Take acid

>take acid
>have a bad trip
>Now I'm cursed with infrequent panic attacks even when sober

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Happened me too. To cure it you just gotta do it again when you feel up to it and have a good trip and that should cure you friend

No, terrible advice when youre feeling up to it move on with your life instead of risking starting it all over again and just making it worse.

acid is strong shit and a big gamble. you may have pure bliss and enlightenment or experience pure terror and despair that will fuck you up perma.

Here are you two outcomes.
>take acid again and have a bad trip
congrats you made no progress
>take acid and have a good trip
congrats you are normal

What can go wrong, you fuck?

Interdimensional spiders. They're about the size of a Cow and they lay webs in tangential dimensions, with strands reaching yours, a strand being their only contact with your dimension.
When you brush up against one, it pulls the spider closer to your reality. Having detected you, it launches more strands in your general direction.
Each time you brush against a "random" strand, (you might even feel one on your face or arms/legs from time to time) it pulls it closer and soon it's so close you can just slightly perceive it, but can do absolutely nothing about it.
Eventually, after as much as years spent closing in, some strangely colored distortion captures your attention, you look at it befuddled, and in that moment it strikes, pulling all the webbing it was sending across the multiverse to your location, carpeting the nearby area with the now unneeded silk.
Local authorities blame millions of small spiders for each scene, but that's of no comfort to the one person who knows exactly what's just transpired...

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Are you retarded? Have you never had a bad trip?

Two bad trips in a row is hell of a lot worse than just having one. Especially if the next one is a worse trip

It was probablly knock-off acid. ALD-52 or ETH-LAD or something. Real LSD-25 is quite pleasant.

Take some psilocybin and think about your problem
LSD is CIAshit and is more likely an analog than real LSD these days

That's how you traumatize yourself for life m8

What would actually happen

>Take acid again
>For some reason expect it to be an amazing trip that will heal the last one
>Kicks in
>Thought loops and bad tripping start immediatley
>Realize doing acid was the problem in the first place
>8-12 hours of hell ensue
>Come out of the expierience a frail nervous wreck
>An emtpy husk of what you once were
>Now just hoping you'll get better as the days go by

Hope you get a trip that will fry your brain.

i tried several analogues (al-lsd and ald-52) and there were no more severe side effects noted. furthermore, production of these analogues is more expansive and has extra steps compared to normal lsd and has lower yields, which makes them a lot more expensive. if you arent getting a psychedelic amphetamine or nbox its almost guaranteed to be real acid.

and the glowing niggers picked up the acid years after its been developed

to OPIE: its all you. its all within yourself. when i take acid, i feel like cumming and imploding from pleasure for hours. contrary to what people say, its not "just a drug bro". its you making it a bad experience. i wish i could make a guided sesh with you.

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Everyone above this post is a faggot.

what im trying to say is you didnt let go and naturally had a bad experience. you werent ready or prepared at all. you have to fully let go and embrace the unknown you know. i dont get ONE thought loop on acid now that im older. holding on is the problem here

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It was tested m8

analogues show positive for lsd. however see

Also this isn't how good trips work btw

A lot of bad trips happen because you THINK they're gonna happen. There was a study from the 70's that showed that the number of bad trips coincides with the amount of negative media coverage of LSD, not the number of people taking it total.

yeah but its hard to bring this across. people think acid is like alcohol and it always brings the same experiences regardless of person or mindset. as pointed out here

This is true, but I have taken acid in a great mood completely with zero reason to believe something would go wrong, and out of nowhere it creeps up on you. Once it starts creeping, there is no stopping it.

"The right mindset" is honestly a meme when your mindset can change on a dime after the acid is already taken.

different strokes i guess. what is creeping ? i get very dissociated on lsd, my normal self is but a distant persona that has certain attributes and behaviors trained into it. i can see it very clearly but it isnt me. perhaps that is ego death ? lsd consistently induces that state in me. i couldnt even comprehend how id have a bad time, considering all things that make normal me worry are now but a distant memory of another personality. grounds for a good hearty cosmic laughter about the futility of worrying about such things at best. i guess i have high affinity ?

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>What is creeping

The general sense of dread that comes with an anxiety attack. Having now had anxiety attacks (thanks to acid) both on acid, smoking pot, and sober, it's a very distinct feeling and you can feel it from a mile away.

