Dont be a good samaritan guys its not worth it

Dont be a good samaritan guys its not worth it

I have actually gotten fired for escorting, by hand, a child I found lost to the front desk in the store I worked at. The mother had seen me walking down the main aisle with her son and thought I was kidnapping him. Despite mine and my manager's many attempts to convince her that I was only trying to help a lost child, she insisted that I was kidnapping him because I didn't look like an employee (asset protection, so plain clothes).

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She even called the police and said that the manager and I were conspiring to kidnap her child and demanded that the police speak to the actual manager. Well after an hour or so the police sent her on her way and they apologized on behalf of her. Nothing really came of it until corporate sent someone in and explained that she had filed a lawsuit against me, the store, the manager, and the company for conspiring to kidnap her kid and she said she would drop the lawsuit if I was fired. The reason they sent someone from corporate to fire me was because they had to explain to me exactly what I did wrong in the situation, how I broke company policy and how because of that she actually had a case that stood a chance at getting a settlement at the very least, which they deemed I was not worth. So they used me breaking policy (which was reporting the lost child to a member of management, even though technically in my position I didn't have to since it's kind of my job to protect the assets of the store) as their reason to fire me.

What did I learn from this experience? People are crazy and the cost of doing the right thing is high. Lost my job which resulted in missing payments on my car, which led to defaulting on the loan, which tanked my credit, which made getting the loan for the house I was planning to buy impossible. All for trying to help someone. If you ask me, helping someone else isn't worth the risk of ruining the last 6 years of my life and incredibly hindering the next 7 until that default disappears. I'll leave it up to them to take care of their own lives. Heartless? Yeah, but that's how the world works nowadays apparently.

Jesus Christ OP. Sorry to see you got fucked over by the retarded system. Its safer from a financial point of view to just listen to crazy fucks like her than risk getting sued. What a stupid system when normal citizens doing the right thing can easily have their entire lives ruined by a single lunatic. What does that say about our society? The only logical conclusion is to be a heartless sociopath and a parasite.

I live alone so I HAVE to work but my future prospects are diminished and I feel really depressed.

>normie gets fired
Epic win for us robot incel losers

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>Dont be a good samaritan guys its not worth it
you mean: Don't be a pedophile who rapes children in plain public!

What can I say OP, these things are stacked against us.

the best way of life to live is to never put yourself near a woman or child or whatever, you can be a saint and still be thrown allegations your way that'll fuck over your life, it happens time and time again.

best course of action?
if you see someone getting beat and she's a woman, don't help and look the other way.
if you see a child getting kidnapped, don't help and look the other way.
if you see man getting robbed?, don't help and look the other way.

whatever you do.

and that's how you'll live a long life without regrets or troubles, the risk outweighs the reward no?

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Find out who she is.

I sued both her and the company. The company settled for a year salary and agreed upon a extension on my healthcare benefits (paid solely by them) which they would keep paying for until I found a new plan that was of equal or greater value for a maximum of 2 years, unfortunately the settlement came after I defaulted on the car loan so the damage had already been done there. I found another job 4 months after I was fired where I was making significantly less than what I was making before, as I was in a lower position and didn't have the 6 years of raises.

In regards to my lawsuit against the woman, I couldn't sue for defamation as she did not make any claims publicly and thus my reputation was not effected. I did however sue for lost wages and damages, due to the company settling with me the judge did not grant me the lost wages, she did however award me with a small sum to compensate for damages (basically negligible) while at the same time granted me a restraining order. She is not allowed to come within 100 yards of my place of residence or work. A few months after that was taken care of, the woman got into a car accident while drunk and went to jail. Her time in jail apparently coincided with a custody hearing with her ex-husband and he was granted full custody. I've since washed my hands of the situation and moved on.

That is extremely fucked up OP. But I must say the only time I would ever be bold enough to acknowledge the existence of someone's child is if it was drowning in a lake and I was the only one around

>Her time in jail apparently coincided with a custody hearing with her ex-husband and he was granted full custody.
Maybe karma does exist.

Where is my good karma ?

It's unfortunate that this is what western society has allowed. No one can be a decent human being anymore because of scumbag lawyers and greedy corporate shareholders afraid of losing a single dime to a potential lawsuit.

Soon we will be like China where a child will get beaten or killed in the street and no one will intervene in fear of getting in any kind of trouble.

