1984 anyone?

1984 anyone?
>pic unrelated

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this article is over 20 years old

I chose that article because it was closer to 1984

>wanting american school named after jewish slave owners

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>stripping George Washington because mah slavery
>George Washington said ending slavery was nessary for the nation to survive
>George Washington freed all his slaves at his death
>George Washington who tried to make peace with the Indians and was so based the Indian chief later said "no white man can get into Indian heaven, but an exception will be made for George Washington "
Why are people so revisionist

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>The new name pays tribute to a black surgeon who lived from 1904 to 1950 and is known for developing methods to preserve blood plasma and for protesting the United States Army's practice of segregating donated blood by race.

>the United States Army's practice of segregating donated blood by race.

How did whites go from this to being ethnomasochistic cucks in ~50 years?

Thomas Jefferson said this:

>It was thought better that this should be kept back, and attempted only by way of amendment whenever the bill should be brought on. The principles of the amendment however were agreed on, that is to say, the freedom of all born after a certain day, and deportation at a proper age. But it was found that the public mind would not yet bear the proposition, nor will it bear it even at this day. Yet the day is not distant when it must bear and adopt it, or worse will follow. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors. This precedent would fall far short of our case.

I do not like this image at all



Racism is made up. The Romans immigrated and mixed with people. The Greeks immigrated and mixed with people. The Byzantines immigrated and mixed with people. The Russians of the Russian Empire immigrated and mixed with people. The Mongols immigrated and mixed with people. The Ottomans immigrated and mixed with people.

But suddenly when it comes to West Europeans its a disaster? Yeah nah. You're just against immigration and multiculturalism because it means that people superior to you can take your place in society.

you dont get it do ya.

did the romans say there arent romans and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ? did the greeks say there arent actually greeks and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ? did the byzantines say there arent actually byzantines and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ? did the russian empire say there isnt actually such a thing as a russian and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ? did the mongols say there isnt actually such a thing as a mongol and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ? did the ottomans say there actually isnt such a thing as an ottoman and we are actually all the same and we should give free shit to poor people flooding our streets ?

>The Romans immigrated and mixed with people. The Greeks immigrated and mixed with people. The Byzantines immigrated and mixed with people.
And the children of those mixed relationships weren't considered Roman/Greek/Byzantine, and were usually left in their home countries with mom once Daddy's army went home. This is such a moronic argument I literally cannot imagine you're making it in good faith.

you are a nigger a jewish fucking nigger you mighht quell my boyish gay brethren but not me ill flip your car and burn your shlomo suck my dick ill get the shottie riot your city and call you a jew thats what i do you fucking dirty obscene baboo

the eternal jew cant help but play

the people of this world against each other
make them hate each other

divide an conquer and then sell them plastic that shrinks their brain and penis and also bank and also paper money very good yes

haha you worked out this plan its pretty smart but also very autistic if you think about it. we are capable of colonizing space and surpassing mortality but here you fucking disgusting ancient devil morons are wanking over shiny shiny coin and LE POWER VERY BLUEPILLED POPULATION AND MANIPULATING THE LESSER MAKE MY PEEPEE AND BRAIN GO COOL OOOH UGGA UGGA

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What are you talking about? You say that people should be segregated because multiculturalism is harmful. All of history disagrees with you
>b-but i-im different!
That means you are the problem, not immigration. Its not the fault of immigrants that you are a failure and cant make it in your own society. If anything the immigrants are helping your society by weeding you out.

all of these peoples raped and killed and crushed all societies that couldnt keep up with their technology and yeah maybe they picked up a qt and knocked her up. by your logic we should fucking romperstomp africa enslave them all and then racemix with their women. if you deny that about these societies you are delusional

oh i forgot you are a

That's funny because I really, really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?

Everything is always about sex with you people.

Hello satan. Is your scheming going well?

The children of those relationships were the ones who were left in charge of the conquered territories usually. They made up the ruling class.

Immigration happened back and forth. During the apex of the Roman Empire, Rome was full of different ethnic groups. Multiculturalism was so prevalent in Rome that immigrants could rise to the topmost ranks of the Roman Empire. There was no racism to speak of

ReadAnd that is more or less what we did in Africa.

>All of history disagrees with you
Are you the big stupid? Every single culture that has invited people from other cultures into itself freely has collapsed or been taken over.

I didn't even mention the word sex. You are so obviously projecting it's hilarious lol

You implied it. Don't try to weasel out of it.

