What are sissy's views on heterosexuals? What do you feel about them?

What are sissy's views on heterosexuals? What do you feel about them?

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What if you're a sissy but also heterosexual? All I want is a femdom gf

Take the Maledom pill

I love heterosexual men and want one as a bf

Too bad they will only date REAL women with a pussy, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I don't mind maledom, but I like girls more

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I know and I already accepted ill never get a bf

God i want a sissy gf
>T. Het male who likes traps and femboys

you're a huge faggot don't kid yourself

>tfw no sissy gf(male)

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This, crossdressing with your girlfriend is based and redpilled

we date and fuck them.

Nice try faggo, we can fight back

how can you even believe this aha. fucking thailands sex tourism alone would show you otherwise. amsterdams too.
straight men like analing their girls, so if some sissy hoe can look, sound, act and smell like a girl, plenty of straight guys got no problem analing them too

>expecting Jow Forums to have a realistic worldview
Where do you think you are

>What are sissy's views on heterosexuals? What do you feel about them?

Breeders are barely above the intellectual level of apes

I have zero respect for them and think they should be locked in cages before they commit violent crimes

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I wouldn't get with one, if they're not gay they wouldn't still love me when we're 60.
As people they're just regular i guess?? like most things

Don't be such a heterophobic asshole! We repopulate the world for you fags

At least we can walk free without getting stoned to death to thrown off a building faggot
Straight Pride Worldwide

>At least we can walk free without getting stoned to death to thrown off a building faggot

This is EXACTLY why we need to preemptively lock up breeders

They are violent, they are dangerous, they can't control themselves

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We'll make sure you'll be hung on a lamp post while being burnt to a crisp you heterophobe!

We are not violent! You're the ones who are violent!

based traps made me realise i'm Bi.

me too, i thought i was straight until i discovered traps, then it turned into a slippery slope and i now want to fuck cute twinks

based and boipussypilled.

it's more fun to like both.

you're god dam right i am

fight back? what do you mean?

ideally I'd be a female in a hetero relationship but sadly I'm just a sissy so I think they're fine.

Here's a good rule for life: if you're cute, it's fine.

>if you're cute, it's fine.
if they're cute and dolled up they can suck my ballsack

That would depend on how cute your balls are.

I'm fine with being bi, just means more options are open

I can't get either lmao.

I'm decently cute but I'm getting old so the time period for being a trap is shrinking.

oh well will be sad when it's gone

At the very least I can get my dick sucked off grindr to keep fapping from getting boring while wishing I wasn't too autistic to talk to women

Idk, sissies exist to suck them regardless m8, so it's probably a-ok.

Straight guy dick just tastes better >:3

You don't have to be cute, you just have to be with a guy who makes you feel like you are.

Am I gay if I'm turned on right now because I put the little pink sweater, bra and fishnet gloves that I ordered off the internet on? My cock gets hard everytime I look down at my chest and see two boob shaped lumps protruding from my chest.

still waiting on that glasgow sissy to rim me desu

ok but I want to be cute still.

These are their views. They're just as hateful as anyone else.

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Trannies all have a very toxic view on anyone else. Even Nazi's were more welcoming of other people.

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Quit posting this, sissies and femboys want nothing to do with this wacko

To be a tranny is to simply give up on life.

Back to with your Autohynephilia.

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Posting this in every thread just makes me want to be a sissy even more just to spite you. Insulting people isn't a good motivation to get them to stop doing something.

>stop exposing out psyop user, we won't have kids to molest if you keep doing this!

Example of threads they post via their shilling guide.
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>actually believes there's some communist liberal anarchist socialist leftist progressive scheme to turn white males into girls

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there is
although it's jewish mostly

Jews controlling the world is not proof of Jews geocoding whites.

And you morons happily do their bidding.

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>actually being this retarded. kike detected.

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>stop exposing out psyop user, we won't have kids to molest if you keep doing this!
That's not what I said at all. I said I'm not a tranny and not all gays are trannies. Aero and reiko and their discord cults are crazy sickos, I never disagreed with you you retard.

Nice try rabbi. you can't lie anymore.

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>Make a dating app that works on capitalist principles
>Complain about Jews when it results in sexual monopolies
Who could have possibly seen this coming.

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>Make a dating app that works on capitalist principles
>working against peoples own interests
Spotted the kike tranny.

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Its not a scheme targeting whites. It's a scheme targeting autistic and semi-autistic people. There just happens to be a lot of autistic whites and since the left hates white people, hillbillies view it as some sort of bizzare racial persecution

Just keep digging that hole for yourself, kike tranny.

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The genes, people, tribes that fit environment the best went on while the rest die out. Capitalism and Tinder work on the exact same principle. If you can't adapt to the changing environment then die.
You as an incel cannot adapt to how people expect you to look, act, and be. Your genes will die. Chad is a perfect fit for this new image driven world, and therefore he gets to spread his genes all over.
This is the real blackpill. You were born into your failure.

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I could never date a boy, but I'd make an exception for a gf (male).

Sure it's not rabbi. Sure it's not....
>he gets to spread his genes all over.
The irony coming from a tranny who willingly castrated themselves with female hormones.

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I'm a cis white male, nigger.
Don't fall for Jow Forums memes, Jow Forums is wrong. Capitalism is going to die when automation happens, even though capitalism is the best system at the moment.
We need to switch away from capitalism BEFORE it collapses.

>I would never date someone with a penis, but I would date someone with a penis.

Not mentally ill at all...

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>We need to switch away from capitalism BEFORE it collapses.

You're fucking retarded holy shit.

They're peak "haha, I'm not gay though, right?" and usually annoying as shit because of it.

That's not an argument. Are you honestly suggesting we should wait for automation to remove consumers and cause a global economic collapse?

>We need to switch away from capitalism BEFORE it collapses.
And we need to make sure it's real communism this time, right?

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No one has the answer to what is going to replace capitalism, it needs to be figured out however.

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>implying corporatism isn't just inverse communism.
I'm not the same user though, I want capitalism back, this shit isn't capitalism.

It's been figured out long ago. like how every prosperous nation was run for thousands of years.

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At least you acknowledge how flawed capitalist society is.

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You know our timeline is fucked when The Onion's articles become more factual & less satirical by the day.

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Satire is meant to reflect reality, so it often comes true. Look at people who made jokes about Trump being President when he was part of the birther movement.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

>Look at people who made jokes about Trump being President
Like these kinda of people? kek'd

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That one compilation image with the cutting in it is making me want to cut again, wtf

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where's the bulge?

Please do, try aiming for vital arteries this time

trip fag