Asians isnt are friends

Asians isnt are friends

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>dog eating insectoids

no shit nigger

>implying that anyone didnt know that chinks like anyone except those of the same nationality

Lel, hope that pic is real

Why does everyone hate us, is it because they ain't us?

because youre uppity subhumans, barely better than a nigger. chinks and gooks are still an invasive species in the west.

I'm white retard, I was talking about whites.

Based storm chad

i think that guy is white, who you're replying to

White people are complete shit.

should have clarified it then, pinhead.

fuck those yellow skinned subhuman niggers, they are NOT western, never will be.

You are based, but when are you going back to asia?

i dunno. i dont want to live with gooks and chinks.

Do you have a job?
Do you plan on having kids?




t. asian

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Good, you can stay as long you work and dont reproduce

Yes I have a job and I want to have lots of white children

i dont need your permission. good, i wish you success.

>gets BTFO in the thread about asian women
>grrrr, I'll show them for liking things
>idea, le white genocide
>post shopped 'kill whitey' image
>wait for for others to storm thread
>BTFO libtards chink nigger tranny kikes
Congratulations, you're more persistent in making this threads, than me looking for a job.

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>i dont need your permission
You do because this is not your country

quit being such an uppity rice nigger desu

no i dont. alright this isnt my country.

Asians are pretty cool with me, guys are hit or miss, but women and children are always friendly. You guys said they hated blacks, glad you were wrong.

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>guys are hit or miss
i guess they never miss HUH