anyone else play music?
>tfw being in a band is a chore because of normie drama but god damn it feels so good to bang out a drum beat or rip a power chord
other music styles allowed as well, but for me, its rock.
anyone else play music?
>tfw being in a band is a chore because of normie drama but god damn it feels so good to bang out a drum beat or rip a power chord
other music styles allowed as well, but for me, its rock.
I build and play guitars, and I play trumpet in a jazz group. Mostly play prog/prog metal for guitar and I enjoy that the most.
I used to play bass, got pretty good. School, but I managed to learn songs I liked. Stopped, haven't touched it in a long time.
Do I pick it back up again?
nice dude
OP here, mainly a drummer myself but I picked up guitar and bass just for shots and giggles
ever been in a band? I liked playing shows and recording songs but I hated all the band member drama
do it man its so fun
even just playing by yourself, put on your headphones and play along to songs you like, just fucking jam out
Trying to get an indie-ish style thing going with my best friend, we live 600 miles apart now so I don't know how feasible it is.
with technology you can make a record together via the internet but yeah 600 miles is kinda hard if you want to play live shows
Been playing guitar for a while but only alone. Theres two acoustic guitars here and an electric and a keyboard but nobody else is interested in playing music together. I wanna join a band or something one day. Even just playing basic shit is so fun with other people
Played the piano for 8 years, now play the bass. Too /socialanxiety/ to be in a band.
it really sucks being in a band
its a lot of work and drama for not much fun
considering most people pick up instruments to be cool, you have to deal with their egos
haven't played actual instruments in a band in a couple years, but i managed to make a splash in the crack rock steady genre with some friends from high school.
been on a few US tours and such. they were pretty fun i suppose. we weren't big enough to make enough $ to pay for gas/food/lodging all the toime, so we always had to save our money to go on the road.
when i first got into punk rock, i never thought i'd be a part of something that has so many listeners.
now i just sample stuff to make weird beats on my own. no one gives a shit about it, but i like it
>been on a few US tours
where are you from user? Canada?
>just played drums til my hands are literally bleeding
ahhh its so good
non-musicians will never know this feel
bandage on and I'm back for more
Whats so bad about it? I literally just wanna play music, surely if you just ignore the drama you cant get roped in?
Got any examples?
Dealing with vocalists mostly. I play in a group where everyone can sing, but we have one specific vocalist and he is a massive ass.
I have way too many examples, I've been in many bands. many horror stories.
like I don't even know where to start, what specifically do you want to know?
I'm a rappist. Make beats and write rhymes, it's fun. Used to play piano but now just do it all digitally.
NEVER have a singer who only sings. never. you're just asking for trouble. the singer has to at least play an instrument. otherwise you have this distance between singer and instrumentalist
from the US, never toured outside of the country.
although people have hounded us about coming to europe
I've toured my state and the states next to my state but never around the whole country
That was our biggest mistake.
>Nah bro, I don't need a warm up
>Bro, like, I'm not going to make practice tonight, I have other stuff to do.
>Why don't we make the instruments quieter, I feel like vocals should be the focus of the track.
>I'm probably the best musician here bro
>I could play that if I wanted to
Vocalists are shit and they always will be.
yeah and plus they never help the others carry the drums and the amps into the venue
they think their only job is singing, let these other peasants lug the instruments
better than playing the same city and same venues/bars all the time.
He got kicked out a few months into the project, myself (guitar) and my buddy (bass) picked up the vocals. Actually sounded better too. Probably because we got to practice every couple days instead of dealing with shitty vocalist#64986's shenanigans.
PROTIP: for those who want to get into playing music and want to play shows in a band:
don't do it if you hate carrying heavy/awkward shit around and possibly up multiple flights of stairs.
ESPECIALLY as a drummer.
you are going to have to be your own roadie.
yeah it was cool
the scene around here sucks
tl;dr there's 1 all ages venue but they dont pay and you have to lug the gear up 3 flights of stairs to play for 30 minutes for some high school kids and you don't get paid and hardly anyone shows up
and the rest of the venues are just bars that do music on the side and everyone is just there to get drunk and doesn't care about you, you're just background music
I just wanna hear the horror stories to be honest
Kek that figures, in my personal experience too vocalists are almost always incredibly narcissistic egomaniacs obsessed with self image. I think it has to do with how mastery of an instrument requires skill and patience and the process itself is humbling. Whereas literally anyone can sing. Not to imply that vocals arent a skill as well, but with an instrument you cant fake it. If you dont put in the time and effort it is immediately apparent. With vocals its easier to get by off of just sheer arrogance and maybe a bit of natural singing talent.
ahh where do I begin?
how about the time my band went on a 4 day tour around the state and we almost got our equipment stolen by some junkies in the sketchiest city in the state and the guitarist and bassist had a shouting match the whole way home while I, the drummer, was just trying to concentrate on driving us home and the bassist ended up leaving the band after that and the new bassist we got sucked ass
or the other band I was in playing guitar and the other guitarist sucked ass and was a lesbian who got her gf to play bass who had never even practiced bass but wanted to be in the band because she was jealous and then a prima donna soiboi for a singer and a drunkard drummer who just played drums to have something to do when he was not on duty for the US Marine Reserve and then the lesbians got ina relationship fight and were on a bunch of MDMA and it all fell apart
or the time I was playing drums in a really good band with great songs and great musicians but then the guitarists' wife got a promotion and they moved out to California and the band was done because the bassist is too awkward to play with me without that guitarist and now he totally quit music and like dors woodworking in his garage and posts his projects on Instagram or some shit
take your pick man, I got plenty more where that came from
I like to sing, but I've been """lead singer""" before and I hate being the """frontman""" and the center of attention.
I started on drums, so I was used to being way in the back where nobody really noticed me. but then I decided to trt to play guitar in a band, and nobody else wanted to sing so I had to. and I hated it. but I'm sure some people love all that attention. I don't.
no musicians left awake eh?
thank you bros
rock on
or jazz on, rap on, whatever