I still don't understand how society rationalizes itself

I still don't understand how society rationalizes itself.

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>thinks alcohol is bad
i don't understand how you rationalize that tbqh

Alcohol is one of the biggest civilization killers known to man.

You know you can use booze without getting wasted right? While the only point of pot is to get high

civilization killer or civilization helper? is it not true that all the greatest civilizations in the world were accompanied by wine and spirit fetishists consisting of everyone ranging from peter the great to hemingway?

There are also degrees of being high. Does that make my defense sound any better?

users need to be castrated
>civilization killer or civilization helper?
depends on the time period
alcohol is sterile so in the earlier times in history it was one of the safest things to drink
not them, by the way

If by helper you mean economically then yes, the production and trade of alcohol has helped several societies throughout the ages. But it literally cannot be denied that alcohol is a toxin and not only that but it has mind altering effects. Wars have been lost, ancient knowledge beyond value was put to the torch because of the influence of alcohol on past civilizations.

Shut up and just smoke your blunt. Why do white people have this super serious culture war attitude about everything?

>alcohol is sterile so in the earlier times in history it was one of the safest things to drink
nobody drank it because it was sterile though, nor did they even have any concept of "sterility". come on man. i'm no "stoned ape" theorist but i know that even monkeys love getting drunk. every successful tribe thrives on relieving stress from survival pressures and promoting in-group bonds by drinking or imbibing some psychoactive substance together. society wouldn't exist without it.

everything is a toxin tbqh
>Wars have been lost, ancient knowledge beyond value was put to the torch because of the influence of alcohol on past civilizations.
[citation needed]
although if you're just talking about apocryphal examples of kings and emperors doing dumb shit while drunk, that's not really a legit point. they were tyrannical and bound to do that shit whether they were drunk or not

>prohibitionists in 20 fucking 18
Kill yourself op. Being a pothead does not make you morally superior to anyone, quite the contrary in fact

It doesnt matter, i had literally everything in my life together and spent years trying to find someone to start a family with

If youre autistic legitimately the best option is to just disregard the objectively broken system and pursue your own life

>nobody drank it because it was sterile though, nor did they even have any concept of "sterility"
that quite literally doesn't matter at all
what matters is that alcohol is unironically one of the longest allies to humanity, intentional or not
this whole ragging on alcohol thing couldn't even be an argument but in the last like 150 years

i have no fucking clue why you're bothering with this thread as neither of us are willing to change our stance
i know i'm objectively correct, and you're a user who just don't care any which way so long as you can get yours
by the way, i don't use anything because i'm not a twat
alcohol is just objectively better, more cultural for humanity, than pot



i don't know if you understand this, but i'm a supporter of alcohol

>by the way, i don't use anything because i'm not a twat

>alcohol is more damaging than weed despite the former being legal
alcohol has giant corporations that can lobby politicians, and make adverts that show you how nice and good their product is.
weed does not have this kind of money and corporate structure so legislature won't change in places that don't have the kind of mass mobilisation potential that huge cities have (la for example)

alcohol doesn't make me aggressive, it just makes me drowsy

I actually get too sleepy before I can even drink enough to puke.

It's not. You're quite literally an idiot, alcohol is a drug just like pot. Period. This is not subjective whether you like it or not. And the OP IS correct dispise all the butthurt in this thread nobody is addressing his point.

>You can use alcohol without getting drunk
No you can't are you stupid?

>It's more cultural
I'm what way exactly asswipe?

>No you can't are you stupid?
>user has never had two beers with dinner, or drank slowly enough when snacking that he doesn't get drunk

Weed is shit. You have a dedicated organ for alcohol: the liver. I don't disagree about the fact that it's more harmful though, but that's only if it's abused. Weed makes you high from just one drag of a joint. It doesn't pass through any means of filtration and goes right to your brain. What's more is that is stores in the fat cells up to two weeks, and your brain is largely made up of fat cells. Light alcohol use is actually healthy. Weed just makes you a retarded paranoid and psuedo intellectual. It's especially bad if you take it at a young age as it messes with brain development.

There were no 101 classes, but they knew well enough that still water must be boiled, and alcohol did not have this problem (nor did household pests nibble it away like food stuffs...) Although as potable water and stoves became common, they switched to caffeine beverages, and this has literally been linked with the renaissance (and industrial revolution thereafter...) So civ user was right to credit drinking with sanitation and why we tolerate this substance although it seems less useful in the 21st century desu.

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>As if I wasn't deeply depressed already

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I think that the extremes of either are bad. You could be a burnout or alcoholic, enjoy the odd beer or joint to start the weekend off.

Healthwise liquor is horrible for your liver, and inhaling carcinogens isn't ideal. It's all about responsibility which over half of the brainlets living in this world have none.

>You have a dedicated organ for alcohol: the liver.

you literally have cannabinoid receptors in your brain retard

>stoners have never done anything violent or stupid or endangered the lives of others
Do you seriously believe this?

