If you call yourself an incel fuck off.
This should be a place for outcasts and mentally ill people of all sorts except trannies.
Your whole culture is about not knowing what it feels like inside a womans vagina.
If you call yourself an incel fuck off.
This should be a place for outcasts and mentally ill people of all sorts except trannies.
Your whole culture is about not knowing what it feels like inside a womans vagina.
Well said king
I am just sick of incelfags.
They are so hypocritical, they expect a GF and even talk of raping woman being allowed
all because they cant get their tiny dick wet.
WHen you have enough real problems not getting sex doesnt even register as a real issue.
>t. non virgin highly social discordfag
>biggest problem in his life is mommy telling him to clean up his room
What are your real problems user? If life sucks so bad for You, you should let me fuck your boi pussy then I won't be so sad
Pathetic incel spotted
well I wouldnt make not getting laid a problem I even think of when it comes to me.
oppression Olympics is gay
Says the discord faggot who isn't even a virgin
>Says the discord faggot who isn't even a virgin
says the virgin
Your argument consists of
>he uses discord
>he isnt a virgin
attack any of my points pelase
based OP keep up the good fight
>says the virgin
Spoken like a true normalfag, why don't you go back to wherever FB group you came from? Shunning virginity is the biggest telltale of normalfaggism.
>Shunning virginity is the biggest telltale of normalfaggism.
I shun incel fags.
>why don't you go back to wherever FB group you came from?
aint used FB in 10 years.
gunjy holy shit fuck off, no one likes you
you're annoying, you are hated in every online community you're in, fucking not even people irl like you, you'd be better off dead because you're just a waste of your parents' time and money
>Your whole culture is about not knowing what it feels like inside a womans vagina.
Take heart, youngfag! r9k wasn't always like this.
And for the first time in a decade, we're slowly drifting towards the old norms.
But remember, and outcast is an outcast. Virgins feel that way often, and therefore fit right into the community.
but what about people with legit gender dysporia and not being like "um im feeling like gender 3 today", OP. please let them stay
>And for the first time in a decade, we're slowly drifting towards the old norms.
What did user mean by this?
bump for agreement and for the hope of one day making this board tolerable again
also a reminder to drink water and stay hydrated
lmao imagine being such a literal faggot people who can't get sex bother you
this board has straight up normies and females let alone incels
It means that r9k used to be for all outcasts.
Not just virgins. It's what actually made the community popular, to begin with.
>but what about people with legit gender dysporia and not being like "um im feeling like gender 3 today", OP. please let them stay
Ok, the 300 to 400 people worldwide with legit gender dysphoria can stay. Out of those 300 to 400 people, probably at most 1 of them posts here. So that ONE FUCKING GUY can stay.
Hey, hey. Don't you mean
Stop, I'm so sick it hurts to laugh and right now I'm literally screaming like a wild coon.
you got some weird stats
>aint used FB in 10 years
reddit tier response
you came from Jow Forums and only started posting on Jow Forums this year
this is not your board and you do not get to dictate who is and is not a robot you literal non virgin
stop playing loser olympics and clean your room and learn to use the toilet like a big boy
>you are hated in every online community you're in
im going to be good guy gunjy now.
My post wasnt directed at virgins or robots it was directed at "incels".
I am trying change.
they can go to LGBT
I chat to one legit gender dysphoria person.
sadly true
im 25 i had one at 15 to talk to my mum when I was in different state
I dont claim to be a robot, I am just tired of the incel people.
I wish I was a virgin
are you this fucking stupid? someone tells you to go back to facebook normie and you respond AINT USED IT IN 10 YEARS
>I dont claim to be a robot
then fucking leave, this is not your board. fuck off back to one of your many discord communities and leave us to wallow in our misery in peace
>leave us to wallow in our misery in peace
I like R9K as people as messed up as me are here.
I have some mental issues and I am unable to work because of them or function at all.
I like to form discord community so I can have people talk about feels and not feel so lonely.
I just want to make people feel better.
I am no longer a negative person IO am trying to kill that part of me.
Yeah I am pretty honest friend
Truth. Reminder a women came up with the term incel because of how "lonely" she was.
This is the college/richfag feels board. Software engineers, lawyers, good guy sad chads, r/4channers, you know for a fact they're here and no amount of "but I'm depressed!" or "I'm also pathetic because I'm here!" will fix their infestation. It wouldn't be so bad if they had the sense to hide their success, but they didn't, so this place is fucked.
lol you say you have mental issues and can't function but that didn't stop you from having sex or holding online friendships
you've even changed your waifu something an ironic weeb normalfag does yet you have the nerve to shit on other robots and call them normalfags
pissing in bottles because you heard about it as a meme on r/Jow Forums doesn't make you a robot
just leave
>This should be a place for outcasts and mentally ill people of all sorts except trannies.
so incels?
incels are the biggest outcasts there are
if no woman (half the human population) will let you touch them you don't get any bigger an outcast than that
Incels make us losers lok bad, I know that is an oxymoron but these idiots run "stacies and chads" over because they are so pathetic they cant handle not getting laid.
people openly talk about their GF etc...unironically
>lol you say you have mental issues and can't function but that didn't stop you from having sex
sticking your penis in some fat roast you dont know once means you cant have mental issues.
