Could y'all give a friend some advice?
Should i go to trade school and learn about electricity and automation, or music school. I've been playing the violin for 8 years, but i cant read notes or any music theory. And electricity and automation just seems interesting.
Could y'all give a friend some advice?
You'll be unemployed and poor no matter what you do anyways.
trade school. at least you'll have more Opportunites
It's too bad that's a shop. Pretty lazy shitpost for whoever made it.
You don't even need very special hardware to use GBA screen as a monitor
Trade school.
Holy fuck I wish I had learned a skill. I can't do fucking anything and it's totally fucked me.
how do you play violin but not know how to read music?
I get it written out for me. Like A1, Meaning A string, first finger.
that sounds more complicated that reading music.
Not really, guitar has a very similar formatting called tablature. It's pretty intuitive.
so how do you determine timing, tempo and the length of the note? its very difficult to learn a piece of music purely from Tabs
what the fuck is going on in that picture?
internet on gameboy?
youre fucking joking right
Learn sheet music you nigger, thats just to introduce you to the concept of it
its really easy user and it carries on to everything
I would pick music school personally, but how the fuck do you play the violin for 8 years and don't know how to read sheets or music theory??? You must be a special kind of dumb
I know stuff like that on the notes with white in em you drag em out. The _ means that you keep going to that note on the same stroke. I just dont know which note to press.
sheet music is not hard to understand
literal children can read sheet music.
Im doing the electrical trade at a trade school and it's pretty cool as long as you don't mind a little mathematics and hands-on work. Give it a try user
>as long as you don't mind a little mathematics
how much is a little?
trade school so you can fund music endevors on the side
Go to music school and you might be able to play your violin on the street corner for a hatful of dimes when you're homeless.
If you're capable of understanding all the technical aspects of electricity and automation, then go to trade school and make more money than most college grads.
But i dont want my music and art to be a side project. Music is something i really do want to do but i dont want to starve.
Obviously don't fucking go to music school, but also don't fall for the trade school meme. People talk about learning a trade so casually, as if it's some cheat code in life to make easy money. There's also nothing satisfying about working with your hands, despite what fags like mike rowe will have you believe. Go to school for computer science if you're interested in automation, or electrical engineering or something.