I for one have sweared on my life to never help ANYONE. If a child was to be raped brutally by 10 men and then killed right in front of me I would happily turn the other way and leave, I'm reading all the cases of helpful people getting fucked over. This world may go to hell twice over I dont care now

>be in thrift store
>looking at stuff
>hear whining
>then loud crying
>look to the right
>some kid is screaming because her finger is jammed in some pop up toy
>shes not in pain but is scared
>freeze because if I help I'll look bad
>if I run or walk look bad
>shes still screaming
>some women and store managers try to help
>im just standing motionless
>eventually her dad rushes past me and gets her finger out
>everyone goes back to normal shopping
>no one cared that I didn't do anything the whole time
>friend who I went with approaches me and told me I did the right thing

deep down I feel guilty but I also dont want any troubles

Here is my story, a very close call. I was driving my elderly mother home from shopping in a neighboring town. I live out west where there are large empty spaces between towns. We see a young woman walking by the side of the road out of town. The next town is about nine miles away with nothing in-between so I pull over and lower the window and offer her a ride. I see that she is a young teen, maybe thirteen or thereabouts. She says no and keeps on walking so I pull away thinking that I have done my civic duty to help those in need.

When I arrive in my town I'm pulled over by the police. I have on clue why but assume that I must have a brake light out or something. Then another cop car pulls up. Then another. I start to get nervous, wondering what the hell is going on. After quite a wait the officer finally walks forward to talk to me. He tells me that the girl I offered a ride to flagged down a police car as soon as I pulled away, telling him that I tried to force her to get into my car. As the cop is telling me this he bends down and sees my elderly mother next to me and hears both of us protest that this didn't happen. He gets a sheepish look on his face and half heartedly apologizes and sends me on my way. I was deeply shaken. Only later do I think that I should have pursued some kind of counter claim against the girl.

I know there was nothing I could have done, women and children are not held accountable for false accusations. It terrifies me to imagine what would have happened to me if my mother had not been in the car with me. I'm pretty sure I would have been arrested on the spot. Even if I was later cleared of the charge I would always have a felony arrest on my record.

Now, I would not consider helping a woman or child unless I knew them personally.

dad probably would have seen you fucking with the kids hand while its crying and clocked you in the back of the head with no warning. You definitely did the right thing

How did you broke company policy?

To the other anons, if you ever get the opportunity to work as a teacher. Don't fucking do it. Pretty much every guy know to stay away

>she woukd only drop the lawsuit if I was fired
What a evil cunt.
If this story isnt fake news, im sorry that happened to you OP. The woman sounds psychotic.

Fucking hell, women are so desperate to play victim they fuck over random strangers on the street trying to be nice. Fine, let them all get gang raped by Tyrone and Muhammad.

Since it was not my objective domain to secure customers but rather to secure merchandise I "overstepped my bounds as an employee" by trying to help a lost child
Couldn't even sue her back , she was defnitely mentally unstable as she went to jail anyway

Let this be a lesson to you.

If you see a burning child in the street, let it burn.

I'm a little disgusted with you for not realizing that's the society roasties want in 2018. What the fuck, OP?

>How did you broke company policy?

he didnt, thats why the company rolled over so quickly with a year of lost wages instead of telling him to fuck off. the woman's BS conspiracy lawsuit had no legs to stand on but it was cheaper to dump OP than sit through months of litigation or give her a settlement check and non-disclosure agreement.

most big retail stores have policies regarding lost children in their stores which usually just involves reporting the child to a manager or supervisor and letting them handle it.

it doesnt even sound like OP had a missing child policy as a loss-prevention associate, so he could easily argue that he was falling back on the general store policy and did nothing wrong. a wrongful termination settlement would have been well into the 6-figures, which is why they handed OP and years pay and 2 years health insurance to gtfo.

big companies like this only act in their own self-interest, you are disposable and its cheaper to hire another idiot than deal with the BS. they will always choose the cheaper and cleaner option than "doing whats right", corporations act amorally not morally.

Is there a law or a fine people face for falsely accusing someone for something with i'll intentions?

Its always the ones who's oblivious to their kid 80% of the time

>she was defnitely mentally unstable

Not necessarily. It's pretty common knowledge that guys should STAY THE FUCK AWAY from kids who are lost from their mother. Even male school teachers aren't alone to be alone with the kids.

You CAN file a defamation at most but even that wasn't possible as she hadn't publicly screamed it but was just pursuing this crazy vendetta.
As for what you're asking , no if they falsely accuse you then then no law is there to punish them.

>I "overstepped my bounds as an employee" by trying to help a lost child

most states have Good Samaritan laws to protect this type of thing, overstepping responsibilities isnt the same as violating policies and you could easily BTFO of their argument with any of their corporate BS training that encourages associates to go "above and beyond for customer service".