I regretably fell out of love with my first Waifu and I hate that I did.
You know same thing happens with 3D gfs?
I am not a weeb man, but I know what ironic weeb means and you are free to think what you want.
I asked Megu and she said "of course not" when I asked if I was one.
I pee in bottled because I dont like leaving my room.
>incels are the biggest outcasts there are
ummm try people who cannot leave their homes.
if your issue is not having a vagina available to you and you complain about it then you have no real issues at all.
Some people see fucked up images when they shut their eyes and get trapped in mental delusions and cause great harm to themselves with destructive behavior as they are mentally ill.
Being an "incel" (not virgin but someone who says that they arei ncel) is a huge fucking joke.
rape all whamen (my mother is dead so fuck off)
>people who can't leave their homes
so you don't go to doctors or leave the house for neet bux or to buy drugs?
you're so full of shit
>if your issue is not having a vagina available to you and you complain about it then you have no real issues at all.
>Some people see fucked up images when they shut their eyes and get trapped in mental delusions and cause great harm to themselves with destructive behavior as they are mentally ill.
who the fuck says you cant be multiple things at once
A step in the right direction, nice.
If it helps you I noticed you were really down to earth when I met you discord dude
The thing is those that identify themselves as incels are pure cancer that also bring other unwanted people here.
you want to be here and for us to listen to your sob stories but you can't be bothered to be a little empathic to someone that has those kind of issues (I can wager hundreds of people have here)
just let him play his little game of"only i have problems everyone else is a normie except me" and try to fit in here
it's all he has in his sad pathetic life
>you want to be here and for us to listen to your sob stories but you can't be bothered to be a little empathic to someone that has those kind of issues (I can wager hundreds of people have here)
i've got no problem with them i just don't like gunjy
I have to be on drugs like benzos or blind drunk,
I was an alcoholic but couldnt go out to buy alcohol down the street for example.
I dont wnat to play your oppression olympics, me saying being an incel is fuck all compared to other peoples issues should be obvious.
Your disbelief that some of us have actual problems that literally make us trapped in our rooms or house should say something.
why do you hold so much value on sex or entering a vagina?
I may not have even been talking about myself then but other people I know, some people are more messed up than no GF etc haha
>you were really down to earth when I met you discord dude
thanks man, im trying to become a better person I have been a very terrible and mean person :(
im calling out you losers who cry about lack of a warm sensation AKA dick in vagina.
really shows how pathetic you fags are and this is from someone who pisses in bottles and talks to someone in their head.
>i just don't like gunjy
You have every reason not to like me I am an awful person to be honest.
But regarding this incel hate I have I am justified.
>TFW no gf
dumb incels could get a GF in they were not so unmotivated or narcissistic.
They annoy the shit out of me.
>TFW can't leave my room
dumb shutins could leave the house if they were not so unmotivated or narcissistic
depression and anxiety affect different people in different ways you absolute fuckwit
hurry up and kys so we don't have to see you avatar fagging anymore around here
fuck you akazari.
You go outside to football games you normalfaggot.
Yeah there have been times when I couldnt even peel a mandarin, being unmotivated is a part of bad depression.
>has dozens of online friends
>has had sex
>calls others normalfags
alright buddy
>Tfw horribly ugly awkward kissless hugless near wizard virgin with no future aspirations except killing myself at like 40 or something.
Am I allowed in?
Trannies are the most mentally ill people do this should be a tranny board
>>has dozens of online friends
I have two friends.
I obsess over my friends and do anything I can for them.
im not gatekeeping im just saying incels are faggots
TRannies are trash
>even talk of raping woman being allowed
I dont see the issue with this.. rape is pretty normal
>rape is pretty normal
stupid incel, so pathetic man.
hate you incelfags
>WHen you have enough real problems not getting sex doesnt even register as a real issue.
Jesus. fucking. Christ. THIS. I had stopped coming here for years because I got tired of all the snot-nosed brat's whining that their biggest problems are not having a gf or video games being their only hobby even though they have so much else. They take everything for granted. They're just a bunch of pampered little bitch boys that choose to be losers and I have absolutely no pity for them whatsoever.
'Incel' is an arbitrary term made up by non-robots to shame anyone who has problems getting laid. It means nothing and you should realize you're not a special class above those inferior incels, you get lumped in with them regardless by normies and the media. The definition is so loose I'm pretty sure this whole board is considered an incel board by 90% of outsiders. Every white male mass shooter is also an incel.