Weed is illegal because it was associated with blacks and Mexicans. That's where the made up Spanish sounding name marijuana comes from. White girls started going to jazz and rock n roll clubs to hang out with the homeboys and they'd end up getting lit and getting BLACKED by Chuck Berry and his friends. White men, who have been trying to keep black men and white women apart for the past 400 years, put out a ton of propaganda on how terrible weed is and push it onto mainstream (white) society.

oh, i concede that point then, thanks for the correction

Wow I'm getting out of bed to add coffee and cigarettes to this pic.

You're right. Both should be banned

now I have to clean my room but not before coffee

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lmao at the alcohol and weed addicts arguing about who is worse in this thread. Get a grip, addicts. Its the drugs talking.

Stfu and go jerk off to loli traps

>read this right to left and was very confused

That's just your addiction talking. Must be in withdrawal because you're so grumpy.

>A bad thing is legal therefore we should legalise another bad thing

your argument is shit

Alcoholic here. Alcohol doesn't make me aggressive or makes me puke. Besides killing my organs, the worst part are the hangovers that never improve with experience or preperation. Except with maybe an IV (which I haven't tried).

holy shit, addiction has thoughts and feelings like some kind of alien parasite? w o a h

you wouldn't understand until you treat your disease

That's just your addiction talking.

>Why do white people have this super serious culture war attitude about everything?
because they have no culture, so they just make a big deal of everything to pretend they do

no, stupidity brought out by alchohol.

alchohol cant lower the threshold to something that doesnt exist.

it just makes society more honest

Alcohol fucks up way more than your liver though. It literally fucks up everything in it's path. From your esophagus and lungs to your intestines and asshole.

lol by this logic, breathing oxygen is the most unhealthy thing you can do

Bro I used to drink heavily. It fucked up my GI tract. And my kidneys were in very bad shape. The liver, while fatty, was the least of my concerns. Point is: Alcohol fucks up way more than just your liver, which is what retards only think about when alcohol is concerned.

pot is legal though

t. John Morgan of Mergan and Mergan
I see through your Jew tricks with Florida weed you fucking yid.

And what exactly are the benefits of drinking without getting drunk? Being more sociable? Pot'll do that for you aswell.

but its not illegal? I can order it from the government straight to my door

>any decent people who experienced an organic acceleration of society had to develop alcohol in order to survive and hydrate
>it's obviously poison to lesser peoples who are still in scavenger/scrounger mode
Just that simple.

i do the bottom with alcohol you plant loving faggot

>Kill yourself op.

found the sad alcoholic neckbeard

Generally stims improve reaction time and overall mental/physical performance metrics (up to some point of fatigue) although inhaling anything with carbon monoxide is not the smartest delivery...

>Its another alcohol vs marijuana thread
Jesus, these threads are always the same filled with the same people jumping on all sides and retards defending that weed and alcohol are harmless to your health.
Tbh you cant even trust most studies done on weed during this time since most of the case they are poorly done to either push a bias for blog posts claiming weed is either a holy grail for your health or its le devil's plant.
Honestly i would be fine with both being legal if it wasnt for normies making it part of their personality and judging everyone that doesnt partake in their shit habits.

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Alcohol comes from plants you plant loving faggot

enjoying the flavours? drink better alcohol jesus christ


Alcohol is basically the only reason why white Europeans survived the dark ages all the way through to the industrial revolution.

I never understand retarded dudeweedlmao brainlets. The reason why alcohol is acceptable is because the vast majority of people do not abuse it and enjoy it in moderation socially. The effects of society wide weed usage has never been documented, although the fact that no society or civilisation exists where weed usage was the norm shows that it isn't compatible with wide scale usage. I'd guess because weed turns people unmotivated wasters who use their high to console themselves on their shit lives.

im saying the attitudes towards weed would be the same if they had giant corporations behind them you paranoid fuck
i couldn't care less whether you use either of them, but thats the reason alcohol is so accepted as "fine", and the reason cigarettes were seen as "fine"
money talks

You only get aggressive if you have internal issues and if you puke you are just dumb. It does make you pee though I'll give you that.

Weed is fine too. Only in moderation though, people who smoke everyday are literally retarded.

>You only get aggressive if you have internal issues

Implying that is not at all a large percentage of the population.

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>Europeans survived the dark ages
You mean accepted? I would argue that if alcohol didnt exist at that time of the dark ages it would have ended even quicker with revolts and breakdowns and in the end people would've started fighting for human rights earlier. Do you really think all europeans would have died if it wasnt for alcohol?
Alcohol is only benefic in medical use, same as weed. Im havent drank alcohol for more than 5 years and never even tried weed, but i dont condemn people for using it, as long as they dont force into their bullshit like normies do at their shitty parties.
Thing with weed it that rescreach and studies at the moment are a complete fucking mess with no conclusions, many times poorly done and jumping to quick conclusions to feed up a bias. Most posts on reddit saying weed is X or Y are complete shit only to appeal the potheads.

Weed ruins your motivation and fries your cannabinoid receptors in the long-term. While alcohol is more immediately dangerous the long-term effects on your brain from smoking weed leads to most becoming burnouts.

