NoFap Diaries: Day 7, One Week Down

I literally am dying of horniness. I was physically unable to get out of bed this morning because all I could think about was women. As for that, I am happy it is my rest day. I am still a virgin, but I have 3 girls who have offered sex to me, 2 are slampigs, one is skinny, but like a 6 and lives on the other side of the border. All are about 4 hours away. There is no foreseeable solution to this at the moment. My only choice is to soldier on.

How is your no fap going, anons.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Struggled really hard with nofap last year
>Second uni semester starts
>Beautiful weather outside
>Life going just about fine
>Cant even bring myself to think about porn lately
Is it just teenage hormones finally dropping?

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OP here. I am 18, so you can imagine what I am going through right now. Good for soldiering on.

Even though I failed nofap last year it still helped me in a way. I picked up courage to start running, which I love and keep doing to this day. I bicycle in summer and swim as part of PE (lmao I even won 3rd place at my uniĀ“s championship). Sports are great way to let out pent up energy while also doing something fun that is also good for your body. We are all gonna make it

Forgot to add I was just 19 last year so I know what you are going through. Just dont think about it. When you are bored just think about some videogame, movie, or anything not porn related. If it helped a hardcore addict like me then it should you as well


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8 months of semen retention, no wet dreams so far. The last 4 months I have felt castrated, I have no desire for sex, I could go on forever. Very content in life, I no longer care about being a 26yo kv, I have made peace with dying a virgin. Any sexually frustrated folks out there should consider semen retention

Workout, dude. Get some pussy.

? Lifting for 6 years

Then why are you still a virgin? I would assume you look aesthetic now.

ugly face, likely schizoid, inability to dumb myself down to talk to brain dead women

Just put in effort.


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>no numbers
>no method
wow its fucking nothing

i try not to think about the days, personally it just makes it worse.
I think I'm on day 10 though and I'm doing alright, I hear that eventually the urges go away on their own so I'm looking forward to that.

>no wet dreams so far
How the fuck?I can't go two weeks without waking myself up.

>Day 1
Im fucking struggling lads ive had erections all fucking day but im meeting a girl this weekend and want to be able to perform so here I am on nofap

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>Chances are you get to die early if you don't ejaculate as much
This is great news though.

4 weeks in last Friday
After a failed date Saturday that have me blue balls, the last few days have been a real struggle
Send help bros

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>finally break the cycle
>get to die early as a bonus
thank fuck

Similar experience, was on day 25, now on day 2:

>doing really well on NoFap
>talking to people easier, reaching out, feeling good
>meet a bunch of girls at my fraternity's mixer with a sorority
>end up going to one of their apartments to watch a basketball game with a couple of my friends
>play some drinking games, etc
>afterwards, we're walking back home, and one of the girls holds onto my arm unprompted
>when we're supposed to split off and go our separate ways, I go in for the kiss, and we end up going back to my place
>make out for about an hour, I try to escalate things but she gives me a look that says she just wants to make out
>that's fine, maybe she's tired or had too much to drink, no problem
>get horrible blue balls but power through it
>get her number and she goes home
>ask her to a date function the next Friday
>she comes, we have a good time
>at one point in the night, she casually mentions that she goes to church stuff and that she's religious
>it all makes sense now
>we end up making out again at my place and then she goes home
>I can't take the blue balls this time and I end up jerking it to relieve the pressure

I guess I'm just feeling pretty frustrated with the whole thing. If she hadn't been religious, we certainly would have been going further, so I feel like I should be taking this experience as a sign that nofap and other improvements are working. The only problem is, now that I don't plan on seeing this girl again, I'm back to square one in terms of potential dates/hookups. Sorry for the novel, but how do other guys that I know manage to make girls want to text/snapchat them and meet up and stuff? Throughout my entire time in college, I've met a lot of girls that I'm friendly with, but very rarely do I actually get a sign that they want to spend any more time with me outside of class or whatever. I talked to some of my female friends about this and they said that they very rarely initiate things like that, but the problem is that I almost never even get a sign that women WANT me to initiate more conversation.

>4 hours away
>no solution

Stop taking women advice from women you fucking idiot. Keep trying, by the time you're good with women you'll be so jaded about them you'll lose all respect for your female friends.

day 30 today
not horny at all
less depressed, more energy, more talkative, less insecure

i see no reason to quit

I gave in to boredom yesterday, gentlemen. Been feeling ill for like a week, and yesterday I was particularly bored from secluding myself in my apartment all weekend to combat the cold. I got bored of reading aeschylus and jerked off to milf porn twice, gents, fuck, and i even skipped the gym.
I think i'm going to sign up to an mma gym to really combat these urges.

That's also something that I struggle with. I have a hard time trying to motivate myself to do something other than sit there and try not to fap because that's what my body wants.

One thing I'm trying to do more of is reach out to people to hang out. Previously, I've been really insecure about whether or not people actually like me or if they're just tolerating me, since I've been the one to sorta just tolerate people that waltz into my friend group unannounced in the past, so I end up just waiting for other people to reach out to me to hang out as a test to see if they actually like me or not.

I feel like part of nofap is saying fuck it to that, though, and just scheduling dinners and parties with your friends and not caring what people may think. Chances are people will like you for facilitating a good time and being the one to step up and put something together.

Day 18

conversations are easier

much less desire to look at porn

all in all, bretty good

Day 3.5 right now feeling fucking great. Last night had girls mirin at the gym didnt talk to them though. Thought I was staying commendably focused. Now im thinking fuck that live for the moment. Who cares if you get rejected its just a persom theres almost 8 billion of them

>Day 20
Stuttering gone. Feel generally great. Thinking much clearer. I see no reason to get off this train.

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