Sex isn't that important, intimacy is. You can just get sex from a prostitute. The people that can't get intimacy no matter how much they try are what you might consider 'incels.'
if you don't like it you can always leave
a feeling of being unwanted/unneeded and socially isolated is horrible for ones self esteem and destroys any motivation and ability to enjoy things
Very true post.
It's funny since discord users fit in less than the incels
>a feeling of being unwanted/unneeded and socially isolated
I've been going through that for over a decade now as a 27-year-old HHKV, but I actually gained real problems earlier on and made me realize how easy most of my teenage life was by comparison.
I'm only back because I needed to ask a question on a topic-specific thread and came by this in the catalog. This place had changed drastically since the early 2010's. Now I just see a board filled with faggot teenagers and "incels"
you do know that your teenage years are your formative years and shape you for how you will be for the rest of your life right?
>you do know that your teenage years are your formative years and shape you for how you will be for the rest of your life right?
Uh oh, I guess I'm REALLY fucked in that case.
I've experienced more isolation in my teens than the majority of this board. There are much worse things that can happen to you than not having a gf.
Isn't the bare minimum requirement for outcast status virginity? Involuntary virginity?
Just because you're an unwilling virgin aka incel doesn't mean you must follow whatever beliefs.
Not him but jesus christ im so fucking sick of you. You have the nerve to come and talk about isolation despite
>having HAD A REAL GIRLFRIEND in the past
>having had only god knows how many e-gfs
>having hundreds of friends and acquaintances all over the internet
Yet I cant disagree with you in saying the vast majority of Jow Forums are nothing but underage pussies with no real problems. I know what real isolation is like. I know what being a true outcast is. And I can only dream of having the social intelligence of someone like you. There is no way you knew true isolation growing up, else you'd have given up long ago on even trying to reach out. Not going out but having e-friends to chat with 24/7 doesn't make you isolated, just a shut-in who has more in common with normalfags than robots.
>There are much worse things that can happen to you than not having a gf.
At least I agree on that. There are much worse things that can happen to you than not being able to leave your house fyi, norman.
He just won't acknowledge his normalfag traits. Imagine actually losing your virginity being 15.
>tfw people like you enough to get into an intimate relationship with you
>dare to call yourself an outcast
Jeez! Can anyone take care of it?
>having HAD A REAL GIRLFRIEND in the past
>having had only god knows how many e-gfs
>having hundreds of friends and acquaintances all over the internet
What? I've never had any of those things.
Get real problems.
>Imagine actually losing your virginity being 15.
I just stated that I was a 27-year-old HHKV. I know what isolation is. If not for the internet I would've been like Tom Hanks in Cast Away for the entirety of my adolescence. I've never even set a single foot into a high school. I'm telling you, it can get a megaton fucking worse because at least that is something you could change if you really desired it.
Oh. That leaves us with 2 possibilities
>one-night stand
You're not in jail and have never mentioned rape, that leaves us with A GIRL THAT WILLINGLY FUCKED YOU. Imagine that, and you have the nerve to call others normalfags. I know you're baiting at this point but honestly fucking die already nigger.
Don't lie about the rest, you make and delete discord servers all the time, use your normalfag charm to make friends and get gfs them scam them.
>Get real problems.
Oh but I do. Sorry mommy is not there to take care of me forever like yours. You think this is bad, imagine when she's fed up with his dumb larping son (You).
You said in other threads 25? Which one is it? Do you think adding years will somehow give cred to your non existent outcast status?
>If not for the internet I would've been like Tom Hanks in Cast Away for the entirety of my adolescence.
Aww poor child, good thing that never stopped you from making e-friends right? Or losing your virginity without trying. Yeah man you're such an outcast holy shit.
>I'm telling you, it can get a megaton fucking worse because at least that is something you could change if you really desired it.
What? You can change too, the day you're burdened with real problems beyond coddling parents that is.
Man I hate your victim complex so much, you're like a proto SJW.
>"everyones problems are imaginary except mine!"
>20 results
How much longer until these Zoomer incel faggots start experiencing real problems and grow up?
>video games being their only hobby
being able to enjoy things I envy them.
I cant imagine being ok enough to even care about a GF.
>>tfw people like you enough to get into an intimate relationship with you
I make the roasties toastie
>>dare to call yourself an outcast
yeah, a mentally ill hikikomori does dare to
I think you have me confused with someone else. I haven't posted here in years until very recently. I've never used Discord.
Schizo-affective user here
OP is right, anyone who isn't mentally ill has a life on easy mode.
stop calling yourself a hikikomori, you aren't japanese and you only use that word because people recommended you to watch welcome to the nhk and you are trying to fit in
Whats your beefcurtains with incels?
