Only good tranny is a dead tranny edition.
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New thread when I just replied to posts edition
Comfy edition, like your style lad.
no girl is gonna have me fuck them as an ugly mong
i used to chat up cute twinks online like it was nothing, now i dont even get a reply back
i could fuck an average twink but i dont want to
*clears throat*
It was Christmas eve, babe...
>being proud about being able to fuck a deranged bloke
Relatable edition, morning lads.
girls hit on me when i go out, im just not interested
hey fuck off chad
don't need your kind in here.
how much do you lads weigh? I'm 63kg or 10 stone
105kg 181cm reporting in la
>girls hit on me
Leave, greasy yank
Morning lad, glad you learnt your lesson. Hope all is going well for you.
70kg or 11 stone lad
I weigh 40 stone.
Uh the way my eating habits are going I'll be 56 kg by Christmas and I'm 65kg now
but theres no such thing as a gay chad
fakn birds chat me up when im goin out on the lash with the lads init
I've constantly bounced between 12-13 stone for the last 10 years or so. Never seen to have got any fatter or thinner, it's like I've reached equilibrium
you're a big boy arent you
Need to go out. Really scared. I have managed to shower and get some trousers and a shirt on.
But the shirt in a bit tight around my big belly. Adds another reason for me to not go out. Dry skin. I look like shit with a really bad receding hairline. Don't want people to see me. I feel sick.
I can't manage my thoughts or emotions. Walk out of all my jobs and just stay locked in my room.
Think about killing myself. House is a fucking state. No clean clothes. Mouldy food everywhere. Can't get a job. Massive amounts of debt.
I need help. I don't have anybody that can help me. Why is life so hard. Just existing is hard.
>gets approached by girls
>but i'm not chad!
fuck off
A bit under 12 stone
4 cola because I can record things now mummy is at work
Was in your situation last year lad, led to me trying to kill myself. Slit wrists was gunna hang myself, talk to your doctor ask for help tell them all your embarrasing shit just get help from somewhere, it can happen. Don't worry about the debt too much, its just fake bullshit you can get on top of it.
>December 4th 2018
I had a dream where I was tripping on britfeel and I accidentally removed the hashtag from my name so everyone saw my trip password.
Then somehow this led to my discord getting hacked but I managed to delete everyone and all my conversations
Weirdly enough it wasn't my strangest dream last night
>debt is just "fake bullshit"
It's going alright, things lined up lad. Bit sad but feeling good, slept for a day and a bit.
I'm so fickle
one week I'm convinced of a belief, have a conviction that I want to do something. the next week I've doubled back and see no point in doing it.
I'd be better off dead desu, absolutely no use to anyone else or myself
It is though, the amount of debt I've got into and the pressure of dealing with it amounted to nothing when I called up and explained my situation. As long as you pay them something even a fucking fiver they'll fuck off.
need to go to gym today but just scoffed 9 thorntons brownies and 2 packs of mccoys for breakkie
probably some unimong with his 'fake' debt
is the radio actually on tonight?
Holy shit, SPs voice!
Well that's a Christmas treat
I owe barclaycard 1200 quid and haven't had any contact with them for a couple of years now
stopped hearing from them.
never fucked a girl, even if i wanted to. or a boy for that matter.
just because im not ugly it doesnt make me chad. ive been on disability for nearly two years for mental health issues and i rarely if ever leave the house.
Of course lad, long as we're both awake.
I've got so many pictures and videos of naked ladies saved but I never look at them and instead just go on pornhub every day
wish host would stop deleting radio episodes i use them as podcasts in work
what the fuck are you doing by heck
I used to have a schizo friend like Tim and I never see him anymore, makes me sad
I have done one once before because user pestered me for like a week
>tfw ywn give mayli a white christmas
he wouldn't have to delete them if he didn't threaten to assault people
gf is still in a mood cuz i woke her up last night feel like slapping her
Well you seem like pretty lucky lads because I find it hard to believe corporations will just give up like that
Sorry lad, fekin copyright most of them. We're being jews and doing a patreon I doubt anyone will send us some love but we might rehost them and post links there.
Youtube has this weird thing that if you reupload something even if it's yours you can get a strike for duplication videos.
guilty of this as well, just cant stop looking can I
Wow you have a really nice voice sp
I can't record vocaroos for you right now tho but I will at some point if you give me stuff to say
>Ywn meet up with SP and get thrashed at pool
I've been here before mentally. It has faded. But it always comes back. It seems inescapable. 14 years of this on and off. Mainly on.
This debt is compounding the situation. I have no income. Bills to pay too. 5k to barclay card. direct debits due.
Even if I get a job I will be back to this again in 3 months, 6 if I'm lucky. It's fucked. It will never go away.
you have people literally coming and hitting on you
you are a chad.
