Just found out im trans AMA

I just found out im trans a few days ago, i told my mom ans she supported me!! She said she always seen me as daughter not the son and she is taking me to the dr tomnorow so i can trans into a girl! Im so excired ama

She says we cant tell my dad until i a fully trans into my girl im really nervous to tell my dad but im ewally happy and excited ama

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Fuck off tranny faggot. Stop making the same shitty thread over and over again

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Why do you keep making this thread? Unoriginally.

A few days? Hasnt it been a month or so already? I have seen these threads a few times.

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Alright, here's a question; why haven't you admitted yourself to a psychiatric care ward?

Remember to type "sage" in the options without the quotes.

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Because im not suicidal
Why do you come to my thread ama if you hate me?

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is there a fucking Jow Forums cheat code to ban you permanently or something

"Why do you keep making this thread" is not a hateful comment. It's actually an interesting question that needs answering.

I didnt say I hate you, I said you have known this for more than a month. why dont you just post in /lgbt/ there is a whole board for people like you. Thats like if you took a shit on the floor and then told people to go somewhere else if they dont like it.

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Do you have amnesia and find out your trans everyday? Go fuck yourself with a loaded gun.

So you're becoming a transexual, but for now you're transgender?
Why not just stay at the trap phase? You know you'll regret in a couple years.

She's like that girl in 50 First Dates.

i have one question for you

why is this thread so relatable

I just found out im tra- BLAM!!!!

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Because we are both similar minds maybe
Im happy you can relate to me as it is lonely a world
Dont troll me

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OP is so cute, keep posting here cutie.

>just found out im tra
you died rip

seriously if you just found out how come you still post this thread daily?

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>Thats like if you took a shit on the floor and then told people to go somewhere else if they don't like it
That's how most posters operate these days.
It's sad, I know based yuko-user.

Are you gonna keep your dick?

If you are older than 18 and/or not already naturally feminine then you're honestly much better off repressing

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really no replies? oh my god it will be all be okay you autistic children

nice copypasta bait.

Basing on the fact that your mom is taking you to the doctor I can tell that you're underage
How can you even take a decision so important at that age? And also based on a thing that you discovered a few days ago, It might just be confusion

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