I have unironically eaten my own feces

Ask me anything pertaining to this

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>Ask me anything pertaining to this

how'd it taste

Surprisingly not shitty, just very bitter like some bitter medicine when I bit into it

There is a shitty aftertaste, though it's mild

Are you gay? Or just fecalphilliac?

You actually bit.

Did you chew? Swallow?

100% hetero and very prudish but needless to say pornography causes degeneracy and it progresses

Sucked at first, bit afterwards, then chewed and swallowed. Did it multiples times throughout days.

Why do shitposters do it?

What's your diet regano

How is your relationship with your family? Would you do it again?

Burger king cheeseburgers, high fiber wheat bread with ham, chocolate cookies
About all there's to it

How did you not die from e-coli?

E coli is not life threatening in itself and feces contain a thousand or more different species of bacteria that compete with each other for survival

I have no idea where this myth of feces being toxic comes from.

What led up to it? What was the consistency? Age? Any greentexts? I want to do it too desu.

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>What led up to it?
Degeneracy, trap porn, anal masturbation, curiosity
>What was the consistency?
First time it was shit pellets, suggesting constipation. This time today it was a hard, solid, big log.

not OP but mine taste sweet, I guess it's because I drink a lot of artificial sweeteners that don't get digested.

does your shit always taste bitter? or does it vary depending on what you eat? does diarrheal/softer shit taste different than hard shit? what's your favourite shit texture? do you have shit breath? do you just like pick it up with your hands and eat it or eat it on a plate with cutlery and shit?

Founder of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, ate a heaping tablespoon of his feces each morning.
First turd of the day, a finely carved wooden spoon , a mouth full of Christian Bowel Movement.
If it's good enough for a Prophet of g_d, it should be good for you.
Interestingly he was German, it seems he may have begun the wonderous Aryan tradition of enjoying a Second Harvest.
Not sure if he was also into piss drinking.
Wonder of he blessed his droppings before wolfing down the goodness. "the body of Christ".

How much of it did you eat? Would you eat a whole load?

>does your shit always taste bitter?
Yup, I suspect it's universal. Probably the bile acids or whatever used to transport nutrients to the colon which gives the bitter taste
>does it vary depending on what you eat?
Very very strange if I eat chocolate chip cookies it makes my shit taste literally sweet and like cookie dough. No idea how the sugar does not get broken down by bacteria or absorbed into the blood stream. No, I am not diabetic.
>does diarrheal/softer shit taste different than hard shit?
Not other than the bitterness hits you faster with looser stools
>What's your favourite shit texture?
Well, I don't really like eating shit to be honest but if I had to choose I'd choose a big, fat, hard log I could gulp down in one go.
>do you have shit breath?
I have a terrible sense of smell and it's hard to smell your own breath so go figure I have no idea but I do wash my mouth with vodka afterwards
>do you just like pick it up with your hands and eat it or eat it on a plate with cutlery and shit?
I stick fingers and a big dildo up my asshole while watching tranny porn when I have to go shit I do it in the shower (because it's easy to clean the bowels).
The times I ate my own stool I shit on my hand.

I've figured out that if I put a hand on my asshole and push as hard as I can, but prevent shit from leaving my asshole so it all collects near the anus end, I can make it so when I do shit it will be a big and long log.

>How much of it did you eat? Would you eat a whole load?
Tried a whole load. Almost puked

>100% straight
>trannoid porn
>I don't really like it
So why keep doing it?

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Are you retarded?


>So why keep doing it?
Lack of stimulation from "normal" sexual activities.

>Are you retarded?
Mentally? Might be.