Are you ready for the Asian century?

Are you ready for the Asian century?

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god I wish I was an Japanese girl

what happens during an asian century

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all the asians abroad go the fuck back to asia, and they take all the non whites with them.

asian century inc

I'm unironically moving back to Japan my family because New York the USA in general is a shithole. :)

oof. asians got btfo'd
Slav era coming


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i live here too. it sucks but i plan to move eventually too to be with my asian wife (male)

White men are enslaved and forced to serve Asian Queens!

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go to Flushing New York, youre basically in asia

I can accept but I don't have to like it

eskimo axaxaxaxax

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Yesh, I am planning on joining the airforce and hopefully I will get stationed in an asian country. Then I can marry a local girly and get a citizenship.

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>Flushing New York
don't come here

chinkwad detected.

No thanks.

stand aside


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good one, rice niggers are all the same. dont act so uppity, sushi nigger

Well, go to California or Hawaii then.

Finland still lost 10% of its land

they actually lost a lot more than what russia wanted in the first place, they gave a lot of concessions when their defenses broke since USSR was 2 weeks away from zerging the capital

>chinkwad detected
which is why you should trust me when i say don't come here

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bitch im gonna fock that tight chink pussy

>Bastardized Japanese women in California.
Never ever.

slavs are master race

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Slavs are trash. I hate them less than Chinese though.

are those suppose to be big?

ah I know what you mean

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56% amerikanski mutt??

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I'm not mixed American trash. No.

Slavs are asian too

Mmm. I would do anything to suck on those and tityfuck her

I'm excited for them to kill off all the unproductive dead weight on this planet

is she shoplifting things in her shirt

mmf got damn.

asian women are literal goddesses. I want to protect them all.

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ok but NO NIGGERS, Whites welcome.

no spics no poojeets no sand niggers.

I'll say this I think white American women are worse than niggers. At least negro women mainly stay within their own race, white women are scum and generic mutts.

shoo shoo, melaninated individual

Sheboons just stay with their own race because they know most men of other races dont like them

This is, in my opinion, rAther true

Which is good. I don't like white women dating Asians. It's disgusting.

Except the Chinese they're trash.

White women should date White men. if theyre gonna race mix be though ima push through every other non white for em.

I'm moving to Astoria next year which isn't far from Flushing.

Would you say it's a pretty nice neighborhood?

I dislike whites because they act as if different races are toys to their personal playset, women do this more than the men.

cool story my nigro. nobody asked

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i've never been to astoria but it's well known for being one of the nicer neighborhoods in queens. almost every time someone from queens posts about living in queens they're from astoria. good luck user

Kill yourself stormfag. You're laughing stocks.

These posts are all made by that schizophrenic sharia-supporting Iraqi pedo that /his/ warned me about.

Well this sounds like the perfect future then, heil the Asian Century!

>that schizophrenic sharia-supporting Iraqi pedo that /his/ warned me about


youre one upset melinated individual

I would post the infographic that exposes the guy, but the Mossad-funded mods would remove it straight away.

Slavs are just odd.
Mostly they're basically savages superficially but still manage to shit out a moderately advanced society with a few being unusually brilliant to the point of changing the world.

>tfw I want to breed with a slavess

I hate Arab "Asians" hint they're just (scummy Chinese in rags)

what we finns are told was that our leaders were fucking idiots and did not even negotiate a bit

what the fuck are you talking about? russia tried to get 100% so how is 10% getting more?

that's not a good plan

> russia tried to get 100%

No they didn't. They originally wanted a small buffer zone around Leningrad

>Finland ceded 11 percent of its territory representing 30 percent of its economy to the Soviet Union.

>Soviet gains exceeded their pre-war demands and the USSR received substantial territory

Whats wrong with my plan?

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Get a chinese gf, the nipponese race must be perserved