
This is the body that girls want. There is no reason to bulk and lose all your definition because some bucket crabs on Jow Forums think you'll be "dyel" or a "twink" if you don't squat 3pl8 or weigh 250lbs. Just lift and have fun

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losing bodyfat is hard and too complex.

>This is the body that girls want
>the body that girls want
>girls want

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workin hard to transform my skinnyfat fucking body into this mode

Close but needs a bit more muscle in the upper body desu.

You're gonna make it bro, we all are.

how do you achieve this look?

3pl8 squat isn't much lol. you can still be lean with that.

lift for a few months, don't eat like shit. Nothing impressive about OPs pic.

this lol OP's just hyped up on his noob gains and it most likely 160lbs wet

im 150 normal

You're gonna make it, keep going

Do anything but SS

yeah sorry bud there's girls out there that weigh more than you and i'm not talking about hamplanets i'm talking about fit chicks lol. but keep riding the high cause dysmorphia is next.

>>my feeling when if I cut ill look like this

i make girls wet you fat fuck.

Who cares? Big is not a good thing

>tfw 5'9 dwarf so lean for me is like 150~ pounds
i dont like being that low of weight but i do like the leanness, what do?

Cope harder skinny boy.

OP here, i'm your height and 150. Looks fine, hoes really go for it breh.

do you need your gf to carry heavy things for you?

>big is not a good thing
yes it is. big is a very good thing. fat is not a good thing. you can be the first without being the latter. you just don't know anything about it cause you're a dyel

>carry heavy things
Like what? I deadlift liek 265 for 5 and bench 190 for 5. Don't really encounter anything in real life that's heavier than that.

yeah sure you do, makes sense that you're on Jow Forums looking for (you)'s

I'm OP and I didn't make that post, but it actually would make sense since I have a hickey on my swollen trap in the OP pic I posted. You don't get those without making girls wet, you fat fuck.

Why does his pec have an indentation?

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post pic at a neutral angle instead of a highly flattering one for a real assessment

i dont know man, im used to being the guy to help people with moving furniture up stairs and shit like that

here's your (you) now go suck off your boyfriend fag

lol i'm literally bigger taller and just as lean than you. imagine that shit. congrats on the hickey bro you really mogged the shit outta us virgins. fuckin clown lmao

Struck a nerve huh?

wow im sure none of us have gotten hickeys before
hows 9th grade going?

the implication that squatting 315 is hard is the most retarded part of this post

your on a japanese rice cutting board trying to preach about girls want with your dyel twink body. here's another (you) buddy.

lol not even close. you're so small my nerves can't even feel you.

NO actually this is the biggest waste of time Jew in the lifting.

If you're lifting, you obviously want to look good. And you won't, in clothes. Meaning that you have to be face maxxed/personality maxxed/money maxxed/ and or just a natural Chad in the first place, since it won't look like you lift at all when picking up on women/out on dates. Which means, by the time the clothes come off, they won't give a fuck. They're already fucking you.

If you want to look fit (in clothes ie in life), get big.

Stop trying to make yourself feel better for being a shrimpy little yoga festival dj/urban tech warrior bugman faggot.


>You have to be fat to look good in clothes, especially if you're ugly
Nice cope. It's called not wearing garbage bag shirts and actually knowing how to dress. Bonus points for making girls extra wet when you take said shirt off and they see abs and definition as opposed to a fat powerlifter gut and man tits

it's a shadow

god this thread is so LQ

Don't think you're appreciting how little that dude is

You pick up women from tinder where you obviously have shirtless pics.

It's big penis that's useless because it's really hard to make it known to people before you're basically already fucking them.

Otter mode is the best mode.

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Nice hickie OP. Clearly gets sex

You can bulk without losing definition. Bulk clean OP. Don't gain more than 2 pounds a month

How long is this dudes torso? What an unfortunate core.

If ur absolutely ugly and LARGE you will scare women. Unless u find an ogre like the big man shrek

girls yes, mostly.
woman tend to prefer a bit more bulk on a man but would not say no to ottermode

that's what they all say until they meet a lean stud to fuck their hole

6ft1 180lb Ottermode. I'm like a fucking mma fighter bois, but the kind that gets popped for peds

Kek. Who wants to get with a "woman"

>245ng/dl test levels
It's hard as fuck to stay even reasonably lean without losing muscle mass, and of course nogains even if I eat at a surplus. Bodyfat calipers say I'm 12-13%, I've got abs visible but just skinny as fuck.

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>Blowing up your obliques like this because you heard the phrase "v taper" too many times on the internet
When will gymrats fucking learn?

>everyone calling op post cope, dyel etc
>still mad at him

Anyone who calls that body type "dyel" or "twink" and tries arguing it doesn't look good/girls don't like it is coping so fucking hard with having a beer gut and bitch tits

Unless the dude in OP's pic wears shirts that are skin tight, he'll look dyel or at most like "Dude that maybe does some running on the weekend"

It's not a bad body, but it only looks good shirtless, with clothes on he'll just look skinny

I don't spend much time running around shirtless, so I want to look like I lift in clothes. If you're not genetically predisposed with bf levels and fat distribution, torturing yourself over getting a sixpack is usually not worth it.

And to fix this you just need to dress right. Wear fitted clothing, and tshirts with shorter sleeves that show more arm and then it's fine

That's a great way of looking like a tool. The only way he can show off his body in clothes is using shirts two sizes smaller than his actual size, and you'll look like a jackass if you do that.

>shirts two sizes too small
That's what I do and ive never had trouble with been called a jackass, and I've actually been pretty successful with he ladies. I also wear tank tops at every opportunity lol


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So you are admit to your crimes of being a dyel? Very well. The bloat will decide your sentence.

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nice tittie jiggles



post body

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Not the user you were talking too but I have to ask, who took this picture and why?

>who took this picture
a client
for his private collection I suppose ?

Nice you get paid?


When do you ever lift furniture that weighs over 200 lbs

Is becoming a successful male prostitute the definition of making it?

No, finding a bf by being a successful male prostitute is

This is a great way to get fucked up in literally any contact sport.

Good thing people don't actually play those after high school


I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that.
If you are lean, you'll have a good posture and you will, since you find yourself good looking, appear self confident.
That's all you need.

>didn't play club sports in university
I had a feeling you were a faggot

Girls want a real man like ME.

I’m 6’3 and 248lbs and mog every dyel “lean” twink pansy snowflake at the local gym. Fucking deadlifting over 4 plates while one of these little gremlins does lateral raises and 20lb curls. I go home and slam beers like a fucking man while you fucking lanklets measure out onions in measuring cups.

I fucking LOL when my forearm is the size of your little biceps. Woman want a strong confident man like me, not some girly fag who counts calories and looks in the mirror every 5 minutes. Get fucking owned. t.boomer

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>not sqautting 3pl8 and weighing 250 lbs lean
ok manlet


I'm 5'8 and 152 pounds at ~11% bf and literally all the women I've been with in the last year have said some variation of "omg how can you be so sculpted/perfect/etc". Don't believe Jow Forumss standards. Not to mention 2/3 of them are taller than me, including my now gf of 4 months.

this so much. People notice that shit so much more than you think.


I'm 6ft4 and 90kg, I would fuck you up in a fight.

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>t. fat estrogenic lard who cries himself to sleep every night, having never seen a vagina

This thread is for twinks to feel better about themselves not working hard enough to become sculpted full muscle bellied gods