How do I tell my parents that I simply don't intend to get another job? I already tried working for three years, it was way too much for me. Easily the three most miserable years of my life. I would literally rather die than subject myself to indefinite wageslavery ever again.
How do I tell my parents that I simply don't intend to get another job? I already tried working for three years...
Would you be willing to go to school? My parents seem alright with me not working because I'm getting an "education". It's not too bad if you go to community college for a bullshit major. A couple hours of classes a week and barely any work at home if you're alright with barely passing.
>Would you be willing to go to school?
Maybe, if I can find something that's as low effort as possible. I'm not really good at anything, couldn't even get a GED.
The problem with education is that you have to stop eventually, then you have all that debt to deal with. Unless you can get disability or something it's really hard for people struggle to live in society to survive without financial help from family.
>couldn't even get a GED
Are you unironically mentally handicapped?
Don't do this OP, I did and they disowned me and cut me off financially and I'm fucking homeless now. Pretend to try, you don't even need to actually get the job just show up and throw the interview
I won't rule that out, I didn't even figure out long division until I was about 13 and then I still had trouble with it. I probably completely forgot it now.
It was the worst mental torture I've yet experienced in my life. Whenever things would get slow due to everyone getting bogged down, it was automatically solely my fault. Most of my coworkers were in their 40's or older and talked down to me all the time, whether they knew what they were doing or not. Working fucked up my mind and now I constantly worry about "did I lock that door?" or "did I turn off that burner?"
I haven't worked for months and I'm still feeling the effects.
Will they support you for the rest of their lives? What will you do once they're gone?
>What will you do once they're gone?
Probably kill myself, I don't really have any plans. I just want to be in my room and others to leave me alone.
You are burden on everyone who cares about you.
You should probably just kill yourself now then and save your parents some money.
They chose to bring me into this world, I had no say in it. That was their mistake, and this is the consequence. Raise a child who's mentally fragile and can't live in the outside world, you get to support him for the rest of your life.
>I just want to be in my room and others to leave me alone.
Jesus, might as well just kill yourself now if that's all you want to do with your life.
You worked for 3 years already. You can obviously function you're just a lazy shit
I got my first job the week after i turn 16 and started my fulltime job the day after final exams, i showed up an hour early every day unpaid
Take the Ted Pill and live in the woods
And for what? Does being an obedient little slave make you feel fulfilled?
if goure too handicapped to wagecuck are your parents on public assistance/can u see a shrink on their dime or the govs to get them to say youre too retarded or have ptsd from some baggage to work. i know its possible for femanons, should be possible for anons. that or kys if ur too good to work fastfood or retail. get neetbux, sponge of rich senpai, or u will inevitably die sooner than later.
>I just want to be in my room and others to leave me alone.
O fuck that's too relatable.
90% of all NEETs when presented with the question "what will you do when your parents are gone?' respond with 'suicide'. I can only assume that the lack of mass sucides of wage slaves that it is at least somewhat fulfilling.
I do feel quite retarded since I struggle to do math that people half my age can do no problem, maybe I should see someone. NEETbux would make everything better. Everyone told me I was smart when I was still in school. Either something happened to me that dumbed me down, or they just tell everyone that.
I don't ever want to be a slave like you. I would rather die than live for someone else, wake up early in the morning and force myself to work with rude, crass normalfags.
Your boss can easily afford to pay you, you're meaningless and disposable to him. If/when you quit, your position will be filled immediately. You're not "contributing to society" or making any sort of impact other than exerting yourself, so why fucking bother?
>They chose to bring me into this world, I had no say in it.
Oh, you whiny melodramatic bellend. Nobody has any say in being born. You're not special. If you really hate being in this world you should just go ahead and kill yourself. Or you could stop being a whiny little pussy, and find something to do with your life. Honestly, doesn't matter which way you go, it's still better than sitting around crying about how you "didn't ask to be born" and how it's everyone else's fault that you're a gigantic fucking loser.
Well i thought if i had a house and tried to meet people i could start a family, i wasted years thinking this
>nobody has any say in being born
Most people are just fortunate enough to have parents that give at least half of a shit about their child's future. My mom never took me to the dentist either.
It literally is contributing to society, just because someone else can and will do the same thing doesn't mean anything. There is no conceivable reality where work in some form similar to how it is now doesn't exist. If tomorrow everyone stopped working our brains wiped of the memories of the past, in no time at all people will have started trading and working together again, slowly building back up to corporations and modern work. You can cry and meme about wageslaves all you like, but there is literally no alternative, most people aren't teenagers who live with their parents so can't just opt out if they dont want to die.
