Except the whole point of the evolution of preference was to make sure your gene pools didn't get shot to hell and isolated. The majority of people don't find people who look like them attractive because that would lead to a greater chance of inbreeding. We naturally look for "exotic" partners.
>Except the whole point of the evolution of preference was to make sure your gene pools didn't get shot to hell and isolated. The majority of people don't find people who look like them attractive because that would lead to a greater chance of inbreeding. We naturally look for "exotic" partners.
how about you go ahead and post your body so we can all laugh at you, tranny
Jackson Young
>Black >Go to Jow Forums >See post like this >Realize what's going on >Dick is actually far larger then that guy and >Feel kind of pissed about the whole thing and seriously consider getting into porn. >Remember the wart covered axe wound that is fay raegan's snatch
I used to like this board. I left pol because it was toxic and full of faggots posting porn. Came here because it was funny and people only posted half naked chicks. But now you cant even abstain from porn on a FUCKING SFW BLUE BOARD BECAUSE EVERY 20 MINUTES SOME DYEL 0.5 PLATE BENCHING FAGGOT POSTS BESTIALITY PORN
>t.ugly/gross chick/dude who needs okcupid Well you have fun with your online dating.
Oliver Russell
This is false. Just false. "inbreeding" is irrelevant here. Having sex with a person the same race as you is not "inbreeding." Inbreeding is a total red herring. It's isn't relevant to anything. We're not talking about cousin marriages here. As for "we prefer exotic partners," that is flat out false.
Jace Hill
Most people on okcupid are incels and old. People on dating sites are like people on forums, extremely picky even the ones that shouldn't be. You have obese white women wanting a 10/10 they don't deserve.
Just reality of dating sites 50% whales and incels who had to resort to online dating because nobody irl wanted to tap that, 50% fake profiles. Should never be used in any situation.
4/10 sjw looking mother freakers, the site. Fuckin kek at taking pride over a bunch of incel preferences. Reminder, chad doesn't date online.
>implying black men don't literally fuck anything with a hole because they'll take what they can get m-m-megacope.
Michael Perry
asian males on suicide watch
Elijah Gray
I think you posted on the wrong board retard
Benjamin Carter
>This level of reading comprehension The point is you are less attracted to people that are genetically closer to you, the further related the better. The closer your genes are the more fucked up, look at pakistan.
Daniel Thomas
Sadly true. Not counting marriages the numbers are even higher, soemthing close to 50% of AZN women are being bleached. Account for the fact that half of their children will be born male and you effectively have a quarter of the Asian population producing Elliot Rodgers clones. Canadian society will collapse within one generation from a beta uprising and the US is not far behind.