Alternative Training Methods

This guy @jdarwish on Instagram has a sick physique and claims natty

>fasts for 8 hours after waking for high cortisol (break down tissue)
>trains at the end of the day and then breaks fast to spike insulin (build tissue)
>Dry fasting (fat is stored in hydrogen ions)
>No calorie counting
>"Intuitive eating" (eat until you're full don't stop)
>Can do 20 muscle ups

I bought his diet program and his "hyperbolic targeting" vid, and honestly after listening to him (for about a month) my physique has improved, and I have definitely gained muscle yet dropped weight, feeling more full and muscular

Is he a fake natty? Good genetics? Or is he smart? He prob has a better physique than anyone here

Attached: jdarwish.png (600x599, 681K)

Other urls found in this thread:

8hr fast after waking is just skipping breakfast.
how is that special?

Not OP but I think it means 8 after waking, so maybe 16hr total?

Hes not natty lol, trust me.
He got that dry look which only roids give ya
The guy besides him is natty tho

Yeah this guys on the sauce
Great physique, good size and fullness, however that level of leanness just isn't possible in conjunction with the above and while remaining natty.
Compare to what i assume is an actual natural next to him, even looks better than most on /fraud/

All these meme methods you describe do work in part, yet are not solely responsible for the results you see here

Yeah that's what I mean--in addition to sleep--but he said AT LEAST 8 hours and all his training vids are in the dark so I think he usually fasts all day basically (22~ hours)

I'm starting to believe having an instagram account is somehow more damaging to the brain than other social networks. I just see people buying stupid shit and justifying it by having seen ads on instagram more often than from other sources.

OP, first of all, he is not natty. You know that very well. And you paid for broscience. Fasting for 8 hours after waking is just the classic 16 hour intermittent fasting, he reworded it to make it seem special. Everything else is broscience. A lot of people can do 20 muscle ups without all that bullshit.

Save your brain and delete that Instagram account, you clearly can't handle it. Invest the time you spend on that shit on learning about nutrition and exercising. And learn to value your money a bit more.

Post your physique nigga

>hey you're being reasonable, post physique or I'll believe the roided faggot trying to peddle a shitty product
Nah, fuck you, nigger.

I'd love to have you over for Christmas dinner, fuck dude.

You really think you're being reasonable just saying he's on steroids and not having any argument or adding anything tangible to the subject? God I bet you LOVE Harry Potter

You got scammed bro..

>Is he a fake natty? Good genetics? Or is he smart? He prob has a better physique than anyone here

I answered the first question there. The others are irrelevant. He's clearly smart, though, he is making money off retards like OP. And yes, he probably has a better physique than anyone here. It's his day job. He roids, pretends not to, sells products to retards. I don't. I will never have his physique.

What do you want me to add? Anything YOU want to discuss? Because everything about OP's post is inane bullshit.

Oh that settles it then! He simply says he’s natty! Therefore he is! Man is there egg on my face HA HA L O L(laughing out in the loud) le roflcopter

Here’s a picture of one of the greatest natural bodybuilders in the world

now look at your dude and explain to me how you could actually believe he is natural

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There is zero chance that guy is natty. You'd understand if you worked out for a few years.

Do you really think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies when they profit from it?

He is on steroids and all that fasting crap is terrible for you.

Based truthman

Better to claim to be the biggest natty than some mediocre roider

cringe and instagrampilled

i really like that hair

what the fuck is up with those abs

also where is his dick

So... IF/OMAD rebranded


>uhhhhh durrr i cant read all dat shiiiieeet nigga ngga uhhh fuck bitch nigga shit

Not natty


>fat is stored in hydrogen ions

this guy is retarded - that's not even bro-science, it's actual inability to comprehend the basic sciences

he's probably on a very light dose of trenbolone or a mild regimen of anavar being that he's posing as a natty. Who knows, but the information he's putting out is pretty stupid and non-scientific, plain scammy..

natural bodybuilder that compete and get tested professionally don't even look that good, he's definitely on that JOOCE


this dude is tren'd the fuck out and you paid money for his program and basically you're a fuckin retard

Anybody can claim natty you dipshit

It just attracts the most superficial, shortest attention span having, and youngest crowd. Combine at least 2 and you literally have a clinical retard.

A high IQ poast.

What else is there to add to the subject, you retard? Everything was addressed by him, here: Obvious fraud has repackaged common broscience into something novel for birdbrained morons to buy. It's literally just iifym and intermittent fasting. You're the kind of faggot moron that enables frauds like this.

Based poster

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damn this guy looks like shit lol

I don't know that guy, but he looks juiced. Anyway, the good old fast for 8 hours is basically what Ori Hofmerkler (oy vei!) advocates in his Warrior's Diet book. Somehow it makes sense. Burn the calories during day time while fasting. Eat some proteins before working out. Have a good meal in the evening once all stress from daytime is over. According to Hofmerkler that's how people were eating during antiquity. That said, it's fucking unpractical in the modern world. I cannot imagine myself when meeting a client for a business lunch, and telling him: "Oh, I'm fasting. Eat your lunch, I'll just eat those flowers and drink the water from the vase." Or coming home at night after work and having worked out and still having to cook a full, healthy and fresh meal (raw veggies + cooked veggies + broiled meat + carbs...) for myself.

