Women in charge of possessing humanity

>women in charge of possessing humanity

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Was she supposed to feel sorry for him? Why? He signed up to kill babies for israel. Fuck him

to be honest, being good looking is a sign of high intelligence. This person knew what they wanted to do in life by the time they entered highschool. They set realistic goals for them and achieved a master's degree by the age of 23. They didn't have to put up with the stress of customer service jobs or warehouse jobs and they got to immediately start working a career job making $25-$30/hr. You can talk shit about normies all you want, but don't go thinking they didn't work hard to be where they are today.

I'm sorry didn't the American govt. Just gas a bunch of women and children?

What's the context of the originaldo pic?

The ongoing French riots, their government decided to fuck the working class yet again by increasing the gas tax.

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>all this contrarianism and bootlicking.

Get guillotines frenchies, get the guillotines

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so we should breathe shit air, so muh working class can drive their shitty cars? you shouldnt even own a private car if you live in a city

gay and fagpilled pic

you're the gay, fag

No, but if we had there would be nothing wrong with it since the people we shot tear gas at were literally charging our border throwing rocks and bottles at border patrol officers. Wish they had used bullets instead.

ok so theyll just walk if they want to go outside of the city somewhere, wtf

they can take a train

Fuck, what I wouldn't give to book a flight to Paris with my DSLR right now.

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no they cant take a train because they train doesnt go to every single locality in france

god i fucking hate europeans so much
you know china contributes like ten times as much per capita to emissions as anywhere in the West does? Literally nothing you do matters, bugs and brown people are fucking the planet irrevocably and there's nothing we can do about it.

Looks like somebody lacks basic humanity.

Citypeople can all go to hell, good thing they're first to die in a major crisis.

because letting the poorest of your society flood into a neighbors so you don't have to deal with them is more humane

fuck off you communist,
your government is beyond fucking dystopian, your city was the first to ban people from owning cars made before a certain year (1997) all because of your smog problem and now you plan to ban all petrol cars by 2030. cars are a part of life, and banning them is yet another assault on independence from the government. yet you cucks just let your rights be stripped away from you one by one while you accept it in the name of "progress"

i fucking dare some government fuckhead to try and make me to turn in my car from 1986 to be recycled, it won't be a pretty sight, i'll tell you that right now

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>humanity means letting people violently invade your country
go sit on a cactus

That's nothing. The french government should flay all member of the working class. Then they'll finally have something real to complain about. Fuck working class, and double fuck migrants. Anyone who thinks this is an appropriate response deserves nothing more than an agonizing death.

i dont believe it bans their use it just bans manufacturers from making them

Your philosophy is exactly the reason why they're rioting instead of sitting still and taking it up the ass from the elites.

uhhh, tf kind of third world country do you live in where $25-$30 is an acceptable starting wage? I live in fucking Mississippi and laughed when I was offered $23 fresh out of school with my associates. Wound up taking a job making $43/hr. Still not ideal but I don't even have 2 years experience yet.

>being good looking is a sign of high intelligence

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The train is full of fucking niggers

>Fuck working class,
You're damn right pal, fuck people who actually do what's in their power to build the economy

see pic related, apparently they extended it to before 2000, so now both of my cars would be banned if I lived there

very few manufactures worldwide still produce models initially from the 20th century, none of which are sold in France except the Lada Niva

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That's stupid. I live almost 5,000 miles away. The most french guy I know is the nigger that serves me french fries at mcdonalds drive through. Don't blame my philosophy for their behavior, as if they have no agency here. It's the subhuman pieces of shit being subhuman pieces of shit. Assuming I follow my own philosophy, why then am I not traveling 5,000 miles from home to go engage in disgusting antisocial behavior?

For example, the 1987 Peugeot 405 is still built under licence in Iran as a 2018 model.

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i did mean the petrol car bit, im not against you, id be pissed off if my vehicle was suddenly banned from a portion of the country and i was still paying road tax

Working class contribute nothing whatsoever to building the economy. They are the working class ffs. Barely a step above the welfare class. Both are worthless and detrimental to any well-to-do city. They should be kept in walled off communities with guards to prevent their leaving except under very specific conditions.

Oh look, a Jew.

Good looking as in well-groomed and well-dressed. It takes a lot of money to look nice and in order to have a lot of money you need good job and to get good job you need good education.

You have been muted for 8 seconds because this board is gay.

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If you want to suck stalin's dick be my guest, but people like you should be lynched. If cars are a part of life then get a car. Stop being so poor and drive something that isn't an antique shitbox. I wish we had something like this in america, ban any cars from before 2010. Nothing pisses me off more than some poor inner city piece of shit driving a car from 00s or earlier. I don't want to have to see poor people when I'm out doing important stuff that real people do.

Thems fighting words where I come from. I'll kick your fucking ass, bitch.

Haha are you actually Jewish? That's just perfect. I wish you could live to see a world without the working class but the smarter rich people than you wouldn't let it happen. You figuratively ride on the shoulders of the poor.

No it doesn't you illiterate retard. What a dumb fucking comment. Its like you can't even count because your retarded ape monkey father banged some whore of a macaque and made a chimpanzee child.