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I don't aggressive nor puke on alcohol

the govt tried to make alchohol illegal and failed. too many people fighting back

thats not the case for weed. govt made illegal and nobody fought back

if anything all drugs should be legal because anything being illegal that people want will just create black markets gangs and cuckery in the form of paying criminals to survive in prison

I get your point but that logic doesnt apply equally to everything.
Alcohol doesnt have the same history as weed and other drugs. At that time alcohol was already very well rooted in the population.
So you cant treat all drugs as if they are all the same.
Some drugs are also right to be ilegal, because they are in their nature purely addictive. There are drugs that make you release more than 100 times the amount of dopamine you get when having sex, so its almost impossible to not get addicted. Any company/goverment that could fabricate and sell those drugs to the public would create a public health risk and a huge amount of profit.
As it been say in this thread already, a lot of these drugs are stil being studied and most of the time the studies that are published are not very well done and just to feed the public.
Most black market and gang shit are formed due to lack of admistration from the said country. If 1st world countries helped more the 3rd world ones to develop and give better education and parental support the amount of ilegal activity would decrease.
There are things that still need to remain ilegal or with restricted use because people dont realise the dangers and most of the time cant use them properly. People always tend to only see options between maximums, black or white, like ban all or legalize all, but most of the time the best answer lies in grey shades.
Normally, the more educated and literate a country is, the less drug consumption it has, either in alcohol, weed or whatever.

You can get a little high or you can take like 60mg in a edible and not function for 3 days

Alcohol was illegal. Also weed is de facto legalised the govt just doesn't want to normalise wide scale usage because reasons. They should because their is a market for it

Edibles are psychedelic, no joke.

>Everyone else in the world was dude (local drug) lmao
>Europeans were raging alcoholics
>Europeans invented everything an dominated the entire world, all while drunk
>The only places where alcohol is prohibited are backward shit holes where people regularly cut eachothers heads off for fun

>Dude europeans dominated the world
>They also consumed alcohol
>Therefore alcohol is great

What retarded line of thought. With that logic i could say:
>During the times europe dominated the world and was at it peak we also tortured and lynched everyone that didnt believe in the bible
>We also had feudalism during that time and also slaves
>In conclusion we should bring that stuff back into the present

You completly isolate the thought of alcohol and associate with thing it never had anything to do.
If alcohol had been removed during those times and people didnt have anything else to fall back to in hard times, im sure we would had broke the dark ages earlier and have more human rights early.
Alcohol, aside from medicine, served nothing but to make a population easier to control and be slaves.

>Alcohol comes from plants
not really

It's simple my dude: rationality has nothing to do with it.
People in the alcohol industry have shitloads of money.
They give money to politicians, who write the laws.
They say, "MJ is a threat to our business, and we don't want anybody making money from MJ, unless we can make money from it too."
That's the real reason why it took so long for MJ to get legalized.
The alcohol companies first needed to invest and setup some infrastructure to get themselves in the game.
A large portion of cannabis companies starting up have huge chunks of equity owned by liquor and beer companies.

Plus when something is taboo, it excites people more. So in essence there is a marketing strategy to keeping it "just illegal enough"

This was no opium war or narco op, because if you lived on plagued European plains, fermentation sanitised food and water before infrastructure caught up with crop yields... Although you would be right that in 21st century, over-consumption on Europe's fringes is problematic (but desert dwellers banning it because superstition were no better).

Im not OP desu, im dont even consume either of those drugs desu.
But the case you are talking about is more on the industrial side of things. And not the recreational use of alcohol that we assumed you were talking about.

Pre-industial... your water would go still and pests would nibble away your food stuffs, so you killed 2 birds with 1 stone, brewing them together.

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Ayahuasca is way better than either one.

Marijuana unironically causes brain damage that some people never get over. It's legal here in Canada. I have 3 grams of white widow just sittin here on my desk but I haven't touched the shit since I tried it a week after legalization. Weed was fine in my early 20s, but now in my 30s I feel pathetic dumbing myself down and acting like a retard + overthinking everything.

I don't think it should be illegal but I do think you should be forced to be examined by a professional before being able to expose yourself to it's INCREDIBLY HARMFUL SIDE-EFFECTS. I mean, my best friend stabbed me in the back because of a weed induced psychosis breakdown. Trust me when I say this shit needs to be dealt with responsibly.

To put it in simple terms, Alcohol has cultural significance, practically every single culture on this planet used it in some way.
Alcohol is the one true friend of humanity. It has been with us from the beginning.

What cultural significance does weed have?
Bob Marley and hats with dreadlocks on them?


>smokENT approves of your characterization of the pro-alcohol normie

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All potheads should be publicly executed to set an example for the next generations.

thought i was on /sci/ for a minute, thanks for snapping me out of it

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we have shitloads of culture though

Literally made by fermenting plants kek. Anaerobic respiration and all that

Are you aware of what happened when they tried to ban alcohol?

No, Europeans from the past had a culture, modern wh*Tes are just degenerate savages

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why not add "fucking annoying and will never shut the fuck up about being a pothead" to the bottom

>women are one of the biggest civilization killers known to man
>women are still legal

No, that's women.

Eh i basically forget its illegal where im at cause its piss easy to buy and every cunt and his dog smokes. Couldn't care less if it gets made legal really

Found the protestant lmao