100% juice

>trains at the end of the day
This is why I can't sleep at nights.

>I bought his diet program

Why invite him to Christmas dinner in February?
It's so far away, user.

lmao ppl think this is natty dude is at least three cycles deep and probably more like 5-6

Why do weightlifters always smear themselves in shit during these contests? Is this a running joke that won't die?

Ya, he's natty only if tren and winstrol aren't considered steroids.

It's for contrast, so you'll see the musles better and they'll look more prominent. Works the same way as a tan

Nope. This is false. It looks like disgusting shit and it doesn't produce higher contrast. I'm pretty sure it's because everyone involved in these tard contests are literally mentally retarded and they unironically think bronzer looks nice.

Zero chance this tool is natty. He's just another useless fuckup who won't contribute anything to society.

The only thing he does is post on instagram and get "validation" from retarded, braindead women who spend their whole lives on social media and have no morals or self-respect when it comes to hooking up.

Stop making these people famous. They contribute literally nothing to society.

>fat is stored in hydrogen ions
What the fuck?

He's also on a shitload of gear. I'm sure you can make gains with his advice but there's a ton of ways to make gains and many of them are free. I would never waste money buying a diet program. That's so dumb. You got scammed nigger.

God everyone on here is so upset that I spend $30 on his shit. Get off your high horse and consider that maybe you don't know anything about lifting and you should listen to people with a better physique. He has no sides of gear and for all we know, could be natural.

And why is everyone poor on here? It's like everyone's net worth is $30

>could be natural
>likely natural?
Lmao no

>And why is everyone poor on here? It's like everyone's net worth is $30

You don't build a high net worth throwing away money on dumb shit. Fuck yourself you stupid unlifting piece of shit.

You can tell at a glance that guy isn’t natty. You don’t get that vascular natty. That big? Sure after years if you dedicate your life to lifting and eating and you we’re blessed genetically

The darker you are the more defined you look. Even light skin black men still paint themselves. Plus a wet look helps.

But yeah they look like shit.

imagine being such a dumb faggot you're actually proud of getting conned out of $30 for some shit diet program the guy probably never wrote, and without a doubt never used himself, kys

>claims natty
too bad he isn't

You're a naive beginner, anyone who's been lifting for a few years can tell he's on roids.

You enable scammers like him, people like you are the reason fake natties are so common.

fasting is literally inferior for maintaining and building muscle, it's a gigantic meme spread around by con artists online that want to make people believe the reason why they're jacked is because of their diet and not their GENETICS and STEROID USE.
Does anyone here even fucking remember martin from leangains? Guess what he has to say about intermittent fasting, he says it's useless as it was shown to be useless by the latest scientific research on it.
All these insta dudes are just really high up on the genetic ladder and not to mention they have ZERO incentive to NOT roid, just a few anavar pills will make you look more diced and bigger with virtually 0 side effects, these guys don't even need to inject shit.

>a large, heavy and complex molecular lipid structure is stored inside a single proton because you didn't eat or drink water

I was going to attach a brainlet wojak but I don't have one that looks stupid enough to portray how dumb your post really is

Keep in mind this pic is after a pump, after a pump preworkout, with good lighting, ideal condition, some editing, not to mention his darker skin tone because of his race

Just relaying that he says, so fuck off dude

You believed this dumb shit and even bought it, you're retarded

When was the last time any Instagram model claimed to be natty and proved it through a legitimate drug testing agency like VADA or USADA

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You have no money and bitch when people are more successful than you

Yeah no sorry you aren't looking like that sans roids

I'm sure a braindead retard buying programs from instagram fake natties is more successful than me lmao

wow who knew the one way to transcend the natty limit was a bunch of broscience bullshit? thank god you found that instagram model and that he was kind enough to sell you his diet program as well!

>Dry fasting (fat is stored in hydrogen ions)
It's just steroids, user. Everyone claims natty.

Attached: 2l0ahe.jpg (415x470, 39K)

I'm 5'11.5

and 169lbs.... Keep saying I'm not natty haters lol

>I'm 5'11.5

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>Implying athletes routinely tested by WADA and others really are clean

LMAO. Have you seen Icarus? It's very easy to get around those tests. Also, testing is very limited in the off-season, so you could simply inject a short ester that'll totally clear your system by then but leave you way stronger

>random faggot thinking he has haters

He is not natty. You best be trolling OP or else you're retarded.

Considering VADA and USADA do catch athletes I say they work. Do people find ways to slip past these drug testing orgs undetected and game the system? Absolutely but again these orgs do catch people even big name athletes.

I find it fascinating that you are able to shitpost almost without strokeposting despite only having a single neuron

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fuck you dude i hope you come over for the 4th of july bitch, you're probably still reading Ender's Game

Ronnie coleman had a sick physique and claimed natty u turbo brainlet

>Dry fasting (fat is stored in hydrogen ions)
nigga what? are you just using words you heard on interwebz?

>fat is stored in hydrogen ions

he's hella acidic bro

you weren't immediately clued in that it was snake oil when he suggested that fat was stored in a subatomic particle?

You're just in reality denial now pal. A spray-on will make cuts more prominent