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You can't say "kys" in League of Gay, retard. Everyone knows that's an insta-ban. You deserved that.
>Playing league of legends
Haha, holy shit dude, are you 12?
Do you play that game ? It's garbage but very enjoyable to play.
>It's garbage but very enjoyable to play.
Go do drugs or something, that's a better use of your time.
Stop crying bitch. Kys while your at it.
faggot ass bitch nigger say that to my face irl and see what happens
>being a little bitch on an online game
>crying like a little bitch when you get called out for it
Not surprised
Just play it and laugh at people getting mad over the game like this guy here. It's the best feeling when you make the whole enemy team rage in all chat and post game
same, im eune tho
lmao why havent you quit yet???
So you broke the rules and it's the kikes fault that they banned you?
Sound like sociopathic behavior
diablo 2 ladder reset on the 7th this week.
>say that yo my face irl and see what happens.
Nothing will happen except for you crying like a little bitch.
>le jews XD
I know high school is tough, but try not being a huge faggot
I know the cock in your throat is hard but try to make sense when you talking
were those jewels self found or traded for from some dupeseller
I love reporting idiots like you.
this is why i only play steam games, gaben doesn't give a fuck about fee fees
This. Solo queue retards are always angry because they have no friends to play with lol
30 60 9 -15
30 60 9 40def
duped for sure but they are perm once socketed.
I've been perma banned on 2 different accounts which were both mine from Season 1
What pisses me off the most is that I used to be literally able to call my team niggers every single game and not even get muted back in Season 1-3/4ish. Now? Can't say more than 1 curse word or you're fucking immediately banned and the faggot teammate that feeds and spam pings you gets to go on doing the exact same thing every game cause the automated system is dogshit and only bans people for chat violations.
Online gaming has been on a steep decline in the last 5-10 years or so. It's a real bummer.
and stay there, before I report you for underage b8
god, I'd love to make dumb shits like OP angry by pressing a single button
wouldn't start playing kike trash just for that though
>Sag Eht Sekik
based and redpilled
Got pbanned 3 years ago.
Never again.
i got banned and i was playing since beta. this kayn in my game never changed forms and lux wouldnt ever roam. was like 2 years ago. fuck riot. i spent my neetbux on skins and got to diamond 2 soloq and i get banned for calling someone a porchmonkey. i got another account and i just stay gold elo and dont even bother climbing or getting skins anymore. legit i wish someone would shootup lcs or riot games studios. i even emailed riot to unban this account and they said no, but streamers who are toxic get unbanned all the time. some fucking bullshit to me.
Jesus, that's all it takes to get a ban from LoL these days?
I'm honestly glad I stopped playing. What a load of fucking sissies.
>invest time and money only to get jewed because you decided to talk
>Investing money in a free to play game.
lmao get naenae'd
time is money too
Why are you so mad bro? Christmas break is coming up and Santa's gonna get your something.
This lol.
You are a special kind of retard if you're paying for skins in a video game.
>poor neets cant indulge now and then
here is a reply from riot sanguine. hope this guy gets shot. i mentioned that how certain pros get to still play competitive and a certain academy player that i know irl who got caught selling/buying accounts still gets to play in semi-pro. legit fucking bias shit. hope this fucker gets killed in traffic on his way to work. i just sit at home all fucking day playing vidya and being neet and these fuckers get paid to be ass holes to mentally challenged people like me online.
>plays a game under terms that state speech as shown in OP is not permitted
>accepts these terms
>uses such speech
> gets banned
lel nobody will be playing this game in a year
fuck this garbage game I'm glad I got permabanned, it's a waste of time and brings out the worst in people. I think I got banned for wishing a slow and painful death on someone and his entire family because he fed in my promos, I can't believe I ever cared this much about a video game.
Should have played Dota 2 instead of a game for little babbies.
that's what you've said for the last 5 years
>KYS gets you beaned from lol
>meanwhile my best memorys from TF2 is from so called "toxic" players flaming me
>My favorite gaming moment in my life is when I got the whole fucking server on both teams to attack one guy cause he tried to kick me for top scoring as medic then saying he will find and kill me in my home
i dont play this trash anymore.
