I know a white guy who is in this exact situation except the woman has 2 kids instead of 1...

I know a white guy who is in this exact situation except the woman has 2 kids instead of 1. They just got engaged and are exceptionally happy. They have been together over 2 years. Both the kids are from the same black man (her ex) who is no longer involved.

The guy isn't thinking "oh god i now have to raise 2 kids who don't look like me". Nobody even considers it a thing irl to have stepkids or interracial relationships, etc.

Once you step away from the computer for even a couple of days it's incredible how bluepilled everyone is on raising another man's kids.

The guy i know would have been memed like this on here or on Jow Forums but in daily living his situation is never even given a second thought by him, her, or any of their families (who are of course happy for them both) he isn't being labeled as a cuck or a beta.

Attached: SaraHamiltonRyanSpangler.png (1363x458, 1.42M)

What's your point????1

Cucks. Cucks everywhere. Originally

That a man literally has nothing to lose by becoming a "cuck" and raising another man's kids because outside of the internet nobody will call him a cuck or a beta provider anyway. He is going to have a happy life and be much happier than those of us who are alone.

Can you imagine a guy coming on here or any redpilled community and saying "I just spent over 300 on christmas gifts for Tyrone's kids". He'd be mercilessly mocked as a cuck and chased off the boards. IRL the guy receives love from the woman he's with and Facebook praise and compliments from their family and social circles for doing that.

Top right pic. His smile and optimism - gone

I would literally laugh at his face.

>most loyal race

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He still lose his dignity

>(her ex) who is no longer involved
yeah right. maybe not in the kids lives but she is one late night text away from balls deep

>because facebook and your social circle approves it's all cool
Doubt this guy you know feels a-OK inside. Probably a lot of pent up anger and frustration. Once the kids get older, their relationship with him is only going to get more strained because of the difference in appearance, you see this even in children with a stepdad of a similar race.
Frankly speaking, one ex and the child is already fucked, even before they understand what a relationship is, they've already been forced onto the defensive.
I grew up in a situation like that, but everyone was white. Separated parents at birth, mom bounced between several partners since then. Chances are, your friends' girl is just gonna keep rolling, dude. Make sure he knows that, otherwise he might get stuck handling the bill for kids that he'll never see and don't love him anyway.

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> Real world is not Jow Forums
More news at 10.

That child is going to suffer.Racemixing is cancer and should be outright banned.

Do you? If no one cares and judges you harshly, and you don't care, do you lose your dignity?

Yes because the kid isn't his and he is spending money on a kid that isn't his. That right there is a man with no diginity. He has accepted the fact that his genes are inferior

>not an original post

I'm sure his family is very proud of his fiance's children
There are 3.5 billion women on the planet, why the fuck should someone settle for a girl who is obviously stupid, a poor judge of character, and lacks foresight?

I have stepped away from the computer. Raising half black kids that aren't yours considered a very stupid thing to do and they assume your wife cheated on you or is a massive slut that sleeps with anyone.

People irl aren't Jow Forums cucks. Most people irl either just don't give a fuck or would think it's progressive and admirable. Ironically girls might even find him more attractive for his liberal views. At least the daughter will have a father figure.

>Has never been to the rural areas of Michigan

>linking a subr*ddit
>on r9k
go back

Those kids are probably fucking terrible. I laugh at how little humans understand the heritability of personality traits

>Nothing to loose
The only guy who has nothing to lose is the nigger who is now getting his kids raised for free and is fucking some other bitch.

i'm telling him to go back to his subreddit you dolt

i dont give a fuck bitch
go back to r*ddit where you belong

disgusting coalburning whore and pathetic faggot
that mutt baby will surely end up great

t. david xiao smith