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>india 1.7
>literally can't even breath the air some weeks in indias 3 biggest cities

Calling bullshit on this

i misinterpreted your post, my apologies

this is either blatant bait or you're too far detached from reality to have any logical response reach your ears

Nice, coming second, in bringing about a mad max reality.

CO2 doesn't equal pollution. That chart is meaningless to anyone but muh global warming tards

You can FEEL however you want about facts. But thats the thing about facts, they don't change to match your feelings.

>. I dun saw a mcdonelds once therefore everywhere has a mcdonelds.

Your form of reasoning is literally how cognitively impaired people reason

this picture is smug as fuck. replace her with a pepe and it's perfect.
you lads are cringey

>Source: World Bank
Ah, yeahhhhhh....exactly the people who know a lot about measuring emissions. Hell, these numbers are probably self reported by each country, I'm pretty sure literally no one has ever done an external audit of China or India's emissions.

Provide alternative numerical measures of pollution or stop trying to seem like you can read and write.

Nothing cringier than an edge tard

>china that low even though you can see the smog hanging over their cities from space

Provide sources for your claims and attempt at face-saving highschool quality skepticism or just deal with being wrong.

>stop trying to seem like you can read and write.
Holy fuck you are one mad commie. Why don't you move to India then if their emissions are so low? Since that's all you care about.

Okay, didn't read all your post but I get the gist you're just laying into me for as much points as you can get out of it. What are the graphs by country overall and not per capita? Just because most indians are too poor to buy anything to make trash or pollution doesn't mean their country is better.

Face saving won't work for you, as you seethe and rage at me. Just deal with the facts like a man instead of running from confrontation.

Don't pretend like you even know anything of what you're talking about, you're retarded to have even have that picture saved. You even know what CO2 is? I bet you never even heard of it before you learned it from Al Gore. Dumb piece of shit

China is low because they manipulate their per capita stat

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Dude you are seriously triggered lmao

>What are the graphs by country overall and not per capita?

Because the person I was replying to made a false claim specifically mentioning per capita emissions. Literally no other reason than me correcting him. He didn't take well to being wrong.

Transportation accounts for literally less than 15% of greenhouse gas productions and this nigger is flipping out about a few people in France owning cars

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You're not going to save face by rolling through your angry internet argument cards. Just let it go and correct your statements in the future to reflect what I've taught you. Do you respond this histrionically to your father when he corrects you?

No they're low because when you divide big number by other big number it makes small number. Its how division works.

>He didn't take well to being wrong.
I literally made up my statement on the spot and now we're all making fun of you for getting a whole hive of bees up your ass about it and I'M the one not taking things well?
OH MY GOD. Are you the fucking Chinaposter I was arguing with about family dynamics the other night? Retard, I'm 22, my fucking dad doesn't tell me what to do. If he "corrected" me on something this pedantic I'd tell him to go eat shit, just like I'm doing to you.

You're really not making a good impression on anyone by trying the "I was just joking" card. Its next in the line of measures, I know, but just try to chill and take correction in stride. Nobody here knows who you are so you don't have to be so excited about defending your reputation when you've been called out for being wrong.

This thread has gone full retard, I'm so done with this

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Defending my reputation? It's an anonymous image board you fucking sperg. I don't have a reputation to defend. I literally, physically do not care whether I was wrong about something that I made up because I fucking made it up, and I'm glad I did because you are absolutely beyond mad.

Most european countries are ideal for walking and biking any way since everything is literally within walking distance.

Its not like America where owning a car is an absolute must.

That still isn't an excuse to revoke the right to own a car.

Europeans don't have rights, only privileges. That's why they're all so miserable and repressed all the time.

They burned down a mexican border stop and killed a cop. This is not a caravan full of women and children. It's an invading force of men, with a few women and children being trafficked in along with them, both for profit, and to shield criticism.
Remember that eighty percent of the kids that make it over don't have parents, they were either dead to begin with, or killed by traffickers along the way.
Glad to see there's still some frogs with spines around to keep me entertained.

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Is the reason such little is being done because the elites know that it's fucking hopeless and they may as well carry on doing fuck all?

>muh taking life very seriously

Rich whites aren't as combative as jews

Augsburg. Why?

>I am angry but I don't really understand why

truly based and undeniably redpilled

>it bans manufacturers from making them
Care to explain how a manufacturer in 2018 can manufacture a car from 1986?

>he thinks """"""basic humanity"""""" is a thing
just lmao'ing

attractiveness and iq are so highly correlated that they might as well be the same thing

not even him but
>per capita
>China has over 4x the population of the US
do the math

this tbqh
we should be bombing electricity plants instead of complaining about gas taxes

Mfw the auto industry (GM I think) bought up a large amount of the railroads so that their ahitty auto industry could thrive which set the stage for shit public transportation in the states. The idea of being super reliant on cars to be able to do anything is so fucking retarded. Read walkable cities, it'll make you hate the auto industry. That book is the fast food nation of transportation.

Per capita is a shitty metric because it divides emissions across the population. And the population of the west is very low.

The numbers that damn india and china are raw emissions. Or emissions per industrial activity. They're off the charts on that one. Good luck finding it posted anywhere outside pol though because its forbidden knowledge.