Seriously, get a job

seriously, get a job

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You're just jealous of my NEETbux wagie

I actually applied for a job at a fast food place that's literally right across the street from where I live.
I got bored with NEET life and I'm tired of not having any money.

What are my odds of getting the job?

I'm trying but nobody wants to hire me, OP.

I'm financially independent but I wish I could just stop working, lock myself in my home and be a darkness dwelling neet incel.

i have one, and it's depressing, no it's not an office wageslave one but literally third world tier manual labour, i work 12 hours a day, I'd quit but my parents are struggling as is, they don't need me being useless at home

What do you do? Is there actually anything still feasible but being a freelance artist/designer or software developer?

In /uni/ from 6am till 6pm.
Live with my parents so I travel 1h 30mins every day by bus.

How am I supposed to find a job?
I can move into a room that costs 300 per month but first I need a job.
EU fag.

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Kek I am in fact a software developer. The problem is that I've gotten too good with too much experience and too much pay, so I'm expected to spend my time helping out anyone and everyone who needs it. Despite that fact that I've got anxiety issues and barely socially competent.

Working in an office is trash, I'm way too paranoid to feel comfortable. But after reading a book on the history of offices, it seems like that's the point of it.

I think people with similar problems should have the opportunity to work in solitude for the majority of the time.

> 6am till 6pm
Every day? wtf.

Do I get pussy for it?
If not, I rather play vidya desu.


I wake up 6am just to catch a bus.
9am Gym every day to wake myself up and a nice cup of raspberry tea to keep me warm.
I only arrive home at 8pm using the bus.

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How long is your course? Even doing an accelerated study course was only 2.5 days a week for me.

I have one.
The work itself isn't bad, but being around people all day is fucking unbearable.

what are the odds of touching yourself? the turn around is about as quick.

Sounds rough user, but you're doing really well

I have inteviews but I never get called back, it's depressing and ruins my self confidence

I work in a mill

I wish i could stay in my room and never leave it

Mills are dirty, loud, awful places with dirty, loud people and i wish i never got this job

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Highest taxed income. Sell shit online.

No thanks wagecuck, I'm staying comfy.

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>not joining the glorious part-time employment master race

I've got plenty of free time to do whatever the hell I want, but I don't feel like a useless piece of shit. It's the best of both worlds.

fuck you

Im drunk, but I mean this shit

anyone want to make extra cash Ill cash you in cash, fuck it

I work international finance, but if you want to help me build my american network, hit me up. I put on financial presentations for people, show them how to save money tax free, all legal. safer than property, stocks, all that dumb shit.

put me in front of people you know, they put me in front of people they know, someone gets an acct. I pay you cash, probably 200 whoever signs up.

And fuck it if you want to do this shit official I can help you with that too. The License test is easy as fuck.

this guy works in a mill. I bet if he linked me to it's owner, I could make a fat fucking check, then I'd break him off pretty solid, maybe 500 bucks so he could buy his friends drinks and they could become part of his network.

fuck taxes, fuck work, show me who you know, skype with me, and let me go to work for you

I need coffee. email me at jjaneus at gmail . com

dont send me a resume, just tell me about yourself, where you are located, and the types of people you know.

do you know business owners? families starting out? spanish speakers? millitary people? couples who make over 50k?

anyway Im gonna nap for an hour. IF anyone is interested, I'll skype you this week

oh, if you speak any other languages let me know too