Am I retarded if I spend over $100 on my Jow Forums gf (male)?

she (male) wants proestrogen and antiandrogen pills/patches and they're fucking expensive, but shes so cute! is it worth it?

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Post a picture so we can evaluate further.


only then will we know if OP is retarded or not

It sounds like he is using you. Honestly if you are getting something out of the deal too and feel its worth it then go ahead.

ive known his since middle school so we've been irl friends for a loong time

and we are gonna fuck a lot so thats worth it ig

have you fucked yet though?

I can post pic of thighs

Post of pic of thighs then. Smh we need to see user. Only then can we make an accurate assessment.

This. Fuck first, pay after.

we are gonna fuck tomorrow (also heres pic)

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yeah fuck first, especially if you've never been with a guy. not bad tho, could definitely use some panties and better skin care.

Just show us everything. It's a tranny we're talking about. Seriously what do they have to lose?

How far along on HRT is he (she (male))

i am too retarded to take pic of her (male) face

like 1 month i think

Well, are you gay/bi and have you been with a guy before? If you are expecting to have sex with a girl but with a dick, you are in for a traumatic experience

pretty sure I'm bi and I'm the top so ive got nothing to worry about

You're killing him, but it's your money, and he seems to want it, so it's all cool, I guess.

god speed user. Seriously.

Apparently "throwing money at Jow Forums gf (male)" is a topic everyone seems to love.
In threads with 20+ replies, typically one ore more is negative, but not here.

That's disturbing.

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It's because of stupid faggots like you that I hate this board just as much as I hate reddit.

You're dating a man, you're a faggot, kys

He. It's a he. Not a she.

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no if you are getting to pound that ass, yes if you only get discord voice and faggy tits.

Where is your Jow Forumsgf(male) from? I want one too

Holy fuck, can we get this faggot into the hall of shame over here? God damn, I could write a book on everything that is wrong with this. Suicide is probably best for you both at this point.

This. This is so sad im not even angry. Imagine the shit you have to through in life to become this mentally ill

>all these triggered straight white males

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It is literally like $150 for 6 months. 25 dollars a month. If you cant afford that then you dont deserve a qt3.14 gf(male)

>Jow Forums
>is a tranny
lmao and these are the guys who hate on "degenerates"

Wait OP you're black? That makes everything 1000x better

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When she really is that cute.
She definitely is.

Your money, your decision and your happiness.