>Act obnoxious
>Be surprised when nobody wants to play with you anymore.
>Playing LoL
>Not DotA 2
I'd tell you to deny yourself, but you literally can't even.
The pretention of dota players is so odd. Both games are full of retards and both games have a skill cap far past what's actually attainable by humans. The fact that so many dota players claim superiority based on the game they play when the games are practically the same is fucking retarded.
I absolutely cant stand turn rates
>be riot games
>realize the core concept of dota 2 is cool but the game mechanics are pure autism
>copy it while making it pretty, casual and actually enjoyable
Why does this make dota players mad
>Crying that you got banned for being racist
Stay triggered bitch.
You at least put some effort into it finding and linking everything
Honestly the biggest thing that pisses me off about LoL is pay-to-win mechanics. The fact that you have to buy shit to experience core elements of the game is such a joke.
But yeah, DotA has far more advanced mechanics which act as a filter for bad players. I don't think I've played a DotA match with someone under 16 in years, which is nice.
>Still plays LoL in almost 2019
OP You're one of the greatest faggits and brainlets I saw in a while.
I think the majority of Jow Forums doesn't even play that shit.
If the scum of the earth doesn't even play it that needs to mean something.
>advanced mechanics
But muh cute animu grills.
now that I wrote this I just relized that a lot of shitty games rely on cute girls to carry their terrible games and porn artists
Yeah, call me when you deny first blood as Techies with 30 attack dmg before suiciding for a double kill/deny while grabbing both bounty runes.
Oh wait, you just walk out to lane and last hit until one of your opponents' mother makes them log off for homework time.
I'm glad I can agree with someone in this post that LoL is shit.
Dude you 100% can get to challenger with the minimum of 20 champions required to start playing ranked.
And most people play less than 20 champs in ranked anyway.
Is it ranked and annoying that you have to grind a bit to be able to afford champions? Yes
Does that make the game pay to win? Absolutely not
It was kinda shitty when you had to grind for runes but now you don't have to anymore.
Also the thing I like the most about lol is the teamfighting, and the fact it's a bit more spammy as for the abilities, which are all on low cds compare to dota
just play the game instead of insulting others. they won't care when you get salty and whine at them anyway so just enjoy the game on your own.
>playing any competitive multiplayer game
that's a yikes from me
That's the issue right there; The desire to spam abilities and teamfight a lot. You want a game that lets you do that; Which LoL is great for, I guess.
Don't forget - There's an age gap in people who play DotA and LoL. People who play DotA are older, and usually come from a background of RTS and DotA 1/Warcraft. People who play DotA played the original CounterStrike back in 2000, grew up on Age of Empires 2 and Warcraft, and generally speaking were more PC-oriented
People who play LoL grew up on Halo 2, Gears of War, and other fast-paced multiplayer console titles. I'm not being snide when I say this; It's something I've come to find as an absolute truth about the audiences. It's why there's a relatively large gap in mechanical fixtures in each game; One is focused on extremely intricate gameplay while the other is about racking up kills and spamming your abilities.
It's fine if you like LoL; But objectively speaking, it's a worse game in every metric aside from the amount of action. It's why I've never heard of anyone switching from DotA to LoL. It's kinda like the redpill and bluepill; it only works one way.
>type literally the only three letters that get you automatically banned
I said I'm glad I got banned you fucking nigger. Also there is nothing wrong with being racist.
I spout racial slurs every single match of Dota2 and still got my good boy status (Good behavior score)
>not playing on /mute all
There's literally 0 reason to use chat in League unless you're playing with friends (and even then, you can whisper or voicecall)
my friend from HS switched from dotka to LoL
he was even the guy that hooked me up on dota but only i play it now
on the other hand he turned to kpop and waporwave or something, so i guess he just went full gay
Kek. Get permabanned already. I did it 3 years ago now and it drastically improved my life. I can't even imagine going back to that shitty game.
did you actually play dota? deny first blood from who? veno or quop you fucking autist?
LMFAO l0ser