Be me born in Finland

>be me born in Finland
>government forces you to do civil or military service
>go to civil service
>1 year with like 10$ day per day
>be me, rebellious type
>hate the government, people and the whole country
>0 motivation to do civil service
>hate my coworkers
>be me late to class
>drive way overspeed not to be late
>police stops and gives 300$ ticket
>still late
>decide to skip class
>gf gets angry because I'm irresponsible for skipping government classes

Why do I have to put up with this? Why can't Russia just invade and commit the mass destruction of Finland

Pic related literally me

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But you're homosexual?


No, my classmates are all full out faggots though. And the teachers too

Why are fins so gay?

Why don't you just fucking emigrate to Russia if you want to live in some frozen shithole instead of your god damned socialist paradise so badly?

Finns are not white

All civil service faggots are gay.

Should've just bullshitted your way through.
Mention some mental problems and they put it on side for few years or outright deny you.
I did that. Fuck working for government freely, I used that time working with actual pay.

Tell me exactly what to do senpai. I don't want to cuck for government

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Finland sucks. Go move out!

but not all gay faggots are in civil service.

Haista paska, suomi on mahtava maa. Jos et jaksa palvella lyhyesti niin muuta pois tai tapa ittes. Saatana

Thats true, user! But civil sevice still sucks.

>muuta pois
Ei taa roska maa anna mun muuttaa. Oisin jo muuttanut jos ei olis tyhmaa asevelvollisuutta. You FAGGOT.

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vittuna homopoika :Dddd homo



>Went civil service
>cant be bothered to be educated
>gf thinks you're retarded
Have you tried not being such a little bitch? That might be step one

Hey dude, you come here to be educated about animal rights, climate change and how vegan diet will save the world. It's trash.

And inb4 "hurr durr u picked civil service" I literally had no choice because I refuse to kill people

>every job in the military requires you to fire a weapon at people
I don't even have an image for how retarded you are

why you hate ebinland :- (

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Jesus fucking Christ, you are not rebellious at all, you are just a bitch in every sense of the word. You would be a goddamn conscript, the only chance you would get to kill is if Russia for some retarded reason invades and even then that isnt a guarantee. Stop being a turbo fag and just do the 1-2 years of meme service where you do fuck all and pretend you know how a gun works.

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>Why can't Russia just invade and commit the mass destruction of Finland
As i was born in Russia and live here this statement made me mildly confused. Russia has way worse civil service conditions, you make like 1 or 2$ per day, and military service is probably worse than in North Korea at least because you have a chance to serve with dags, the niggers of this country. You should've gone for military serv-
Wow you're an even bigger faggot than i thought.

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