It's made up from adjectives, literally what we describe ourselves with is the building blocks for this psychological model. MBTI is dated and based off Jungian presuppositions, it's such an online circle jerk.

I test as INTJ consistently (never tested as anything else, always fit the description to a T, everyone who knows me and is into MBTI describes me as an INTJ) but in the big 5 results I have a relatively high agreeableness (75 percentile) which isn't a very INTJ trait, supposedly.
The rest is what I expected, and I can see that both profiles fit me. But probably the MBTI is a bit more reductive than the 5 models is.

Pretty sure I tested INTP when I was like 15. Kind of surprised with my results desu

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I'm also an INTJ.

Openness 65th
Conscientiousness 1st
Extraversion 17th
Agreeableness 60th
Neuroticism 99th

My main bugbear for MBTI is that it has no measure for neuroticism, which is a huge part for who I am. Also J's are typically associated with assertion and methodical behaviour, however I'm disorganised as fuck and really polite which opposes assertiveness. Yet, I rank as a J. I did enjoy the MBTI for three years, but it is seriously past it.

I test something like:

>Openness 70th
>Conscientiousness 85th
>Extroversion 15th
>Agreeableness 75th
>Neuroticism 40th
I think that for most of it I fit what I'd imagine a stereotypical INTJ profile would be fairly well, but that agreeableness was shocking.

Google shit faggot. That's the solution to many of your issues

Precisely, we would be rank identical on the MBTI yet here I am sat in a messy computer room, drunk and anxious as fuck and there you are with all your shit in check~

I'm glad you're open enough to see how personality works.

Godspeed faggot.

Yeah, I just spent half of my morning sorting my sweaters by color and material and then worked out.

Wish you well, hope you sort yourself out.

Am I still a real INFJ if, instead of Hitler, I think Stalin did nothing wrong?

istp reporting in, originally

Who are some Te communicators?

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>mfw ENFP

>mfw studying computer science

>mfw i made a huge mistake

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True. ISTJ, it is in your best interest to help us and together we can rid the world of filthy ISTP

Dick Cheney, Caesar, Aristotle, Stalin

>he did 16 memes test
cognitive functions is where's the gold at

Is ISTP the most badass type?

estp is reckless badass and istp is vigilante

Is really nobody here an ENTJ? I'm like the only one on this board is seems.

ISTP dudes, unite!

Face it, ENTP's steal your GF's and become your stepdads.

How the fuck can somebody even be introverted.

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ENTJs are out there in the world, making business or collecting slaves.

MBTI is for faggots. All of you deserve to be euthanized.


extroverts fuck off. fuck off this board and fuck off this planet. stop talking. fuck.

Filling this out and it telling me who im like

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Am i the only ISFP on Jow Forums?

No, i remember seeing quite a number of ISFP here. However i think they reside in /an/, /p/, /ic/ or /ck/.

what's the best tests these days?
i'm only sure I'm introverted, and thinking

>what's the best tests these days?

ENFJ here. Still trying to find that greater good

>Still trying to find that greater good
Have you tried reading about Goethe? Apparently he was also ENFJ

>that pic
You do realize its all talking about subsets of Introversion and Extraversion, right? Stability=Introversion, Plasticity=Extraversion.


ENTPs self esteem is based in being epic and cool. So they try to be epic and cool all the time. If they're not epic and cool, they feel worthless.

Reminder that INTP is the sissy boy type. Most INTPs are effeminate weak frail boyes or trap faggots

>watch Meghan LeVota's series on "what i've learned about life by observing X type"

value yourself, believe in your abilities. create your own value within yourself so you can give it to other people and create value for them. create your own opportunities in life. put yourself out there. show people your competence so you can benefit eachother.

>useful advice.

time is money. manage your time. don't stress about things until you have all the information first. work hard so you can play hard. value and implement self sacrifice for the sake of your family.

>useful advice.

think for yourself. muh principles. muh truth. muh skepticism. "im afraid to make this video u guys will attack me". "intps have given me more of a feeling than advice." "intps stress me out you guys are impossible to please."


LMAO INTP shitters confirmed useless

Based ESTP chad btfoing INTraPs

Sounds like a flowery way of telling ENTJs to kindly shut the fuck up and become introverted until they have something of worth to say.

lol this
and any feeler who tries to be smart ends up being equally cringeworthy

INTP retard detected. She is saying those are the things thise type do that she finds to be useful and valuable in life. Not the advice she would give to those types.