Usually starts with something as simple as questioning yourself or asking yourself "am I having a good time?". Next thing you know you have fully convinced yourself whatever you are doing was a horrible idea and you are paniccing. It's hard to describe but it's truly horrifying because reassurence like "I'm fine, this is fine" usually backfires and reminds you that if you NEED to reassure yourself, you aren't actually fine.

i get that but out of curiosity, dont you get that severe detachment i described ? like, not at all ?

fuckng dumbest shit I've ever heard. I bet you're that faggot in his group of friends who thinks he knows a lot about psychs because you've guinea-pigged yourself a few times.


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Really depends on the amount of acid. What you are describing is likely the border of ego death, something I have never experienced.

you are quite right. its right on the thin red line. never thought about it this way thanks user !

>What the fuck can go wrong, you fuck?

Well, let's see, buddy:
>confusing the shit out of yourself to the point where you become frightened, causing you to hurt yourself or someone else
>losing complete control of your own psyche
>pigeon-holing yourself into being a reclusive hermit

Any of those sound fun, bud? But, hey, just trip until you have a good trip right?

>had a bt
Lmao I have crippling depression and still have a blast on acid. Honestly don't understand why people get bad trips

shut the fuck up, you don't even know what those chemicals mean/are

Not the guy you replied to but I can tell you are that exact same insecure guy

>How to attract a bunch of faggy college kids who think they have a clue what they're talking about when it comes to drugs: The Official Thread

same here my dude. and i fucking MEAN crippling. i laugh about the things that make sober me worry. i guess we have high affinity/ and low fear of the unknown. the fear of the unknown thing really grinds people up as ive noticed. i love the unknown. i wanna push it further. explore it all.

Yeah also it gives me a break from my shitty life

>Any of those sound fun, bud?

yeah psychedelics are escapism incarnate. i wish i could hit a ultraheaven type high one day. that would be my dream. i literally dont want anything else. please let there be another psychedelic dawn that brings forth new compounds or potentially even a new class

I'M the guy YOU replied to

Nope, I've tried blotter myself, but a friend of mine spouts the same retarded ideology about psychs. Just because you've tried it doesn't make you an expert, bud.

well then just kys buddybumps

unlike you, a real expert on the matter.

anyway keep it civil guys please arent we all acidheads

I have been taking psychs like every 1-4 weeks for the past four months. Acid is way too fun. I've taken up to 300 mics and never had a "bad trip" just experiences that were difficult but that I immediately got over or made amends with. Should I be worried? I'm trying to hold myself from dropping a tab this weekend yet again.

It just makes everything so much better, like if my baseline consciousness were like a 100ug dose I would be happy all the time. I like to watch anime, especially Nichijou is amazing, and recently I watched a few eps of Flip Flappers which was also great. Fapping is fun if you can get in the mood.

See I don't get this. If you play around with the lower doses you will not reach pure bliss or enlightenment, nor pure terror, but can sort of walk the line between them. I have had enlightening experiences but not even on 300ugs did I become one with the universe, and the scariest thing that happened was that I thought I was God and I made this universe and after enough acid trips I would realize the ultimate truth and watched Gunbuster thinking it was made for me but in retrospect it was just a light delusion and funny looking back on it.

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>Thinks he knows an expert on psychedelics and knows it better than a stranger on the internet
Lol, you're teeming with insecurity

>See I don't get this
its not for everyone

after all, its only weed that turns to flower in your head

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Take 2g of phenibut (legal drug) and 1 tab and you have a guaranteed amazing psychedelic experience.

should i take shrooms? what if i have a mental disorder that didnt manifest yet i never did any drugs btw

>Once it starts creeping, there is no stopping it.

Wrong, there are lots of things you can do. Turn on/off a light. Go outside or to a different room. Change music. Literally change anything about the setting

Also, just spend 10 minutes learning the basics of meditaion. Focusing on breathing for 3 minutes does A LOT to calm you down physically and mentally.

>take acid
>able to cope with my life better but just feel detached
If I stare at my face and concentrate in a mirror for a bit I can turn my whole body invisible. It's weird as fuck but pretty cool, glad that stuck with me