>"Good genes" theory proposes that females select males seen to have genetic advantages that increase offspring quality. Increased viability of offspring provides compensation for any lower reproductive success that results from their being "picky". The good-gene hypothesis for polyandry proposes that when females encounter better males than their previous mates, they re-mate in order to fertilize their eggs with the better male's sperm.[6]
Is it really a bad thing that all females want Chad?
>Dad was a Chad >Mom was a Stacy >Be a 5'11 120lbs social retarded virgin Fuck off with "muh good genes" you brain dead faggot women don't give a shit about health genes they want dick and money nothing else
Leo Williams
t. salt vrign
Jace Lewis
no. its time to smash the patriarchy, which only benefitted beta males
Parker Sanders
I'm right tho genetics are a meme and women don't care about producing strong offspring
You're a worse skelly than I am at my 5'10, 145lbs. Eat and exercise you fucking idiot.
Luis Hughes
>seem to They'll choose the worst ones for a society that allows them choices, and the best ones for a jungle in which they were property. Tell you all that you need to know about women.
Easton Wright
I don't really care enough about myself to do that
Robert Garcia
Not caring about yourself is about the worst you can do. There is no point in living if you don't take care of yourself.
Connor Brooks
Define "good genes" first
Daniel James
>There is no point in living if you don't take care of yourself Well i don't really want to be alive so it's hard to see the point of self important when you want to die
>Is it really a bad thing that all females want Chad? Absolutely not. It hurt to hear but that's true.
James Johnson
>polyandry Polyandry is very rare in nature OP. Usually you find the other form of polygamy, ie. one male with many female mates.
Hudson Ortiz
That would be worth something, if she was a fucking bit of land and semen was just a regular seed.
Women who think like that and people who shill that ideology seem to forget thatthe women who use that as justification for whoring around are genetically and mentally inferior. They are a poor place to plant my seed and will rear the child poorly if she is willing to raise or help raise the child at all.
Daniel Bailey
>Well i don't really want to be alive Then get a rope or a gun. What's that? You don't want to kill yourself right now?
Don't piss away this time of your life by pretending that you want to kill yourself or wasting thoughts by wishing you were dead.
It's time you could be doing something constructive. Like going out for a walk or learning to write or cook or sew or carpentry work.
Nathan Fisher
OP is kind of an idiot, but good genes is anything that improves genetic fitness. Genetic fitness is determined by how well you are able to mature and have fertile offspring. It could be greater resistance to parasites or disease signalled through some male dimorphic extravagance(something that offers a disadvantage, so only genetically superior individuals can survive with it).
Nathaniel Thompson
Justification for being entitled whores, what's all it is.
Daniel Baker
5'7 at 106 lbs. Have been losing weight because my Asian heritage made me used to eating rice 6 or 7 times a week, and I 'm no longer able to eat rice that frequently since college.
Gavin Garcia
shut the fuck up chink! nobody cares about your rice diet.
Brayden Williams
>pretending that you want to kill I don't really want to kill myself i just want to stop existing >Like going out for a walk or learning to write or cook or sew or carpentry work Why? What's the point? Will that fix me?
Dylan Martinez
What's stopping you from just buying some rice and boiling it? Takes like 20 minutes and you have rice for days.
Camden Smith
>! >:) Shut up faggot retard nigger
William Harris
It's bad for humans, yes. Technically, we want/need everyone to breed, except like the literaly worst of the worst. But even if you're ugly as fuck, as long as you're healthy it's better for humanity if you breed.