And why would any care if he is useful for some youtube twit?

Stay asshurt trapboy

INFJ here. How do I deal with the shame of being the least masculine in my family? My dad, brother, grandfathers, brother-in-laws... there's literally not a single male in the entire family who isn't significantly more traditionally male than I am.

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Nice argument, could think of nothing better while licking your shit off your dildo?

give in and enjoy being a subbyboi

shame about what? not having the same interests as other family guys? that doesnt define you as a man.

Define "masculinity", please? INFJs are literally Hitlers, and that guy didn't look like a sissy to me.

hitler was a retard that spread his army too thin and got fucked because he was too emotional and had to have his way too soon. not manly.

I'm not into hunting, or fishing, or sports. I'm physically the weakest. I don't have a lot of traditionally masculine skills like knowing how to change tires or fix things.

not being warrior doesnt mean you're not a man. priests and visionaries were also dudes.

>licking your shit off your dildo?
Thats your job, trapboy

Are you physically feminine or just mentally?

ISTP, checking in. Daily reminder that ISTPs are the best type and are superior in every way.

Guys, who is le superior chad?

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ENTJ is peak man.

ENTJ would inspire by accomplishments
ESTP would inspire by unshakable spirit.

A retard (like every feeler) that could inspire people to at least go to war. Still quite manly.

I'm not rugged, but I'm not a twink either. On the softer end of masculine.

You are 100% correct


What's the site of that test?

Don't hit on INFJs, they're too innocent.

They're more cunning then you realize. Don't let your guard down

ISTP guy here. Had an interest in an ISFP girl; we had a lot in common (especially the social autism), but she rejected me and I'm back to square fucking one. This has happened several times with different women and I believe I am done trying. I'm just gonna finish college or whatever and spend the rest of my life as a free man; women might want me when they see I'm "loaded" but I'm going to reject them because they do not want me for my personality.

ISTPs are autism but dangerous as well. INTPs are just autism but they are powerless in the real world. A lotta people dislike you for that reason. Dangerous + unpredictability of autism leads to a deadly combination

option A:
use your Fe to stop being a fag and start blending in, it won't kill you and you'll get brownie points for manning up

option B:
keep being a fag and let your family silently disown you because you never even tried to connect with them on such a basic and primal level

seriously champ

I think INFJs are sweethearts. Why would anyone feel otherwise?

Wait, so you're saying people are intimidated by the way I look at people? I can't help the fact I look like a sociopath and I try to be friendly with people.

have you ever REALLY known one? i mean known exactly who they are from being close with them for 10+ years? they are dark and deceptive. can be very cunning, manipulative, and cold uncaring fucks who relish in the pain they cause others.

sup INTP bro did you ever straighten things out with your INTJ friend and that INFJ fag

>laments about being lonely
Y'all are extroverts who incorrectly get scored as introverts because you have poor social skills, are unliked, and are cowards. Yet you're all predisposed to desiring social interaction.

Not the poster you're replying to, but my father is INFJ. Mostly quiet, very smart and wise; can solve just about any problem with precision. I don't think I've ever seen the dark side of him, but our relationship is a little strained because we don't have the same views on things and we have problems communicating. Most of the questions he asks me are ones I've never thought of to answer because they are kind of vague and he gets impatient when I'm not able to find the answer to those questions in time (within a minute). Nonetheless, we try to see past our differences and get along well for short periods.

nah not yet the intj has a weird work schedule and our schedules don't line up well at the moment

ive been keeping the infj at a distance and he dislikes it. i'm assuming at a point he's going to freak out and demand that i choose between being his friend and cutting him off.

lmao good work keeping him on the hot plate. he probably will freak out eventually

Im saying that its a combination of autism (unpredictable, erratic and devoid of empathy) and intimidation

Nah, they accept me for who and what I am.

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every mentaly healthy person is faggot

No buddy, I'm here too.

Introverts do have a social appetite and social needs. They're just much smaller than those which extroverts have.

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Being an ISTP feels like being a working dog who's been relocated into a disorganized family. I don't want to spend my life doing pointless tasks at the command of idiots because I'll be scolded if I don't, but I can't just sit complacent either. I don't value just working for me, I need to work for a person, a community, but the only people around me just aren't worth working for and they don't give a shit about what I do anyway as long as I'm not embarrassing them.