Never threatened to assault anyone just told cola to kill herself when I was grump. I can see why that might get your panties in a twist particularly.
SP sounds like a spastic what are yous on about
How are you going to get around the copyright strikes
>wanting to lose
not very competitive of you.
This is fucking gay lad. Why post this sad shit in the thread. Just add them on MSN or whatever you kids use these days.
Happens to me all the time. The only consistency is sitting here doing nothing day in day out.
im a 24 year old virgin. im not sexually successful even if some people are physically attracted to me.
He honestly has quite a normal voice compared to all the retarded voices here
You got any contact details?
We're getting around them at the moment, copyright on youtube is a weird thing. It'll likely be a situation where we edit out the music and reupload its just finding where to upload too.
I am surprised I haven't heard from them, I don't know if maybe they realised they should never have lent money to me in the first place
i'm from belfast and sound much handsomer and trustworthy
lucky for some isn't it, being physically attractive.
Not him, but I've had girls attempt to chat me up in the past and I am by no means a Chad either. They quickly realise I'm an autist when I make no attempt to flirt with them and give monotone 1 word responses
Use the hypalinx rule. Never lend, only give, and say to them the money doesn't have to be returned but if they ever become financially comfortable they are always welcome to pay it back
no mate I am just user.
great just what I needed
another Chad.
I don't listen to your radio but an user that did calimed so
fanks. I'll ask this evening if you're around.
not compared to norway lad
Having girls hit on you doesn't make you chad.
I've had plenty over the years. Still mental.
Chad doesn't have mental health issues pal
i fuckin hate reddit...
I wouldn't lend anything to anyone unless I was prepared to not get it back
Imagine a couple of news presenters having kids. Their kids must have the most boring and plain accent
afternoon frens
I cleaned my uni halls room today
now its pretty comfy desu
Just being attractive isn't enough to get laid if you're male lad, you also need to be confident and charming too. An autist with a handsome face is like having a Ferrari but not knowing how to drive or something
give it a rest for once incel lad
im probably only like a 6/10 in the scheme of things, i just have a jawline and cheekbones. i think a lot of people would find me unattractive as well because i am very thin and physically weak.
Ah right, just I was in the exact same situation last year. It's not right that shit like this happens to people.
Yeah I'm sure people claimed quite a bit yesterday.
>and say to them the money doesn't have to be returned
And if they don't return it, never give them a penny again. You always see someones true colours with money
T. Ryan Gosling in every film
once again, normies and chads literally don't get it.
You have no idea what its like to not be attractive.
i would trade having positive facial attributes for mental stability any day of the week.
it would be more like a ferrari with no engine.
It's possible for a former robot turned normie/chad to relate to robots, but not the other way around
>How will I know??
>How will I know if he really loves host?
>They say a prayer to sophie poster
>Falling in love with traps is so bitter sweet
SP, would you like cola to give you gentle loving kisses as your benises rubbed up against each other?
you litrerally can't become a normie.
That's gunna be a yikes from me lad.
Well why the fuck do they call us normie/chad then
you are born a normie/chad
You don't seem to be listening at all to what people are saying lad. If anything having girls attracted to you is worse than not at all because it gives you a brief taste of what you're missing, before you stare at the floor and mumble something and she decides you're not her type
Ive never met a chad before. there was no chads in my school or university just average and ugly people
what you don't realise though is you are being given the chance to make an impression at least, you have a huge headstart.
If you don't look good you don't even get a sniff of a chance.
normies wont understand this though
>Oh, I wanna date with anybody
>I wanna go to the meet with anybody
>Yeah, I wanna date with sophie poster
>With anybody who speaks to me
>Oh, I wanna date with radiohost
>I wanna go to the meet with anybody
>Yeah, I wanna date with andrew
>With somebody who talks to me
There were a handful of chads in my highschool that fit the stereotype perfectly - popular with everyone, tall and well built, captains of sports teams with hot girlfriends. Weird how these exact types of people have existed in some form since the dawn of time
same there were loads in my school as well, I knew from the start I was fucked.
>Click that YouTube link
>Have to wait through an advert first
>That advert is of that exact same song
you have more chance as a confident, approachable ugly person as a mentally ill autistic good looking person. if you arent confident or approachable that is a failure on your part, unless you have a mentall illness outside of memepression/memexiety
Can you settle on a song, I had the first one lined up for the radio opening.
well done lad, lobster boy would be proud
haha that would be awful lol imagine feeling loved haha
Yeah I get that I'm being given a window of opportunity that some unfortunate lads could only dream of, but unless I happen to meet a girl that actually finds awkward, introverted skinny-fats with no endearing qualities or interests whatsoever hot then that window is worthless
what you have said there is not true and the biggest normie tripe I have heard.