How do I know any of you cunts are even real? All I have is me, how could I even know you're real? Are you truly an existence equal to me? Are you truly other robots?
solipism the thread
shit thread btw
No you. Genuine question.
doesnt it seem a bit grandiose that everything around you is completely fake?
Of all I have is loneliness or depression then what is there that you mass of "others can give me?"
What's the difference between grandiose thought and reality? For all I could actually know it's all some matrix stuff. If it is all as it is then what are we even trying for. What's the point of a gf? What's the point of a fullfiling life? What's the poi t of a point?
dont know, i think the main export of this place is entertainment content for space aliens
Why should I care what you believe, lesser entity?
I don't know user, I've been dealing with solipsism after a difficult acid trip and I guess you just have to play along act like everyone exists.
No way to break the reality huh?
There's no god or there's no simulation so it's all random so the void takes us all
Yes user, and once you find happiness and comfort in that, life will be much easier to live.
my suffering feels very fucking real
The only way out of solipsism is love with a partner. Love so profound you both disregard your egos for the care and well being of the other person.
How do you even know you're real? Maybe you're just a bunch of dissociated thoughts.
You don't, really.
The only difference between animals and men, however, is that men are able via internal discourse to imagine other men having a consciousness like their own, thus being their equals.
Strictly speaking, the reason people feel less than you are is literally this. They feel less because you only feel yourself.
To be honest, you're just here to be edgy. If you wanted a real reply you'd read philosophy. Descartes addressed this specific issue.
you cant ever disprove it, but that doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid to believe you're the center of everything. there are other independent agents besides yourself who have the same thought. you're not special.
I am a robot boom boom beem
Hah. There is no comfort. We got forced into this pain. Yet we have to somehow find meaning. Reality is a prison that we have to deal with
quads seem to confirm
goat pic
Hah they're cool I'll give you that
Subjectivity and individual existence are the most terrifying yet "important" concepts of this universe. Even if someone can relate to you, they will never truly relate. Your experience is completely unique and won't be replicated by anyone exactly. You will always have those feels deep down that no one can help you with no matter what. Only you can heal yourself. You are truly alone in this world in a lot of ways, even if you surround yourself with others.
At the end of the day it's all just god imposing illusion of separation on itself in order to experience, for whatever reason. Self imposed multiple personality disorder so it can interact with itself because it was "lonely", if such an entity can even experience such a thing. Seems like it would be pure consciousness and pure being, no duality. If you think about it that way, this universe is so tragic and despondent. God is the ultimate and original robot.
>all i have is me
>doesn't realize "me" and "i" are the ego's last defense against the realization that there is no self
>that there is ONLY self
Ftfy. The eternal self, that most fundamental part of our being, that ubiquitous creative expression of the universe. The WORD (LOGOS) become flesh. And what is a word but a vibration, a distortion? Think about the meaning of that phrase. This is the multifaceted dream of god. We're basically all the thoightforms of god, because experience. Why? Haha because bro, why do you need a reason you dumb abstracting human mind.
Dunno dude. All I can be sure is that I'm me. Regardless if the collective idea of "me" is the same that i think "i" am. As far as I know there is no collective. Just my consciousness being subjected to you fucks