Is Viking Mode the ideal route for men over 30?
Viking Mode
yeah if you're nordic
this movie is blasphemy. try to have some respect for white people. you wouldn't want the next comic book super hero to be yhwh in spandex would you?
Fuckin nazi
I don't like Jow Forumsfaggots any more than anyone else, but if the USA treated physical Jow Forumsness like Hitler's Germany we'd be better off.
Only if you still have a full head of hair, which is uncommon for most men in their 30s
But user, that's a steeler.
hmm yes white culture is nazi
We wuz vikangs and shiet, right?
I know this is bait but what’s wrong with eating horse? Mostly everyone eats horse except US. And in the US it’s only because the French do
Packer mode
bait but still stupid.
I hate scandiniggers but everyone calls me a viking because I'm fit with long hair and beard.
>Mostly everyone eats horse except US
They don't in southern europe, or east asia, or central or southern america, or africa, or australia.
There are more than 6 places in the world, user
I legitimately thank anyone who calls normal white people nazis, please continue to desensitize people to the concept :)
>They don't in southern europe,
You are definitely wrong.
t. Balkan nigger
heil hydra
>try to make vikings look subhuman by photoshopping a viking hat onto a nigger.
>implying vikangs weren't literally nignogs
That's why slavs were better
While you fuckers were goung apemode on some friendly fishermen we were getting high and building totems in the woods
>They don't in southern europe
Im from central europe and I find horse to be delicious
Boy who cried wolf all over
This image makes no fucking sense. The vikings had Jewish blood and Hitler/Goebbels despised barbarianism.
This the ethnocentric retard you're replying to is much closer to Judaism and National Socialism friend.
Are you being serious? Or trolling? If serious, you're an utter spastic and I wish I could find and kill you in real life.