Why do you hate black people Jow Forums?
Why do you hate black people Jow Forums?
>dat camo
Level 69 stealth
But why do you hate us wh*Te boi? are u jelly?
a slave should work
First and foremost, because they are unnecessary. The are just objectively not required. That is the biggest possible sin in my mind. By being worth less you are therein worthless as you are simply second fiddle. I don't care what you think about it, you're just wrong if you think otherwise.
How exactly are you worth anything? what have you ever contributed besides whining on a New Caledonian tapestry forum?
>First and foremost, because they are unnecessary.
says a man on Jow Forums
I don't. I've been sleeping with one for the last few weeks.
How mad r u? U sure seem mad, calm down.
Why do black people hate black people? Thats the real question.
why dont you hate niggers? nigger lover
What makes u think that wh*Te boi?
I'm not white, I'm mexican. This just comes from my experiences with black people. I have 1 black friend who explicitely hates other black people. Others are not so explicit, but I observe the same behavior. They are less open and friendly with other black people. I almost never see groups of black people together. Why is this? Why dont I see 2 or 3 black men getting lunch together?
Well, I'm actually a programmer/web designer. I've probably done more in half of my life than you will do in your entire. Listen, the only thing Blacks are good at, statically, is short distance sprinting due to longer legs. It's all ya got. And just to make you even more mad, I'm not White.
I'm from Jow Forums, but Strawman more. I just got done dicking around in Unity with models for a vidya I was playing prior. I come here for the same reason I go to Jow Forums and Jow Forums, the memes. You people are fucking pathetic to think relationships matter at all. If you have to find peace in other people, you're not a well-adjusted person. Just to cake it on some more because why the hell not, you all had a poll like 5 months ago now that showed 46% of this board is '18 or younger'. It is a fucking travesty what has happened to this board.
Black people smell like dirty wet socks.
Stay originally triggered wh*Toid.
>I go to Jow Forums
/v/. I meant /v/. Very tired. It was bed time hours ago. Night, Jow Forums. Have fun with you literally juvenile problems but also race-baiting, kek.
What makes you think that?
I think blacks are more likely to hate themselves than whites to hate blacks.
Well, your women must love the smell of dirty wet socks then.
Another wh*toid cope.
>Well, I'm actually a programmer
>I'm not White.
>I'm actually a programmer/web designer
Nice cope wh*Toid, you're also an incel XDXD!!!
moot loves niggers and reddt
I think it's some kind of self defense mechanism, I got a job and school so I've been forced to get out more and not only is really no one as bad as this site claims, reception seems fine too.
Oh this is perfect, I have a question. Why does it seem almost cultural for mexicans to be fucking stupid? I've worked several retail jobs and by FAR you fucks are the stupidest oblivious kid shitting retards I've ever had to encounter.
Mexicans love to shit on blacks to be seen as the good one by whites.
Hilariously most people consider them lower than blacks. At least black people have some establishment in several entertainment industries, for mexican you think "will for for 0.30 an hour"
Man I'm glad I'm not white. I can't imagine what it's like being bombed every day by this race cuckoldry shit with niggers. Seeing your women getting fucked by monkeys. Seems to be no escape from this shit for you guys, you go on porn sites and it's literally 50% all BBC fucking white girls, you go on Netflix and every new movie has a white girl actress fucking a black guy, you go on Jow Forums and you still getting bombed by this shit. Every day. Must fucking suck for you guys, I feel honestly bad for you. It's like white men are getting replaced entirely.
>Seeing your women getting fucked by monkeys
see what i mean, literally everybody is sick of seeing niggers with White women. its not just White men.
I can understand because wh*te women really adore dat bbc so it's hard not to see it, amirite wh*Te boi?
I don't.
I hate niggers.
One gets a job to support a family, the other lives off gibs and gang bangs slinging crack and running guns.
moot you nigger troll
I ignore it. I know who it's being pushed by and I know why they do it.
Yo, even yo lolis like dat bbc mah man.
Tenda Lung Spencer?
>I hate niggers.
Those niggers be taking your prime aryan pussy wh*Te boi.
NIGGER jew moot. thats what you are, a jew with a niggers heart
R u mad? I can see u sethin boi.
XDXDXD!!! these scitzo wh*Te bois thinking everyones a jooo, hahahahahaah!!!
Oh hey it's Lily Rader and Jax Slayher
I've triggered so many virgins with that webm
I don't hate any people I just want a white ethnostate
Hey, I didnt say anything bad about black people, I just want to know why they dont like each other. No need to get your panties in a knot.
Blacks are mostly inferior sub-humans.
lol, this nigger posting nigger porn calls me a schizo, hah
The fact that low IQ whyte women fuck chimp dick doesnt hold anything to the murder rates in the black communities. All I'm waiting for is the point where we can clean up any of them thats left over.
