Post your issues with this problem.
mention if you have agoraphobia.
Social anxiety thread
I don't have social anxiety, i just hate people!
I get nervous at work even when people are being nice to me. I come off as rude even when I don't mean to. My pay is based on performance and I can get write ups if I'm performing below the average worker. My biggest problem is that I perform worse when I have a manager or audit observing me so I always end up getting scolded or in trouble. Some people don't like me because my nervousness makes me look incompetent.
I have no problem going outside, I just don't want to.
I tried to be really be socially active this year, with lackluster results. I think I give off an impression of indifference due to my strange and sterile body motion and serious facial expressions. When I communicate, words rarely come out clearly and are often irrelevant to the topic at hand. I can never hold a conversation in long durations and often answer quietly in short phrases because my mind goes numb. I think sometimes people give me bad glares and talk behind my back. I am full of ideas and interests but rarely have the capacity to present them in any value. People slowly become disinterested and distance themselves from me.
I had mild social anxiety for most of my life but started breaking out of my shell when I was 16 or so. Lived a normie life for 3 years. When I was 19 I developed rosacea that flares up randomly, kind of like painful blushing on steroids. My mental health is fucked now because of all the negative experiences socializing the rosacea brought on. My life resembles that of someone Schizoid personality disorder despite being otherwise "normal" and extroverted. Also a manlet which makes it even worse.
I basically get mogged by my own skin on a daily basis. I have trouble keeping my concentration because I my face always feels like it's sunburnt and physical exertion/talking make it worse.
bumping desu orianno
>tfw no stinky NEET pussy
>feeling sad and lonely
>want to find hope
>search for stories about social anxiety people and dating
>every thread starts like "have any of you ever had success dating despite your SA?"
>many replies like "this guy approached me one day and started talking to me and he eventually asked me on a date and now he's my boyfriend and he's really brought me out of my shell TEEHEE"
>feel worse than when I started
SA is a lot worse for men than it is for women. I have an SA stepsister (3 years younger than me) who's married and moved out solely based on her husband's income.
Meanwhile, I'm still living at home as a turbo-virgin.
>TFW I can get stinky NEET pucci if I want
only girl id want would be female version of me
Always hated interaction, didn't get diagnosed until this year because I didn't want to go and see the doctor. I'm fine in most casual situations, but I get panic attacks if people start talking about my personal life or ask me about myself.
I am a giga shut in with agoraphobia and barely leave the house
Honestly, I don't really leave the house much either. I'm not afraid to, I just don't want to have to interact with people.
this thread was going to be about western hikikomori but I hate how WEEB fags use the term incorrectly so I called it as such.
Im the same bro
there are people out there that can just talk to people without mentally loosing their shit..
it boggles my mind.
I wish I could user. My life would be a lot better if I could communicate with a person without panicking.
Who /scared of everything and everyone outside of your home but it's all good as long as you have another person with you/ here?
i still need get drunk but yeah im not so bad with someone but by myself, no way.
I guess i have a social anxiety. I always try and put myself out there and be social but always come off as an awkward weirdo around people i dont know well
Ive had agoraphobia since I was a little kid. I kinda lost it in my teens but it recently returned. I am still a teen but I havent had it in years however lately Ive been having a lot of trouble at work. On Saturdays we have a lot of customers, sometimes I cant move because theres so many people around me and it makes me very anxious. I breathe heavily and just need to be alone.
I'm afraid to going to gym because I'm in love with the girl on desk.
I wish I didn't have SA so I could smile at people, give strangers compliments, and help people without being awkward. Every second in public is painful.
Had the worst panic attack of my life yesterday.
>standing in the middle of a crowded tram
>always have horrible anxiety so don't think anything of it
>everything starts getting dark
>within a few seconds I had lost my vision and most of my hearing
>literally thinking I'm going to die and/or faint
>lasts for 4-5 minutes
>can finally see and hear again
>sweat so much my entire shirt and jacket were drenched
I love my life
My SA started about 5 years ago (20 now). I stopped going to school and started studying from school. lost all my friends cause it was too scary to talk to them. So these past 5 years I've been almost a neet because of it, except that i am homeschooled online.
Xanax did wonders. THerapist prescribed it to me, i was taking low as fuck doses, and when i did, i wasn't nervous to get on the bus. ama
What's a good way to meet a girl with SA? All of my past gf's would pressure me into hanging out with her friends, which made my anxiety 100x worse, and i feel like a girl with SA would understand me better, since SA sadly is a big part of my identity.
I used to be a social god but overt drug use (particularly stims and dissociative) turned me into a self conscious mess with major social anxiety (even around friends). Any way how to reverse this? I try to abstain from all drugs but even then need to get drunk to even talk to people normally in the first place.
>les feel when passing a stranger on the street and not sure what to do with my eyeballs
have you tried xanax? Try .5mg before you need to do something social. To me it's like night and day.
Benzos are alright, but I have a tendency to mix them with booze and always eat upwards of 10 2mg xan bars in one sitting and do dumb shit.
>group projects in class
>email sent out with all members names
>never responded
>don't show up on presentation day
why did you have to do it this way
not him but I've found that alcohol helps me feel more comfortable and allows me to open up more. does it sound like I could benefit from Xanax? I'm afraid to ask the doctor because they may think I'm trying to be abusive.
went to the grocery store with grandmother today and had another autistic blunder with the cashier
You could definitely try. alcohol sure as hell helps me out too, but you cant drink 24/7, and xanax is pretty similar.
If you explain to your doctor that you heard that xanax would help you, they might give you a prescription. Also, xanax isn't fun to abuse, not at all. I've no idea why it's so popular in America, xanax is boring as hell.
>xanax is boring as hell
really? I thought you get some real euphoria if you take enough.
Probably Dependent Personality Disorder
No official diagnosis because of the anxiety surrounding the process of having it diagnosed.
Just a ton of anxiety in general. I can mostly manage going out and meeting people if I'm with someone I trust. Catch 22. No longer anyone in my life I really trust and impossible to meet new people because of the anxiety.
Statistically I only have a few more years left before I die, not necessarily suicide either.
Nah, not at all. It just makes you feel very cloudy, confused, and you stop giving a fuck.
i cant look people in the eyes aaa kill me
I just cannot for the life of me keep a conversation going outside of my very closest friends. If I talk to someone at work the extent is usually 'you alright?' and maybe 'how was your weekend?' if it's a monday. If someone has a joke with me I probably seem like I'm really upset or angry but I'm not, I just cannot think of a single thing to say back to them
It's not boring. It makes drinking infinitely more enjoyable. It lowers your inhibitions greatly. The anxiety relief is unlike anything else. The body feeling is nice
I have avoidant pd, probably some other shit but it's not relevant now.
I have a weird relationship with agoraphobia, if the number of people is big enough for me to blend in i am not affected by it, i struggle with normal and below groups, i just feel the urge not to stand out.
Sometimes when i writing something to post on the internet, i chimp out, delete and gtfo real quick.
I won't end well, that's why I've been prisoning myself in my room until i wake up one day, say nothing at all and ascend through rope.
I only come out for primary needs.
It's ok, i feel really calm most of the time, brain fog has cleared itself all of these months I've withdrawn.
I just feel sorry for my parents, they aren't the best but they don't deserve this.
bumping a good thread here mate
Hit close to home.
I have to take the subway to go to a therapist appointment in a few days, I haven't left my room in months. I'm literally dying of anxiety right now.
Because they've never been told their complete filth and an embarrassment, to such an extent if they even sense negativity they become unconsciously repulsed and 360 out of there