>overstepping responsibilities isnt the same as violating policies

they needed an excuse so they specifically sent a guy down to fire me , it wasn't that this was the reason that got me fired but rather the reason they came up with to fire me

Good Samaritan laws are made to protect people who save lifes. I doubt it would help OP.

Well that's depressing, my heart goes out to those who are victims of this.

Moral of these stories: fucking mind your own business at all times.
Thinking you're helpful can get you fucked bigtime.
>carcrash in our street
>hear screaming and yelling
>decide to go back to sleep
Turns out person who crashed the car was high on drugs and alcohol, almost dragged people who tried to help him to their deaths.
Here's another one
>see nigra couple arguing other side of street
>this passerby intervenes
>gets beat up hard
You're not heroic for trying to help, and you're not spineless for not giving a fuck

>it wasn't that this was the reason that got me fired but rather the reason they came up with to fire me

i understand that, but as i said before they knew it was BS and they rolled over with a years pay and health insurance coverage instead of telling you to fuck off.

wrongful termination suits are serious business, just look at that girl that got fired by Chipotle for refusing to serve those nogs that steal food. as a manager she was well-within her right to refuse to do business with them but the company fired her the second the videos came out to look "woke" like the idiots at Starbucks. they then immediately reinstated her as soon as they saw the nogs bragging about dine-and-dash online. she would have had grounds for a huge lawsuit over how quickly and publicly they fired her over doing nothing wrong and Chipotle would have lost far more money for their rash actions.

I'm studying to become a state officer so one of my professors brings up several irl situations to see if the cop or official is in the wrong or not.

>Get called to take care of a homeless person who overdosed and went into seizure (firefighters are trained to be able to respond to emergency situations in cases where paramedics can't make it fast enough, ect)
>Restrains homeless because policy says to restrain seizures so they don't hurt themselves or others
>Treats man until paramedics get there
>Ff some time
>Fireman has lawsuit for unlawful restrain
>Has to go to court for saving his life

So even if it's a policy for them to restrain and he was following procedure, he gets a lawsuit. The homeless man won't win and obviously the fireman is in the right but he would still need to appeal and state his case, lucky the department county is on his side but it's still costy for the department to take it to court to get it dismissed and fees just to save someone's life as their job.

>It feels bad being told this is what we're signing up for

I feel extreme hatred inside right now , I want to witness some horrible crime and laugh at peoples faces while I tip the criminals 10 bucks and walk away

Literally this

I avoid kids like the fucking plague at work for this reason. Even though I only work at a gas station.

Also that chick is an ungodly awful person.

>asset protection
more like asset acquisition, am i right? lmao

if you're ugly, i would agree, just keep to yourself rather than risk getting your life ruined by some spiteful roastie. if you're 6'3, white, blue eyes, full hair, and a good jawline, you can pretty much do watever you want

Heres your test op. She got what was coming to her. Do you let the world kill your altruism or do you bear your sacrifice? Its a question I ask myself as well

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I feel like there's something more you could've done, or something you could sued for yourself. She wrongfully claimed you a kidnapper and held your position hostage to the company, there has to be something you can go on

This is why I mind my own fucking business. I don't care if you're getting the shit beat out of you, someone is robbing you, or you're having some sort of medical emergency. Unless whatever is happening to you also affects me, I couldn't give two shits what happens to you. It sounds heartless, sure, but if I'm going to risk a lawsuit to help someone, I'd rather not take those chances. Plus, it doesn't even matter if I'm in the right during a lawsuit, I still have to pay for an attorney, any associated court costs, and take valuable time away from work/family/life to deal with the lawsuit. And, even if the lawsuit gets thrown out or whatever, I could still lose my job and reputation as a result.

Unfortunately, OP, in your case a wrongful termination suit is probably out of the question. I'm assuming you live in an "at will" state (I think the vast majority of states are), so you can be fired for any reason at any time provided you weren't terminated for something that's protected. So, pretty much anything as long as it's not due to race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, unionizing, maternity/paternity leave, seeking medical care, whistleblowing/reporting stuff like sexual harassment, military service, etc.

I think I'll let the world kill my altruism no thank you , I'd consider myself sufficiently redpilled at this point.
You think in this whole miserable tale no one tried that ?
Yup fire at will it is , they could give any reason they want as long as it fits their protocol if they want to fire me

>it's kind of my job to protect the assets of the store
In what way is a child an asset of the store?