What charity should I donate to this year?

What charity should I donate to this year?

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European Heritage preservation society

Kek sounds stupid

the charity of user, i will invest your money in crypto and drugs

My lathe fund, I wanna buy a lathe

Please don't be a cuck, user

Don't call me a cuck u nigger faggot

Open Society Foundation

i donated 300$ to the cancer research through Jingle Jam

Seems too political

Idk if they're going to make much leeway in fighting cancer desu

Haven't looked that hard but thinking of giving 400 buckeroos to doctors without borders

>400 buckeroos to doctors without borders

we need ebola to wipe out the ugly nappy headed niggers

Attached: nappy.jpg (510x360, 25K)

Kys kid

Saint Jude's

merry christmas you filthy fucking niggers.

Attached: kek.png (1920x1080, 101K)

Your local food pantry is probably the only worthwhile charity. All big organizations are black holes and spend more money on administration and advertisement than actually getting things done.

If you're interested, look up the criticism of the red cross. It'll blow your mind how fucked they are.


I'd agree with this. St. Jude's or the World Wildlife Fund. Depends if you'd rather help people or animals. Tough decision, desu.

where can I buy gold striped socks like this???

>inspect element
nice try, user

me oreganogare

Not like I'm buying presents for anyone kek.

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