how much does physical appearance matter to you in a partner?
How much does physical appearance matter to you in a partner?
Not much, as long as they don't look like dudes or trannies.
A lot. They don't have to be perfect 10/10, but fatties and uggos are out of the question, no matter what.
I don't dwell on what I'll never have
It matters a lot, but it's a yes and no thing more than a out of ten thing.
I won't date a person I don't find sexually attractive. If I am not attracted to you at all, it's a no.
So it's everything, in a way - if you're the most amazing person but I'm not attracted to you at all, I'm not dating you.
Once I find you attractive, tho, I don't care if you're passable or ideal. Personality matters much more.
I don't know because I never had the smallest amount of chance to get a girlfriend. I don't even check out girls, my classmates even made fun of me for this when I was young. Based on my internet history I guess I don't like fatties but am very tolerant towards uglies. Maybe because I was always fat and I hate it.
A lot. My first girlfriend got fat on me. She was maybe a 6-7 before, and I had low self confidence so that felt like a lot. After getting fat she was like a 3. All her horrid personality trauts were also magnified, especially her laziness, victim complex, narcissism, and neediness. Someone's outsude appearance tells you a lot about them, no matter how much society wants us to deny that. Healthy is attractive, if someone is in good shape they work to preserve that. If they have good hygiene, eat well, dress well, those all tell us positive things about their personality. Also, going out with a girl you arent all that attracted to sucks. My dad always said, "you gotta want to jump their bones". Now I know what he meant.
Not very much. Not near as much as asexuality anyways
Why are men so terribly shallow?
Because you can still expect something from women in terms of looks, but if you had personality standards, you'd be set for a life of celibacy.
I just want a girl with a nice smile don't care if she's skinny fat or a stick or with some phat.I just don't want a whale.
what else does a woman have to offer
Why do women all want guys with careers and social status instead of who he is?
Not that much, i tend to analize how their personality matches with mine, their fashion sense and if she's introverted and serious (i fucking love introverted girls).
Don't generalize
You just got owned by the Father
and Holy Spirit
of dubs.
Yes, this is judgemental but I would only like a girl that's 6/10 or above. But more than that, I care about their personality. I know a lot of girls that are 8s and 9s but I would honestly never date them because they have such shit bitchy personalities. Just being around them would be torture, regardless of whether they're hot or not. And besides, with make-up, even a 6/10 can look like an 8 or 9.
As long as they aren't overweight and are the same race, that's it really. I'm sick of seeing those disgusting selfies of fat women leaning on their chad partners (who God knows why settle with them) with that look that suggests "God I'm so much better than all the other girls" whilst simultaneously showing total desperation and lack of self-respect.
Physical appearance matters to me. I cant think of any personality traits that would make me attracted to a person. Having a good personality is really the lowest bar when it comes to dating, its the easiest thing to do. If a woman doesnt have a good personality, I'm not dating her. If she is ugly, I'm not dating her. My standards arent that high, so its not really asking for much, just dont be a shitty disfunctional person and dont be fat.
A lot because robots are just as hypergamous like all males
Are you a female? What is your standard for passable?
A lot, I would not want a girl which I am not attracted to.
Said the money and status attracted bitch when she looked up from comparing her partner with the one of her bff, lel.
I unironically care more about personality and her history (if she is or was a thot she can gtfo)
As for appearance it's fine as long as she's white (or white looking) and not ugly or fat. Also no tattoos
If males are the hypergamous ones, why is it you and yours that letting themself get fucked by random males every weekend, often while love bombing other 4-5 orbiters with texts?
youre talking about Stacies user.
They can afford to be shallow.
They are ALL Stacy when the weekend comes, the globs of make-up are pasted on and the booze starts flowing.
i think inceldom ironically skyrocketed my standards. At this point I'm too blackpilled to ever accept an okay looking gf, all I want is a perfect Stacy, because this is what life is all about - getting a perfect Stacy.
I tried dating someone I wasn't attracted to. I literally could not cum because she was too fat. She wasn't even American size fat either, she was just a little chubby, but it was still bad enough that I couldn't cum unless I was really forcing myself. And I was always afraid of prematurely cumming before her.
When she started being controlling and emotional and demanding all my time it made it real easy to break it off. If a girl isn't attractive and she can't resist being a drama whore it's an easy goodbye.
What you want is a girl who is only a stacy in looks, not personality
Church is a good place to find such qt's, but you might have to do a bit of larping if you're not the religious type