Comfy birthday thread

Hey robots, today is my birthday.

>Last year wanted to commit suicide on this day, but a friend helped me and now I'm happier than I ever was in my life.

Just fun to remember how desperate I was back than and how much I have changed. Have a nice day robots

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heppy bird day fren

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im going to slam your face on yout birthday cake

Happy birthday dude, enjoy it.

Birthday frend! Have a nice day

Thank you frens

Never done that before but would try out choking on a cake, I guess

HBD user, it's been almost 6 years now since i tried to kill myself (shit, time flies). Life goes on and shit gets better, I promise.

Also have a nice day dude, hope you get some good ass cake

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Thank you user, your good wish is much appreciated. I can aggree with it and I wish you too the bests.

Also I hope too, a cake's always nice haha

Happy birthday swagittarius! I hope you are doing better today and if you still need someone to talk to I would gladly listen

yeah life is nice once you find that switch

Im proud of you user, keep on going strong

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good job buddy, lets celebrate by smashing some poon!

Yeah, I'm perfectly fine but will keep that in mind frend thank you for the offer

Actually yeah, never thought life would turn out this way.

Thank you user, such a lovely day today

Thank you, might actually be the case who knows, the day is still only halfway done

Honey, if you're here you're not happy

Happy Bday buddy.

what did the friend do to help you? so what you're saying is to be happy I need a friend like yours.

Nah, I'm good actually

Thank you user

No, he was just literally the last person who talked to me at the time. We met once about 3 years ago and we didnt talk in the meantime and one day he hit me up randomly saying "hey how are you", we ended up being good friends and helped me become emotionally independent basically

Happy birthday!!!!!!! U share a bday with my hub

Happy birthday, I'm glad things are better for you now.
Hopefully things will turn around for me soon too.

Dont ever forget that suicide is still an option

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What's emotional independence? Happy birthday btw

Happy birthday!!^^

Thank you! They will trust me. It will only get better!

Won't forget that

A mystery.. Thank you user!

why is his hand all mangled and fucked up?

because he heppy fren

his hand is FUCKED UP, you cant explain that shit

Thank you user and have a happy birthday

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user I hope you have a wonderful day dude

Thank you!

I wish you too a wonderful day user

pls let me fuck your butt

Thanks user for offering, but sadly not living with this wonderful offer

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