>add a girl off of r9k
>she seems actually fucking perfect
>think it's too good to be true
>feel like I'm getting catfished
How do I find out if this person is who they say they are?
>add a girl off of r9k
>she seems actually fucking perfect
>think it's too good to be true
>feel like I'm getting catfished
How do I find out if this person is who they say they are?
Ask to voice chat or ask for a picture. R9K girls are almost always crazy in a bad way though. I have met only three sane women here.
Just know there's at least a 65 percent chance of them being a dude, once you accept that you'll be set.
How the fuck do you guys always meet girls off r9k?
>she seems actually fucking perfect
Why exactly?Maybe you're overreacting.
Seconding, I've been here for years and I've never met one of you assholes online or irl
Ask to video chat
Thirding, yeah what the hell. I've never met anyone in my entire life from here
>How do I find out if this person is who they say they are?
I dont help retards sorry.
Complete coincidence really, sometimes they'll add you from a random thread about something else, other times they add people from "fembot" threads. The latter are usually the crazier of the two though they are both mentally ill
i don't get it. How can they add you if they don't know your discord/skype etc. Or do you just post your username in a thread?
I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of stuff
>add girl off of r9k
>she says hi two months after the fact
>ask her how old she is
>says she's 13
The fugg.
>girl adds me from a thread on r9k
>one day starts giving one word replies without any explanation
>realize that im being a nuisance and just stop writing her altogether and she never initiates a new conversation
I've had one add me from a thread about vidya on here before, didn't know it was a girl until a few weeks later. The other way is too just wait until a "fembot" posts and try and talk to her in the thread and then spam your discord/contact whatever, that's what the thirstiest niggas round here do anyway. The second one probably doesn't work well.
i found a girl on here about 4 years ago
she never sent me her face
i met her the other day and she was very nice and very pretty
you're all such retards its hilarious. Darwinian even
Did you guys fuck? Or was it platonic.
>video chatting with a random weirdo off r9k
never in a million years
>junior year
>go on omegle, put in r9k as a tag, talk to this person with no camera
>we talk for like two hours, gender, age, none of that comes up.
>eventually add eachother on skype in the end because the convo was good
>turns out to be an absolute f u c k i n g babe, my age.
>we say long distance is too shit of a thing to deal with when we both get feelings, and we both agree to just stay really good friends
>two years pass, sophomore year of college.
>both of us had opportunities to be with people, both of us decide not to because "they're just not my type" or "they just don't get me"
>I only didn't pursue relationships because I was absolutely head over heels for her, no girl could compare
>decide to meet up "platonically", she lived in CA, I lived in NY. We always talked about hiking in Colorado
>get an airbnb for three days in this rural part of colorado, we both meet there
>we were still under the assumption that things were going to be platonic
>I see her for the first time picking her up from the airport, I start sniffling.
>she stares at me, runs towards me, jumps up and gives me a huge fucking hug.
>I start sobbing like a fucking baby
>get my first kiss in the middle of the airport.
>next two days were the best days of my life, we just spent both days in eachother's arms
>lose my virginity
>We become a couple, I graduate college, get a decent job.
>We're planning on moving in with eachother next year.
Some r9k girls aren't all that bad boys.
I've never talked to anyone from r9k for more than a day. Y'all are some boring fucks.
>Start seeing a girl
>She is adorable, and I am in love.
>we click
>She loves me back
>she lives 6000 miles away
>I say "fuck it" I am in love, and you are in love
>reduced story
We met, she stayed with me one night.
We had no intercourse, though she did touch my boner, accidentally. She apologized.
She broke up with me after she met me. Though I was in her hometown for 5 more days, she didn't come to see me in my fancy ass hotel I still don't know why I rented,,,