>but there is literally no alternative
Things are going to be a lot different in whatever comes after this life.
I applied for NEETbux five years ago and got it.
Now my parents are ashamed of me but I live a pretty comfortable life.
>I applied for NEETbux five years ago and got it.
What did you get it for?
Salty wagecucks and failed normies that try desperately to stifle off that feeling of wanting to neck themselves every single weekday, because of their empty soul-destroying existances, just ignore OP
Can you just pretend you're working? Like go to the library 3 days a week to keep up the facade that you're working to your parents.
>okay user, now that you have a job maybe you can start to help out with groceries/bills/pay rent
What now?
Oh, you have one of those types of parents. That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that.
You not having that type of parent is the reason you are like you are
Nice projection.
I work full-time in white collared office work. But my parents wouldn't charge me expenses if I was like OP.
What job(s) did you have for those 3 years OP?
Meant for this guy:
Not the post I quoted
I'm not even entirely sure.
>my parents wouldn't charge me expenses if I was like OP
If you're a full grown adult living with your parents you should contribute to the household. I would kick my kid to the curb if he didn't.
Just tell them you don't want a job. They're the ones who hd to bright idea to make a kid and then fuck up every single step of the way when it came to raising him.It's just like getting a cat. It's wrong to adopt a kitten then throw it away once it's not longer cute and smol. Anyone who kicks their kids out when they turn 25 or some other arbitrary age should be dragged down the street, publicly beaten, then crucified. This kind of antisocial behavior is unacceptable. Betrayal of kin is one of the most disgusting things a person can do. Betraying your own children is unforgivable.
>Probably works in a position that can easily be replaced by mindless robots
>Helping your boss to fill his pockets while giving you back a fraction of your invested time
>Producing things that we can easily live without
>Contributing to society
The only jobs where you're actually useful for society are jobs in medical field, military and some entertainment industry. Fore everything else, you're a slave that makes people rich while you're left with only living to do your job.
For* btw
> biggest welfare queens ever
> clowns
> useful for society
> 90% of all NEETs when presented with the question "what will you do when your parents are gone?' respond with 'suicide'
[citation needed]
You know there are options between "spend all day at home shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum" and "spend all day at a miserable soul crushing job", right?
I used to be scared to quit my job, then I made a good resume and I've been applying all over the place now. Found one paying 16$/hour, so happy.
never had so much agreemnt
Are you still working fast food though? Fast food is the absolute worst
> tfw have a job
> tfw spend 3/4 of the time doing jackshit
>useful for society
Ya, killing those dirt poor sandniggers and their wives/children for oil on the commands of Israel is a really useful career.
My answer is the entire welfare system and all programs that can possibly apply to me, free local things I can get on apps, plasma donation and every government program I can use. If not section 8 a cheap trailer I buy and rent rooms out for $550 per person on Craigslist. $800 for a couple to live in a room.
I've never worked on fast food places, warehouses all my life. Worked at my first job for 5 years but now I've found something better.
OP, your parents don't care if you work or not. They just don't want to keep paying for you.
That's the central issue. So as long as you don't expect anything from them and move out somehow they'll be happy enough.
so did it take the full hour to lick the bosses boots clean or did he give you a rest half way through?
>biggest welfare queens
>not corporations getting subsidies and tax cuts left right and centre
absolutely classcucked
Eh, i was grossly overpaid for what i did, most days were spent browsing reddit and listening to podcasts and music while drafting in autocad
This is probably the best thing to do.
Fucking parents man
go away normans. Seriously why do you keep coming here? Do you want to bully "losers"?
Telling someone to kill themselves is a crime and can get you in jail, especially if you manage to convince him.
I meant in a way of defending your country. And war is not the only thing military is useful for. When it comes to natural disasters, it's the job of military to take care of civilians and maybe secure the environment.
that wasn't my question, bootlicker
Defending our country how? Who has even come close to envading us? None of these wars have meant shit since the civil war.
You seem fine with English despite not having any math literacy at all. Unironically become an online spoken English tutor for non-English speakers. Correct their pronunciation and shit, get paid by the hour.
You should go be homeless instead of being a burden on everyone who knows you OP
Neetism is laziness disguised as superior values. Your post triggered neets so bad because neets truly hate themselves the most for their inability to succeed
WRONG lol, every job contributes something. Every job produces an action that would otherwise not have existed without the laborer performing it.
don't tell your parents anything, just go live on the street
Just tell them, and if they kick you out you will be forced to get a job or starve. The weak will die.