U r a schizo boi, only schizos go on about da jooos all day.
U so mad wh*Te, just accept that wh*Te women from all walks of life can't resist the allure of the bbc.
jews or niggers, it doesnt matter im not the one posting nigger porn all day. wew
How dis make u feel son?
nigger desireability poster
This is what we get because of diversity hire.
Yea, u postin frogs all day, dat so much better ain't it? lmao XDXD!!!
i dont post frogs, nigger/nigger lover
t. falseflagging white "robot"
Get a hobby retard
nah those are all your posts nigger
suck a dick Storm Cuck, fuck off with the racebait, you and the white "robots" getting paid to do this
>You're a nigger Harry.
Some niggers aren't black user.
why are you so defensive, nigger? guilty.
roses are red
violets are blue
niggers are black
you know thats true
but they dont seem to mind cause what the heck!
you have to be black to collect a welfare check
because you got baited on your own bait thread fucking faggot
>getting paid to do this
Why is schizophrenia so common amongst wh*Te folks?
>theres a guy with a nigger porn/ nigger couples folder
lmao nobody is paying this nigger to post these
U so triggered wh*Te boi, calm down. Just leave the house dude and, maybe wh*Te hoes might look in your direction while they grinding on mah dick.
I only hate black men because you guys are mean to me.
t. blackfembot
Wh*Te bois look more like apes.
That's how you know shills are alive
I make TWO posts long after this thread was made and suddenly I made it when I''m showing disapproval to it
Why does the white "robot"-Jewish shill alliance aristocracy want to take me down so badly? Could it be because of the meaning behind my words? Could it be because I'm on to their shit?
ye, theyre niggers proving why nobody truly likes them.
way to paint yourself out to be dumber than a nigger.
good job.
Yo sista I hope u ain't riding dat tiny wh*Te pin dick, u need a real man gurl. Only a brotha can ever satisfy a woman, wh*Te or black.
where is this ? is it in burger land ?
>failing at ebonics
seriously I'm around blacks every day and none of them actually speak like this. Good job bating tho
It's in finland I think, wh*Te bois ain't allowed in deez clubs I hear.
We said they look like monkeys because they are more genetically closer to a monkey the a white, not because they act like monkeys(which they are).
Yo, watcha talkin bout sista? dis how a speak in real life!
So if humans descended from apes where the fuck do niggers come from?
>because they are more genetically closer to a monkey the a white,
I'm gonna need a source for dat cracker.
its not possible for blacks to exist in my climate zone, sorry not sorry, the only "nigger" tier guys that ever visited here were mongolians 700 years ago, so next time try to post some baits with mongolians
but i doubt you will find any in 5 min
this nigger has every nigger porn and nigger couple image ever posted on Jow Forums.
ima save these and start my own sub reddt, r/blackdesireability
U wh*Tes are anatomically a lot more similar to apes, dis shit facts.
Being so insecure about getting cucked by niggers that he defends them online.
look at that nigger destroyer
i dont understand why people get pissed at white women dating black men, isn't that just like dating anyone else?
Not according to crackers, they don't like my skin colour, it triggered them like little bitches.
oh, you're not actually black. stop racebaiting please
When i was little a nigger stole my pog collection that I worked hard for. They revealed themselves early in my life and i never trusted them since.
>entire continent of blacks conquered and colonized by a few Europeans with guns
>nig nogs slaves until white people start to feel bad
>aforementioned black continent still a massive shithole to this day except for the parts whites still inhabit
>skip to 2018, a few black guys get roastie leftovers
all things considered I think we feel just fine jamal
fuck. he take your rare slammers too? pogs are easy to replace but not slammers
>a few black guys
Shiet, dis cope XDXD!!!
I don't hate black people the same way I don't hate chimps or other dangerous animals. It's up to people (actual people) to keep them in line so they don't chimp out.
Unfortunately for them (and for us) we live in a time were they are free to roam the streets unchecked. This leads to conflict and totally avoidable violence and crime.
They are incapable of assuming responsibilities. The fault lies in some white people who decided it was better for us all to let them have the same rights other people enjoy.
The people of wakanda have suffered enough...
I don't, have had two black girlfriends and I'd never go back.
My whole tube. Everything. Shitty fuckin shitskin couldnt handle me having something he didnt. Little single mom piece of shit, sweat pants short dread nigger. I had an sllowance that i had to do chores for. Whole collection.
Niggers in a nutshell.
U still so angry, why? I don't get it.
ya a nigger stole my bike when i was young. it was a cheap red bike though
U so mad wh*Te boi, calm down smoke a joint.
that sucks. you probably had a couple slammers, with at least one rare one. i feel that..