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now im going to tell you something you stupid bitch. you set yourself up for a example here.
yes, there was a diverse set of ethnicities in the roman empire. what had they in common ? roman citizenship. did the romans let in people that werent roman citizens ? no, they even made them slaves.

in europe, there is a very diverse set of ethnicities. what do they have in common ? european citizenship. what are the people coming here ? not citizens.
your argument would only make sense if the romans freely invited every people to come and be on the same level as them. they didnt.

and you are a jew and everyone can smell your scheming from 10 miles away in this foul year of 2018 in case you dont know

Every single culture has collapsed at some point. Nothing lasts forever.

Historically the ONLY succesfull cultures were those who practiced multiculturalism. All empires throughout history practiced immigration and multiculturalism. Cultures that practiced isolationism and racism were always shithole backwaters with no achievements to their name

I really didnt lol. You are projecting so hard and so obviously its embarassing. I ment that as in job and social standing, not necessarily sex

And people from many different ethnic groups were Roman citizens. Whats your point? People immigrated to Rome, applied for citizenship and they got it. Just like how people in Europe are doing it, to use your example.

>All empires throughout history practiced immigration and multiculturalism.
No, they segregated each culture that was under their empire into their own area and had each area ruled by magistrates from the imperial power. Rome didn't just invite Judeans and Aegyptians to hop the Mediterranean for a visit. Your mind has been Jewed by propaganda and you are not living in reality. Please educate yourself using actual historical contemporary accounts.
>Cultures that practiced isolationism and racism were always shithole backwaters with no achievements to their name
I'm sure this is why Japan is a world power economically, or why the UK was so powerful when they didn't allow immigration from the colonies until the 50s. Funny how it's only now that the UK is letting people from all its former colonies move in that it's starting to go to shit, huh?

>People immigrated to Rome, applied for citizenship
lol jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jjew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew shut the fuck up

your a fucking cunt

shut the fuck up

your a fucking cunt suck my dick

shut the fuck up

your a lying cunt

shut the fuck up

your a lying jewish cunt suck my dick


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Im sorry but thats just not true. Rome was full of different ethnic groups during its apex. The Mongols imported so many people that even today 800 years later you can find many people in Mongolia who dont look Mongol at all (round eyes). The Ottomans imported so many people that many Turks today look distinctly Eastern European.

Please dont do history revisionism.

ok the romans and mongols also crushed and raped entire civilizations but i totally agree with you we should take inspiration from our ancestors. so after letting the africanos in we will then proceed to reerect the legion and conquer the barbaric tribes up north and south so we can get some more clean and fuckwomen and slaves for the mines. thank you so much for drawing inspiration from the past my jewish friend !

oh and also enslave all you goatherders and rename your country while we are at it, romans did it amirite guise ?

oh yeah i forgot in that case its not ok to draw inspiration. only in the immigration case. ok. got it.

>many Turks today look distinctly Eastern European.

Isnt that whats being done already today? Look at Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria. Look at how we pull the strings in Saudi Arabia and basically own them. Look at how we funded Saddam to genocide his own people and gas the Iranians and then when he outlived his usefulness we killed him, leveled his country and killed 1+ million people in Iraq.

The point here is that history proves that immigration is not harmful, if anything its the opposite. Every succesful empire practiced multiculturalism.

nerdics were too busy humping each other in caves

i hope you suffocate in your sleep tonight

>Look at how we pull the strings in Saudi Arabia and basically own them
Saudi Arabia and (((others))) are the ones pulling strings, but you can keep believing your "the west is the big evil bad guys of the planet" theory if you want

Do you really think a bunch of sand people are pulling the strings of a country like America? We own them. There is an invisible line in the sand, once they cross that line, they'll get the same treatment Saddam got.

Those sand people are in charge of the oil cartels that supply us. America JUST broke even on oil production and all of our allies are way, way behind. Germany can try to buy oil from Russia all it wants, but no NATO country can afford to piss of OPEC. They're just too valuable. Not to mention the fact that the amount of money Saudis invest in American politicians and media is absolutely fucking enormous. They've got hands all over us.

and who owns the one who owns the world ? who owns the money ? you have digged pretty far but suddenly stopped at "muh western world" but whos the boss of the boss ? who pulls the strings ? who owns money itself ? who always wins ?

>inb4 cannot think about that that would be an antisemiracism

this post killed the guy