>living off the wageslavery of your parents
>your neetism depends on your parents wage slaving for you
They didn't choose to have a lazy braindead child though. It's your life.
Fucking NPCs shitting this board up.
Almost all jobs are useless and could simply not exist. You slave and waste away your life, 8hours a day for nothing and you love it.
Furthermore what sort of aloser cares about society? You think rich people like Trump care about contributing?
All the mindless drones in this thread are either LARPing or pathetic, trying to tear down people that are already down.
I swear if someone spoke like that in real life I would smack him no matter the consequences
Chances are they are not actually normies just some kids that still live with their parents taking a moral high ground, or some poor souls that are mad as shit and want to lump the workload on someone else
Can you tell me how section 8 works lad?
I'm supposed to be getting a voucher next year.
>They didn't choose to have a lazy braindead child though.
Well they should've fucking better known better
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps
>I lived through two world wars and I never complained
>kids these days
When will boomres die
OP, you shouldn't work 'for your parents'. You should work for yourself. As things are, you don't have much options. You're either a CEO or you're the worker. Work so you can afford your own food, ability to pay bills, pay for housing, etc. It's a miserable life when you DEPEND on someone to show you mercy and give you a piece of 'bread'. Nobody likes to work but naive people here don't know what it means when you can't pay bills, can't pay your food, you become a beggar and a burden of society. While you still have parents, get some skilled work licence at least and secure your future. Nobody will do that for you. In reality, only your family will put up with your shit, everyone else have their own problems and lives.
I get but it sounds just like a normie
>or some poor souls that are mad as shit
Could be
Then die you useless slug.
I hope right after you tell your parents,they throw you out on your ass.
You deserve to be homeless
You sound like a big pussy.Are you?
Kill yourself you worthless fuckwit.
I hope you do it and it makes the news.
You can't do anything to me and when you are dead I will laugh for weeks.
You incel.
No one is responsible for you once you are 18 you worthless subhuman faggot.
You are a lazy self-entitled man-child who wants to live off of others like a mooch.
Kys you piece of dogshit.
You arent worth anything and the resources you are wasting can go to helping someone else who is struggling but still trying.
Go die in a ditch of a heroin overdose
>citation needed
Beeing dead is better than beeing with normies like you.
Also be careful, such a statement will lead you to jail.
so it is ok to abandon your child?
Then kill yourself.
>Also be careful, such a statement will lead you to jail.
Ohhh I'm so scared faggot.
You know why I'm not worried? Because you are a coward and would never do it.
Kys you worthless degenerate
>so it's ok to abandon your child?
Yep. If he or she is a lazy self-entitled ass like you are.
Its not your parents job to support you when you can support yourself
It's worse to live your entire life leeching off of your parents, who probably love you despite your shit attitude and entire lack of any kind of ethic, and acting like THEY'RE some burden to you simply because you were born. Abandoning your child is not abandoning your child when your child has completely given up and acts like grown ass adults supporting a grown ass man is some god given right and not a privilege. It is not. Your parents are not responsible for you once you become an adult, and I hope someday you see this. I understand how working can be tough but you're not getting anywhere with that bullshit, sour attitude. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
lol you are such a happy slave. Go waste your worthless life on wageslaving. Ill be here comfy
As for your silly statement be glad im not a cunt
A kid can also work user..
Why dont you just join the military instead of being a leech? You can still neet it up to a degree. Stick through it for a while and you they will be paying for your apartment
No im surrounded by stupid slaves and everything is going to shit.
Only retards have children when they can barely sustain themselves. You are all idiots.
Lol. I'm not a wage sla e faggot, I run the place. The people that make me money are the wagies.
Oh yea cause your retarded ass would be able to fine me. Kys you worthless degenerate. Do it. I want it to get on Jow Forums. You are hopeless.
>A kid can also work user.
But the point is,he doesn't want to work. That's why his parents will most likely throw him out.
If he was working and contributing to the household, it wouldn't be an issue,but because hes not,they are getting rid of him.
This requires no explanation. Just set up a brick wall in front of (from the POV of a person in your room) your door when your parents aren't at home.
They put him on this world and turned him into a loser and now want to discard him if he doesnt work.
How did they turn him into a loser exactly?
Are you sure your just not twisting it around and he turned himself into a loser and now is trying to blame them?
Hes being lazy and entitled.
>They put him in this world.
Lol,so? That's an excuse for being a lazy slug?