Imagine self-diagnosing yourself with a mental disorder and then claiming it makes your life worse than everyone else's. Living in any 3rd world country for 6 months is worse than your made-up disease you middle class white faggot. Grow up
You people just prove why women are giant hypocrites.
what kind of faggot cheats on his GF and calls anyone else a roastie
Shut the fuck up, if you lived on a third world country being an "incel" would be the last of your worries
Actual third worlder here, im so poor the idea of getting "help" for whatever meme mental illness rich people like to entertain is laughable.
Where is my prize?
Kek that roastie got decimated holy shit
I really doubt those guys are the ones posting here raging at life because they havent been touched on their arm and shit
Can confirm, the only thing on my mind is surviving burgers forceful democracy and Maduros dictatorship.
Technically im both an incel and volcel, dont really care and never tried but if I tried I doubt id lose it.
Fuck em, try the public hospital they might have a psychiatrist there, idk how things are handled in your country
Well said, Gunjy. Couldn't agree more.
And how do you know this? Where is your proof?
Burden of proof inceloid.
fakest shit i've ever seen posted here
>they might have a psychiatrist there, idk how things are handled in your country
And he's going to either
>a) tell me to be myself and give me an appointment to see my "progress" in 2 years
>b) give me a bag of skittles as placebo
>c) commit me to one of the few "mental institutions" of my country where indescriptible acts of torture and human misery that make jails of my very same third world country look like heaven occur on a daily basis
Nah im fine thanks. Youre right, there is no escape, the """problems""" people talk about here are a joke. Dont know why I keep coming here desu, I only have sympathy for a few fellow wagies, most others can and should die in a pit for all I care.
>says he's manipulative
>expects us to believe he didn't manipulate her into saying that for whatever dumb reason
Looks fake and gay.
>You said in other threads 25? Which one is it? Do you think adding years will somehow give cred to your non existent outcast status?
dude im OP.
God dame you hate me.
I literally doxxed myself publically the other night because some fag threatened me.
I dont make up any of this shit, what more do you want man.
dude I made her think I was in love with her for months man and I was going to scam her for money and just decided to make her miserable.
It didnt make me feel better which is odd.
Guess making people feel sad doesnt cheer me up anymore.
based man, I dislike these "problems" tehy have.
they wont understand what it is like to be mentally ill.
>what kind of faggot cheats on his GF and calls anyone else a roastie
what kind of faggot couldnt tell I was just trying to hurt her as much as I could?
I was only ever using her from the start, jesus.
>he doesnt know how to get female orbiters the post
its not fake, read above.
I was her "e bf" for a few months
>pic related
she did art of my Waifu and my friends waifu for me
>she did art of my Waifu and my friends waifu for me
Dude I hate you, do you know how much I want a gf that draws?
>what more do you want man.
For you to either fuck off or redirect your hate towards fembots and high level normalfags. Fuck, I agree incels suck and I find this gynocentrism absolutely disgusting, but if I had to make a choice I'd rather be among incels than normalniggers talking about their gfs. I don't understand why you seem to hate incels more than normalfags. For the record I'm neither an incel nor a normalfag.
You're usually contradicting yourself, Gunjy. I still agree that incels shouldn't be welcomed.
Unironically this though, the faggots triggered as fuck by incels but trying to pretend they're the in crowd are just pure fucking cancer
That's an incel's line of thought. Incels tarnish this board with their inferior unimportant problems usually they spam about how they yearn for a gf and they question how they can score one everyday. Quite pathetic and disgusting i must say.
>I dislike these "problems" tehy have.
And why is that Why are you so hateful?
Lol.. wait
Hold up
Some discord faggot who was recognized by his anume avatar made this thread?
Are you fucking shitting me
You're gonna get violated in ways you never thought possibly little bitch boy
Go suck off a deadly weapon, zoomer scum
All you discord faggots need to follow your leader and blow your fucking brains out in mommy's house with a ksg
Pathetic impotent failed internet relationship handholding is pretty lame LOL
Imagine how pathetic you have to be that a mentally ill shut-in can get something you desire and you can't
>good guy gunjy
>bragging about making a girl who fell in love with him cry yesterday
>actively encourages suicide amongst robots with the exception of two friends he has
lol ok
Fuck off all you mentally ill faggots. You're not special just because you had the money to pay some kike psychiatrist to tell you you're not normal. You at least have a reason to blame as to why you are fucked up. You can go to sleep not having to wonder why everything went your way and you still fucked up.
You're part of the problem bitch and you use of the word "pathetic" after me detracted from it's potency in my above post
You zoomers are like gossipy little rats crawling in an out of internet crevices and some day, some day, a flamethrower is going to burn you to a nice crisp
Go back to siscord you little bitch
This guy is pretty mean. and the thing is most people here encourage it. Not all do but gunjy I hope you grow up one day
you sure like saying bitch don't you
what a vast vocabulary